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Amono tae bilis Introducid in toe s-.iatoon the 15th were lióse rr the purchase oí oslte for a building tor the giipreme eourt of the [Inited States: fora bronza Btatuo oí ci.ristophor Coluinims in Washington; lo promo te and encouragi Iho display of tlie Bagof the United Stii'cs. A rm morial w;is presented ;,c MiuiiOE ti are to matte Ooiober 1-.'. the ii.n.v. i-sary of the discovery of America by Columbuu, a d.iy of national thanU NOMEROÜ8 petitlona wore presented in the seimte on tijo lOlh a;;iinst opening the world's on Sunday. Billa wore Intruluoed 10 establlal) a bruncb mint ;it RoudcI i'::!'-'s, Ia., lp canal around Niaura ruil, followins ii' miiiiitions for United States cuii Jai ges were reeetved fi'om tlie presi lent: Wllliam l,. l'iuiüim, of Maine, tor the first Judicial circuits Nathaniel bhipnuin, oí Coni h orge XI. Dn las, of Pennsylvania, third; Natnan Goff, ol Wost Virginia, fourth; milliim H. TIt, o i i . síxth; Wil Uam A. Woods. of lndlann. Bnvintb - Jn lio house tlie speaker announced tüo comiuiitee on rulea Mr. Taylor (Tunn.) :i)i!ounced the deaili ol hls friiml uiul ooilQague. Leónidas C. Houk, und the house Uil ■■ udjournod to the llh. the sciwite on the I7tl) t e n.-.m np. Ion ol Bte] hen B. Elkins for tecretury o; wur w celyed fr'.m the president. S. n lor Turple spokc in favor of electton of United Statea eenators by a direct vote f the ■■ oile und Senulxr Stcwart spolte Ín lavor oí free silver coinag !. The standing committecs were an nounced and oonflrmed. Bills were lntroduoed to amfnd the act of the lust congress authorizini? the s:iie of tiniber on iands reserved for the use oí the Mcnoniince ImlUns in Wiscon sin, and to remove the limiiation on arrears oí pensions. Adjourned to the 21st. DOMESTIC. Snow was said to be 18 feet deep in parts of New Mexico. Fivk men held up a mail waon in Chicago and Becured 86,000 in cash and $'200,010 of non-neg-otiable paper from the stock.yard.s banks. Ax Indian atChamUtrlain, S. D., was grantod a divorue, the first case of the kind on record. Edward M. Fiiïr.n, senior partner in the firm of Field, Lindley, Weienen & Co., brokers at New Vork, who failed recentiy, was indieted ior grand larceny and was admitted to bail in the the sum of f26,000. A ixss of 8250,000 was caused by fire at Florence, Ala. Thk Hadfield Company, owners of a stone quarry and railway interests in Waukesha connty, Wis., assig-ned, with assets and liabilities of about $400,000 each. The superior coiirt of New York decided that Lillian Russell would have to pay $:i,25. 88 for breakinff a theatrical contract because she could not wear tiffhts in winter. Michigan's output of saltthisyear is 8,950,000 barrels. Tn rek beet sugar factories in California, which have been shut down for the season, produced 8,070,1.56 pounds of sufrar cluring the s.;a.sou. The total amount of bounty to be paid was 8161,400. Tiiousanps of cattle were said to be dying of cold and starvatlon on ranges in Montana. Gv.x. RUSSELL A. Al.GER, oí Michigan, was electeö president of the American Sbipping and Industrial league ata meeting in Washington. Öeven persons died at lïuUe, Mont, as the resnlti of breatbiag the fumes from roasting ores. Ax engineer ipd fireman were killed and a conductor seriously injured in a rear-end collision on the Chicago. IHirlington & Quincy i-ailroad 10 miles west of Uttuiii wa. Ia. Uanikt. Mn.i.Kit made confession on his death-bed at Blakesburg, Ia., that he killed Chris McAllister ten years ag-o at Ottumwa, for which crime Pleas Anderson was lynched by a mob. Judoe HoBACB Clark, of Mattoon, 111., was shot tliree times by Frank XV. ïlornish. Neither wound would prove fatal. Tuk north-bcrand Dyer on the New York Central railroal collided with a switch engine at Newburg, N. Y., killing the enpiaeer and fireman of the express. Many of the passengers were hurt, but none seriously. Duking the first fifteen days of this month the pension office at Washington paid out $7,000,000 in pensions. üEor.OE Seibl, a