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Forest Hill Cemetery Company. The iinimul meeting of Forest HUI Cemetery Company, of Aun Arbor, for the election of three trustees and the transnction of such other buslneu smay come betere it.uiii be held on Tuesday, Jnuuary 5, 1892, at the office of the elerk of said eomnauv, No. 0 North Maiu Street. Ki.Hiu B. Pond, derk. Dated,Ann Arbor, Deo. 33, 1891. 'J Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE Barber Slop and Bath ROOMS. NN n UÜ3T IMS ! ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees nnd Flowerg, from BUwanger and Barry. Order early i.y mail. Byrups, Medicina] WJues, Kaspberry Syrup, Bgneset, Dandelioo and other Uomestic Grape Winea, prepared especlallyfor invalals. Pure Plymoutb Bock Eggs. EMIL BAUR, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. Dissolution Notice. The Circuit Coukt kok the County of W lshTENAW. In the matter of the petltlon of Charlea E. Green to dissolve the Ann Arlior Tannine Conipnny : Notice is herebygiven that on the 80th dayof November the netltion of said Charlea E Green uiis iilrd in Baid ('om-t, praylug that the said Ann Arbor Tanning Company mlghl be dissolved by a notice of said Court, and tlmt said proceedfng is pending in said court J. F. LAWEENCE, Daied Nov. 80, 1891. au'v for Petltioner. REPORT OF THE GONDITION OK THK k Ark Saviags Bank At Ann Arbor the close of baaluess. Dec. 2, '91. RESOURCES. Loansand discóunta 1428,646 64 Stocks, boudü, mortgages, eto 366,684 8n Overdralta 13,990 si Due f rom banks in reserves citiea 108,074 in Due froni otliur bania iiud bankers 2416 40 Due from School Trens. and citj of Ann Arbor ___ igjgg y; Furnitiirc and flzturea __. iSso 8B Current expenses and taxea SJ)44 15 (,'becks and cash items Iff7 73 Niekels and peinies._ isjj 50 Gold colli ]7,5oo 00 Silver coin u00 00 L. S. and Natioual Bank uotes... 20,247 00 Total $874,730 47 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 30,000 00 Surplua fund oo Undlvided profita 13,173 91 Dividends unpald 492 00 individual deposite uso 021 64 Certlflcates of eleposit 34,081 58 Savlnga deposita 186,78a 50 Due to bank aud bankera 1,915 84 Total $874,730 47 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ('ouiity of Washtenaw, as. I, (liarles K. Hlscock, Cashler of the above aamed bank do solenmly Bwear that the above etatement is true o the ijest oí my knowledge and belief. ( has. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. et- Attest: Chhistian Mack, Daniej Hiscock, David Rinskv. Diructors. Bubacribed and aworn to before me, this 12th day of December, i vi MICHAEL J. FRITZ, Notary Public.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier