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The Nortb Lake ;uiU Lyudon Lyceum is (kiing good work tuis winter. Demiis 1'. .Ldu.ii-. oí Manchester, has been granted a patent on a refrlgerator. Pedro le occupying mucb oí the linie ui (.oiimry people tüeae long evojiinu..--. The Piackney Dlupatcü now haa a maUer which is ,-i grat time Baver m maiJing its paper. The last itisue oí the Chelsea Standard was a clean, ueat looUug paper. The Standard is evidently a pualier. 'llie Yisilami High sclmol studente obaerved WJbittter's blrthday, on the 17th inst., w4th appropriate exercises. Congressmuu (Joimau hus boen coniined to liis home in Ivyudon, by í 11nees ever since returniiig froiu Washington. Park is being marketed at several of the towna of the county, with prtoes ranging trom $3.00 to $3.50 per ovi. Hm Congregathtnai Sunday school of Ohelsea, is down for a holida.v - tertainment sometime between Christin u.s aml .New ïears. lïw mext meetiíDg oí the Saline Faxmer'a club win be held at the resiUonce of Ueo. J. Nissly, on Friday, Jan. 8th, 1892. The Yp6ilantian has issued a little book containiug lourteen views in and about Ypsilanti, Avliich are sald to be very iine and in g-reat demand. J. S. Bray feil about 17 feet, white paüitmt; the roof of the water tank engine house in Milan, roeontly, striking on his left hip. It is thought he may be orippled for life. J. D. Schnaitman h;is accepted a posiition with the Aim Arbor ürgan Co., as asáistaont to the superintendent, and win commence work the flrst Moiiday in January.- Chrlsra Herald. Manchester would like a good photograpliic gallery, and the Enterprise thinks the Manchester people could keep it busy every day exccpt Sunday. Sun days are the best ones for photographers. Ti-y and make someone happy Cboristmaa Day. Ií you can not do anytaitng greater leave a busbel of wheat at any of the Ann Arbor milis, to be ground into flour for the famine stricken RuesLane. l'rcpai-atiojis are belng made toward BtarÜDg a new bank at Milford. l'erry, Y. X., capetlltete are behind the écheme with $50.000 capital providing Milford péople will take om-hnli tlie stock.- Xorthvillü Record. Squawbuct oU expioded a lamp in tlie house of Wm. Burnhain, of Ludington. íTCcinly, and burned the house to the ground with contenta. The dear people have norights as agaiíit the sqna whuck.s and o-il companiee. Mr. Horace A. Smitli an oíd resident of Chelsea, dicd at Pontiae, Thuisda.v Dec. 10, 1891, at the advaaced age of 77 years. The remains ware brouglit to Chelsea Friday, and the funeral took place Sunday fi-om tlie ('onsri'gational church.- Hi-rald. People from all seations of the county carne to Aun Arbor to hear Dr. Talmage. Many -n-ere pleased and some were not. One man from Manchester, said be rather read Talmage's sermone tliau to hear hün preach. AU Been to agree that tin' Dr'sstorles wero oí aii'.-iont origin. T)ie vUlage oí Milán, haring bought of Ann Arbor the hand engine known as "6th Ward ejigine," with a 'ïuantity of hosë and a cart. lias ftiftned a eompaby and is now jn roadincss bo fighl firo. The enginè' is a.n A No. 1 niaclünc, and tho Milán folies have made no mistak:' in socuriiis i t . Mr. George Perrj, o' Mapl.' street, v.-inle standing oa the sidewalk one flay last wek, wae Buddenly stricken with paralyate and had t- be carrièd into the house. Por some time he wae unconscious, lut fin.-ill.v rtillied and SU lmprovlBg. He is over m years ld, and hte reoovery is almost mlraculous. Vpsilantian. The foarth-claaé P. M's of the cminty ïiavr orgaulzèd wibh Mrs .Marsh, of Saline, .-is president, and Sarris Buil, of Dext.T. as eécretary, wlth the Idea "f petitionlng govrament for ter compensatioq for the work tbey do. Mr.--. Marsh wlll be a delégate lo the state coaivention, to moot in Lansini; early next month. The Niwthville Record man tclls this without a muscle of hi face movlng: "The Keeley cure tnstitute located here, offered Dr. J. M. Burgeee the position of surgeoa in chief dere a.t the princely salary of $5,000 a year. It was quite a temptation to the doctor but he hardly thought he was in position to accent it " evealng as üle passengere ■w-ere aUjgfrtiag from the Grand Rápida train, the Nortli Shore Limited, whicli was late, camc tearinpr down t he track and luit for tirmely warning a terihle accident mlgbt have oceurred. The (inly d.iinasi' done was tö the Americaii Exprese Oo'g truck, which wa.s haciiy smaefhed.- Chelaea Btandard. The Webster Farmcr's ( lub lias eho-icn the foilowlng officcrs for the eneuing year: i;_i-i-sii.-nt - W. E. Boyden. First Tice Pres.- E. A. Nordman. secoml Virr .(rs. Ölsaver Ree. Bec'j Mrs. Ira Backus. Cor. Etec'y- E. X. Jïall. 1 reoenrer John Cuflhlng. Director- Bobtert McColl. Qeo. .W Merrill. Why din't our dtlzena clean off their walka accordtng to ordinance after a snow storm. It would seem as tbougb a spirit of pride and enterlnse would be siifficiont without any ordinance to induce every person to open a path along his premises. It ie Init a mail job to do if it is taken at once after a storm and before the nnow ls packcd. and liow inueh better - Stockbridge Sun. Stockbridge has a good templar lodge with 18 charter members. Presidios Eider Ryan, oí thls district. 11 visit Dexter M. E. church Uve. l'Stll. ! M. B, Sunda.v School at Dtíxter wHl oarry out a fine progrdB on C'lii'isl in.-is Eve. iiuiitors wiii not be allowed to 6lioot quail any more tliis geaeon, and H a man has ome n his posse88lon he must be able to provo that be Bhol W in sell d.'fi-nso. Ed. Clai-k has tunifd hls back on the Dakotas and his inidwinter liome in MinneapoUa, and Boogbt, at least for a few weeks, the warm ianshlp ol uld Dexter acquaintuuces. - Lea der. Northville rejoiccs. Ou Monday last, by a vote öf 214 for, to 24 against, its poople decided to issue $30,000 in boiuls to build a 6ystem of water works. A general jubilee was lield afterward. A beautiful sight was witnessed at M. E. church last Sabbath ïnuriiing wlion, after ih: eermon, a young gvntleman present cd liimself at the nltnr and received the sacrament of baptlsm; and a nnmber of persons were admitted to chureh fellowshlp. - Dexter Iveader. A i)ro])osition has been made to build a basement to the Webstor Congregational church, so that special meetings may be held therein. W. B. Boyden, (. W. Merrill and A. E. Nordman wili act ae a commlttee from the Webster Parmer's Club to aselBt the matter. Thós has been a bosy week in the poultry trade. Walton .- EUeworth have bought, pécked, packed and Bhlpped during the last piglit days 16,000 poonde of poultry and gamo, which repreeents a bout 3,000 head. The poultry l)usines Is becomlng an important industry In tliis state.- Stockbrldge Sun. At tne last meeting of the Saline I'.irmei's club, the question for discussion was, "Do the people appreciate the rights of Americaji eitizenship ?" and it called out some good and Borne amusing ideas. It waa finally agreed that the people did not fully appreclate these rights, oithey would bc more careful in eompelltng a better enforcement oí the The Chicago Herald, in a raeal circular, invites all the newspaper men ii the country to lts informal reception TuiNsday, Dec. -M), in lts nnv home. Mra. Ellen C. Wateon lüed at her residence on (-;. ünlversity ave.,oo Saturflay last, aged 47 years, ot cancer. Funeral services were iicld yesterday. Gilmore, having gone to Sag lnaw, e. s., to enter tho employ o{ the F. & P. M. R, R.. W. E. Beach, of Howell, has taken lus place as easliier of the T., & Ann Arbor II. II. at tilia placo. Bev. Mr. Ryan, of Adrián, presldIng eider of this district, wlll hold quarterly conference at the M. E. cluirch next Monday evenin?. He ivül oecnpy tlie M. E. pulpit Sunday ewning. Miss Enima Hutcliinecni, of the 5th ward, 1-4 Plum st., wMte at tlie ChrlBtmae tilines last Saturday afternoon, causlit her foot and feil in Biich a manniT as to canse quite serious injuries. Said tnjuriee wlll keep Miss Bmma in for some time. The new T. & Anu Arbor R. R' steel bridge. o ver the Hurón rlver a thla -ill be curved, Hke the ol( íjpe. A th,it it has been salí eould not be accompltebed. It is expected Hmt it wlll be eompletei and ready for business abcmi Peb The foUowing studente have been ulied to "speeches" for the High ,-V.hool Junior Ex: Cora Roblson, Leila Chllds, Agnes Purfleld, Mary Thom])Ko:i, NelUe Brokaw, George Partrldge, j. h. Montgotnery, George W. Siuitli, Howard Co'fin, Euene Osenberg and Arthur 8t. John. The following cditors bave been appointea for the Omega, the high school pii.licatioii: E. B. Sunderland and Miss Mlnnle Boylan, grlnds; !.. e. Todd and H. D. K. Hendrie, on organlzatlon and cjase day exerclses: Misses Florence Jones, Johaima Neuman and Itcssio Fineh. mlscellaneous and poetry. And jiow it is asserted by medica] men Ihat another season of the grippe is to be enjoyedC?) Iy the people, regardtaae of tlicir waate wishes. In tact tbere are many quite well defincd casi-s of that tomona - oï lnfamous- dieense already In town. Any one avIio desires to have it in omplace will be occommodated wit pleasure, and no queetlons asked. The Bad Boy wül make liis fathep, ".Major Beek," staml aronnd Hvely 1 the undoubted dellghi : big audiencee al the grand opera house, Aun -rii. r. Dec inber 28. situatlona In ttoe play are all capital, tóe dialoue la pleaalng, brlsk and troaderfully ƒ]■; from "chrtaMlt8," anil the man who will not lausli heartlly when ''■ se8 the play, must Indeed be of toorooe and morWd dlepoeltiqn. aniong ene many elevar people In the eoiupaii.v ihi.s year niay bo mentioned: Mlw Carrie Tnteln, a refreshin.u; soubrette, wlto never falla to score a hit in her sotam; Mesera. Barry and l..i iinon, the inimitable Ii-ish comeaiane, Mr. Barry appearlng in acharacter entirely new to the coraedy tlii.s eaRon vi... .[,-.s Duffy, the policc3LSEoJ3P wil: Miss Alma Wis. Wee Tuiip Rudeson, Mlee Zelia Roeare .iiid (laster Wallie Clarkp, the Bad Boy," without whom the plav would be like Hamlet without the prince. At Grand opera house, Ann Arbor Monday Dcc. 28th. And n proverb hiiimts ray niiud A a s h'11 is cast : " The mili cannot grind With the water tuut is past." -Sarah Doudncy. Tlu'ii deern it not an idle tliinpr A pleao&nt word tospeak; ice yon wear, the thought you liriiif;, A heart muy heal or break. - Colrsworlliy.


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Ann Arbor Courier