Bohemian farmer living in Chorokee eouuty, Kan., was arrestod for murdering hÏB daughter, aged 18, and lns son, aged '2-'. Henry M. Kingman, second vice president of the First national bank of Chicago, committe i suicide at Grand Rapids, Mich., throug-h despondency on account of ill-health. Mus. MANUEL Fokd and her infant child, of Columbia, S. C, were burned to death by the explosión of a lamp, and Mr. Ford was probably fatally jured. Thieves entered the jewelry store of J. V. Zimmerson at Little Rock, Ark., threw red pepper in the eyes of a clerk and made oif with diamonds valued at $3,000. A stone-cuttek at Roanoke, Va., named Shelor, received word that his wife was heir to $8.000,000 by the death of an uncle in Scotland. Skcektary op State Bi,aine announced the conclusión of a commercial reciprocity agreement between the United states and all the British West Indies islands and British Guiana. I. G., Dentón Duke and Joseph Duke were killed at East Barnard, Tex., as a result of aquarreL Db. Benton Strangic, of Savannah, Ga., was flogged by a mob and given a coat of ink. Two men were killed and seven injured in a wreek on the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, near Anderson, W. Va. The steamer Prince Soltykoff, from Barry to St. Naziare, was wrecked off Brest and twenty persons were drowned. A BBOKBN rail threw an express train on the Pittsburgh & Fort YVayne road from the track near Lima, O., and three men were killed and twenty other persons wers injured, some fataliv. It was stated that the case of the Adams Express Company against exPresident Hoey would be compromised by the return of about f500,000 to the company by Mr. lloey. W. ]'.. I:: i.i::m.d was banged at yOD(fstown. O., for the murder of l)fficer N'. I : I : May 15 last Mc1: -. :, Uros., extenaive lumbermen aul shipownera at La Crosse, Wis., a , ,; For Ï-JSO.Q I l ah exp.usioa ol gasa; thu Cameron collier; near Shamokin, Pa., fatally Injured two ttaliansand four Hungarians. A PAS8RKGEB train on the Southern Kansas railroad was wrecked by defectivi- ties di :ir Cnerryvale, Kan., and twenty-si were injured, three fatally. At a irictiüir of the Sabbath LJnion, in Des Mo nes, la., 1. Ellii tt F. Öhepird. of Kew n, i.' I president lor the year Edv. irii i ;i i II ;'-''■ lieilly were kil i-d ■. tha lanrille ( i'a ) uoal mine by a :'li ui ccal. John Ij. !■' r.:'. r -■■:. booUkeepor in the National bank of Ka i -Mo-, was arrested tor embezzlinff 820,000. The explosi' ■ mili I oiler at Eidgevüle, Ind.. killed VVilliam Wise, ■Yilliani Collett auci James Clawson, and iatally injnred Isaac tïieholson and Oscar Jones. The baseball warhas ended by the formation of a twelve-club league. Thu tvvelvc cities of the new combination aiv: Boston, New Vin-!;. Brooklyn, Philadelpha, I ■ Washington, Pittsburffh, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Louisvilie, St. fioais and Chic;ir". Thk ncv. I) rexel instltute of hidnstry was foniiolly dedicated at l'hiladelphia. Anthony J. Dtvxel has given 81,500,000 for tlie establishment of the institution. The Union Mercantile Company ol Pennsylvania, doin? business at ICaston and other places. failed for over 8150,000. At th! leading clearingr-houses in the United States the èxchanges during the week ended on tiu; IStii apgregated Sl,238,4fi8,!)81, a;ainst 81. !ïl 8,670, 872 the previous weck. The increase as compared with the correspontunff week of 1890 was 10.5. Fouii alk-tre! leadera of a fcanff that had been flooding Philade phia with counterfeit money were arrestad. Tuk dead bodiesof WilUam L. preggins and (.ieorge Holliday, brothers-inlaw, were found buried in a brushheap near Brier Creek, Teun. Fkeioht trains collided in a tunnel near Catawissa, Pa-, and Kngïneer Fisher and Fireman Smitb were killed. In the United Status the business failures during the seveh days ended on the 12th numbered 335. against 320 the preceding week and 404 for the corresponding week last, year; A fike in the wholesale millinery house of Porter, Donaldson & Co., in Pittsburgh, Pa., entailed