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The univi-rsity will nofc open agaii imt il January (th. .Tamrs R, Aimvii s home fi-oiu Har rafd for the holldaya. Prof. .1. A. e. Südner and wlfe .-in spemding the holidaya wlth frienda ii Detroit. The grouml has not been broken for the ?icv syinnasi uin lut it lias been staked out. The Schrubert quaa-tette at Dalversity hall, o Saturilay evenlng, Jan. Oth. 18!)L', unilor the S. L. A. Tlic oold weather does not appear to mtorforo wit building operationa om the campus or at the hospital gromids. Thi' editor of the Commercial I Uinks that citlKT (iunswlus or Conwell are superior to Dr. TaJmage aa a lecturor. Yes, and severa! others mlght be named. Tlie aewly appodated aseistant TJ. S. district attornoy ior the western district of Michigan, graduated from theliterary departmeni wlth the class of '75. He is a former Manchester boy, juid his name is McMahon. A neat invita t ion comes to us to attend a dinner to be tendered Tres. James B. Angelí, on Frlday evenlng, Jan. 1 st ., at 6 p. m., at tlie Colonnade Hotel, PhlladelpMa, by the U. o! M. Ahuniii Associ&ttoo of that city 'Hie tniins that left the city last rhursdny, l'riday and Saturday were hoavily laden -vith trunks and wlth human fretght. More studente have ivtunivd to thcir "homos for the liolidaya this year than ever bafore, it te stated. Fivc rli-uan; cara and an englne of the Bennsylvaniia Central I{. R., left the T. & Anii station Tluirsday evening, to accommoelnte the studente gotng to pota&a in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The train ran tbrougb to Pittsbui-gh -witliont change. Willis Boiinhtoii. lit. '81, is now conïiectert with the University of Pennsylvnuia. in Philadelphia, and is also wmnected vitli the American Soelet; f(ir the Extrusión of l'nivcrsity Teach ing, having charge oif the Centres ani Teacher'a department. The roUowtDg Aan Arbir student ■■'iv -P' ttding their hoiidays in Detroü Xlieses Gussie Durfee. Stélla Bachelder Beerfe ChirtiS, .-111.1 Messrs. Will ain Bert Newoombe, Rob Wagner, Pan Day, Royal Farrand, Allen Kessler Ed. (li.n-y. Stanley llunl, Samue 8. Herrie, Erneel Haas, Porter May hew, Gteorge H. Rueeell, Jr., Wïll Can field, George Angel and Gsorge Prenttoe.- Tribune. The rniv.rsity oï Nebraska, where Prof. Bowen te iüiw at work, is reri8lng lts coorses oí sfcudy. ah ar oxamining the oooreee and methode of all the prominent universities, it decided to adopt the plan oï the Inivcrsity of Michigan. Hurrafc ior Michigan and its schools!- Ypsilanti Commercial. Kilitov P. g. Suekey, of tlic Hans(remtd, recently preeented to the unlvcrsity. three picturee of Goethe, repreeenting htm in his youth. mlddle ag ■ and ohi age, each said to bc remarkal)ly fin?. Tiipse picturee were ohtalned by Mr. Suekey during his rei--nt vivit to Eiurope, and he has had tlicin handeomly framed. They are togowith the fainoiw Goethe Ubrary wïiicn tii' university poaesses. The articlc of Mr. Jacobs, oí Detroit, in the last JnlainliT, severely crJticlslog the plan o co-education in th' nnlver#lty, is recelved wlth 111 ■ p ni favor by the press of the country, bul is belng eeverely crltll. Mr. Jacote evldently belongs to the BdiooJ of li-terary foseils tha exlsted severa] yeara since, bul forti ntely Ui Bpeciefl is novr neacly ex tinct. Al.out Ui . only localltles the can be íound im now, is a few is, lal id placee down eaet. The followlug, trom the Detroit Tri bnne, relativo to the wedding oí I'rof Gayley, will be oi interest to manj of our readers: "The wedding o baríes -Mills Gayley, .,: Berkeley Cal aMiw Balite ïWtt Haaris. daugh ter o! the late Bishop and Mrs. V tiarrie, inch took place Thursday ai . i. m., at Clirist Church, wae ya ■ r the OTettleel weddlngg oí the seam. rhe chureh wae prettüy Oecorated wlth ualme and riowere and ra filled witi, a fasUlonable audl"''■ Mrs. Albley presld'I at tho organ. bride was tended by Miss Francas Albley and vathleon Trowbrid.ev. an,l her maid fhoaor , little France Dleklnson. who „V Vi , "V,:" 'iuet of HUlesof-tlH-y.ill-y. The best man ras Aiidr,.v I'.rcju 11. ,f chic,-,o-,. and Wllllam 1 . Harrls gave the bride away. The ushers wiere Blesars. Samuel Harrte, Alpiena W. Chlttenden, Percv Dwtelit, Clarence Lightner, ArthuY Parker and James Angelí, oí Ann rior. Au Informa] reoeption wem lu-id the ceremony at the home of the brlde's mother, 111 Rivard gt I rocssor and Mi-s. Gayley lcft In the evenlBg thelr future Jiome in üerkeley, wtoere he occuplea the chalr m Enelk Uterature at tho üniverslty of Californda." Bul Cod is God, ni y darling, 01 the nteht as well as day And we feel mul know tlint we can ko Wherever He leada the way. - lU'iiibrant Pealo.


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