a loss of $150,000. It was reported at Omaha, Neb., that the Chicago & Northwestern road had issued orders to discharge all their employés who were members of the Order of Eailway Telegraphers and refused to withdraw f rom that body. The editors of the national prohibition party press met in Chicago and organized a National Prohibition Press assoeiation. with Jairies Lamont, of Eockford, 111.. as president. MlCHAEL Harvet, a maniac, shot and killed John Connerton and wounded two other persons in Brooklyn, N. Y., and then took bis own life. By an explosión at the Iiusk tunnel near Leadville, Col., three men were killed, two seriously injured and a number of others hurt. A gano of silver coin counterfeiters ■who had been operating in Texas for many raonths past were nearly all captured. At Roaring Springs. Ky. , Ben Davis shot James Dunn dead and fatally Tivounded John Dunn, his'brother. The killing was the outcome of an ancient feud. New York tobáceo importers, it was claimed, had swindled the government out of over S2,000,00ü in duties within the last few months. Wright Poland and bis wife were murdered in their home ai Buckhorne, La., ly Jack Smith, with whom Poland had quarreled. Mbs. Sophie Rompt, who was serving her fiftieth term in the Paterson (N. J.) jail for drunkenness, has been left a fortune by the death of her father in Germany. An unknown tramp was lynched in j Emmett county, Ark., for assaulting Miss Bettie McGough, a school -teacher. Two NEGROES suspected of the murder of young Parramore in the streets of lïranford, Fla., were lynched by a mob. The l'i-deration of Labor in tioa at Birming'liam, Ala., passed a resolution favoring a woman's suffrage amendment to the constitution. Samuel Gorapers was reelected president. Gertrudi: Kinki.k, aged 18 years, was burned to death and her father fatally injured by the explosión of a lanïp at Knoxville, Pa. Georgk W. Chii.ds has presented almost his entire collection of rare prints, manuscripts, autographs, etc., valued at 100,000, to the library of the Drexel institute in Philadelphia. RAT Richards and John Johnson, two boys, were drowned while skating at Deer Isle, Me. An ancient Indian burying ground was discovered on the Pike farm at East Saugus, Mass. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A. P. K. Safford, who was governor of Arizona territory tvvo years under President Grant, died at Tarpon Sprints, Fia. John W. Daniel was reelected United States senator from Virginia. Edmond S. Connor, the oldest actor in America, died athis home in Rutherford, N. J., aged 82 years. Timothy Murphy, a wealthy widower, died at Dubuque, la., aged 98 years. He witnessed Jackson's inaujjfuration in 1829. Daniki, E. Soper, secretary of state for Michigan, tendered his resignation to Gov. YVinans. Soper was charged with malfeasance and misfeasance in office, aml d!d not deny the aceusation. The tlair}' barn oí Henry IIcss near Bay City, Mieh., was burned, and seventy cows and three horses perished in the flames. The Seventh ward livery stables in New York were burned and forty-three horses were cremated. Preston B. Plumb,' United States senator from Kansas, died suddenly in Washington on the 20th of apoplexy. Ue was 54 years of age and his home was at Emporia. Mr. Plumb had been in the senate since 1877. MBS .. !A tvKTH. I ■ Otlíest ■, ,.. n cl divd oí the grip t ber I) ::i iu Uecil county. ajfcd 103 ".■:':■■ i , p,. ... ;iv m:i o vnii, an ,, ,,.;.! ■.■ I 'an of several war , tl ii u ■ ■'■ i':l ;'- City, I ■ ■ Xi;ü ntiti ihiiifon comrni ,-,,,.,.- : i ■;.;■■, dei iel 'I to liold h(, ,,.,: , .■.,,,;,:, i fiOuia on ,, lominatt a L-andidate ,,]■ , ■ . , .: , ■■ VVniTTIKBf the , , - - ; celbrat(l hi s4th birth. 7tli at hia home ib Newury) ;'-''- ' I)'am!-.i. Haici. the noted philantliroist, E '■' ürd. Conn., affed 90 rears. property. fmonatiiiff to .. : ■ . the AmericaD M isi i iou '■:■ i de edtication of be ciior.-d i ac; ;n Coi.. ■ !. -i. U n iv.tay. porernor oí he natitii'ul r al Milwancee, died i i [ pitsxy. aged uo years. Mubi'hï .1. hsí::i; was imminated for governor oí Lduisiann by the antiottery combine ■■ - ' ution at liatón tonge. S. D MoFxkht wíib Dominated for riiv,-Min' i , ih by the fegular lemo' ■'■ 1 naat liatón Rouf?e. Asail TnoNnÚKG celebrated his 99th b-rtlin ■ r.sary a1 his home near De Soto. Ind Be waa in jood healtb. BbaH Admihai, Thomas 1'attison, U. S. N.. died at lus home in New Brighton, S. I. i in bis TOth year. FOREiGN. Placaros had ie n pdsted in many parts of the provinee of Shan-.Si. West China, tirging a peneral in.issacre of the Christian mtesjonarres. Lkprosy was said to be on the increase on the [sthntus of Panama, and government measures for it prevention were urpod. An incendiar fire at Montevideo, Chili, caused a loss of 6500,000. It was roported that a state of siege had been delared in raany of the famine-stricken distriets of Russia owinff to the prevalence of britcar.dag'e and anarchy araong the peasants. Petkoi.ecm ecjual to the product of Pennsylvania wells was said to have been struclc near Sheerkstown, Ont. Ten tiiousa.vd yuurffseals were said to have starved to death in Behring sea on account of the killing1 of their dams. France's importe decreased 7.107,000 francs and her expörts od 4,405,009 francs during the month of November, as compare! with the correspondingf mouth one yeur ago. GEN. ISooth, of the alvation army, says that duriiv.j the first tvselve montlis of work for the redmptpn of the mahs"s in Lomlon he gave :;,r(0ü,000, meals and 847,209 nights' lodginga to the homeless. The expenses were $500, 000. V. HAUSKR has boon ok'eted president of Switzerland to suocecd President Welti. who resijrned recently. Mr. Otei a, U'.tt1 secretary of the treasury in Cuba, .as been .senttmeed to éighteen yi ars' imprisonment for stealing 8100,030 from the government. A PACKAGR cOntaining a quantity of dynamite bilt bearing no address was found in the mails in the Dublin (Ireland) post office. A violent earthquake, followed by a general undulatory movement of the earth, oceurred at Corieone, Italy. Rümors of great distress caused by famine in Mexico were denied by government autliorities. At Namur, Iïelgium, a shoemaker was sentenced to death for trying to poison his brother. It was proved that he had killed his sister and three other brothers. LATER NEWS. Tui: United States senate was not in session on the 19th. In the house a resol ution was offered for the appointment of a special committee of five members to inquire into the charges made against the commissioner of pensions and the administration of his office. A concurrent resolution was Bgreed to providing for a holiday recess from Wednesday, 23d inst., until Tuesday, 5th prox. Mr. Chipman (Mich.) announced tlie death of his colleague, Vlelbourne II. Ford, and in respect to ;he memory of the deceased the house adjourned until the 28d. A gas well with a oapaeity of 15,000,000 cubic feet a day was struck at Muncie, lud. LouisviLi.E(Ky. ) coloree! persons wil] pelition the legislature not to make railroad corapauips provide separate coaches for negroes. The lost spike in the main line of the Rlo Grande Southern railway was driven at Durungp, Col. Tu:: Woraen'8 Christian Temperance Union at Yellow Springs, O., passed resol utions to boycott all merchants and storekeepers of the place who sell tobáceo in any forin. A. L. I'eüiiiso.v and wifs were inBtantly killed and their little babe fatally injured by the cars at Pawnee City, Neb John Dodd found his sweetheart, Sophy Antony, in the arms of his rival, Andrew Chancey, at St. Louis, and killed both of them. Ki.r.VKN business houses at Crotón Landing, X. V.. were destroyed by fire. Rbv. .1. V. MoHGAN, a Baptist minister aged 60 years, dropped dead while delivei-iny; i seruion atMount Pleasaat, KySixty convicts in the K;iüs:is peniteutiary are under sentenee of death. l'im.i.ii' 11. vis and Robert IJ-:vir were instantly killed and rews ws fatull.y hurt by the explosión of a boiler at gpringfield. Mo.


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Ann Arbor Courier