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English White Slavery

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At the close of the ;nit America civil war, -" years ai?.). L was voluntoer helper unoug 30,000 tre6 hIiivi'S, on thi' Vorktown península in the slave in-ei'dins state of Vlrglnli and from intiraafce personal acquain' .iiuT witii large nmobera oí these people, I unhcsitatiuiily aesert my con conviction that Enjfland witJi all he boaated treedom and Cbristianlty, hu a worse - thoiiKh more retlned ui money maklng syetem, of ■'liite sla ery. than even negro lavery WftB and that its resolta aro as fatal an demoralizing. Eïvery black negro ulav wa wo'rt'li Jrom $50 to $200 to hJ ora ii ■!■. and silf-inten si made the owi er fcake decent care ot entih valuabl propcrt.v, just a sorae men in thi eoiuitry care m:v for valuable cattli dojïs and horses. than they do lo thcir OAvn 11,'sh and blood. In elvilll ed England wliiite slavee haré no com mercial value, aml tii Bweating eap litalist, dr the iíi-assiinsí mlddteman can jïi'inil his victime to deuh, be tween the nethet miitatonea of fre raompetitlon; drive them to prosti tution on the Btreet, or trary then in paiper"s gravee; and ftone but iiie pooc ha any loeer, because as fas ,-is the vio.iims rail, títere are plenty more to li'.l places. AU t'.iis goes om tli" Free Trade commercial dogma, of ■buyins in the öheapeel market," and churchmen and diesenters are alike guilty of their in-oUur's and steter's blood.- Essay by .lames Hunt, Crilstol, England. Is this the "reform" the people inviicil to by our democratit friends ? "The little red look" episode o Ex-Oov. Begoie's ooreer is brough Into ri'frrsliini; rrmombranco by Sop er'a escapade. TERMS. Ur.c'.e Snm do:-sn't propoei insrton. has ever priven the countrj n more (lean, nprlght, coiiservative and able administration of the affalra of the n&tlon than has President Ilanison, and the people begin to rea.lize lt too. i It -is amnsrng to see democrat politicians all over the state riso np and pload "gnllty." Tlwy do not appear to know juet what it is that has hurt thcin. bnt evidently thoy havo an ahldiog consMousness that they aro guilty !!- Ilillsdnle leader. There ewms to bc a jjenoral desire ïpon the part of the nations of thp earth to pomo in nnder the reciprocity oí the McKinloy tariff bOI. All nations are wtíoome FXDER OUR TERMS. üncl Sam (loi-sn"t pvopose to let any other country make the larsin for him, however. Waen't the Dexter News a triíle ircniature in its announcemcnt of he chairmanship seoured by Consressiian Gorman, OÍ tliis district ? Of onrsi1 ir may have private imformaion to that effect, bnt the public an-ïmincement was to the effect that a man by the name of J. H. Bankhead, secured tln chairmanship named. The republican state convention to end lcl, .trates to the republican n.iional convention to be held in Mlnuapolis. will meet in Detroit 'on May th 1892. May it be a rousing one bat will send a thrill throuRh the jitire party oí the state. There has leen so much corruption. 'fraud and lishoncsty in public aifairs during the past tw-o yeara that there ought o be a great apralalng oí the Indignant cltizena of Michigan rclarrtless of party. i And nmv Ex-Sec. Soper ays that he onlv (lid what hte rcpublican predecesbots did beiore him. If that is true then 1 t 's have hls predecessors punished. Tho demócrata have been huntius evory nnok and corner since they have been in power in this state to uoearth some repiiblienn chleanery, and have talled to find any toimcover. It is a pretty thin dodge for this bounced official to boo-hoo to the public and cry that the other iellow did it firet. There is no excuse for Kalfeaeanoe in office. Jamrs A. Etandall has been award(1 S verdict of $11,000 by a Detroit jury in his snit tor Ubel against The Detroit Evening NewB. A biic reraict, and one that wlll probably be s?t aaide by the supreme court as beins exoeaglve II tor nothing else. Detroit jurii s are queer concerns. A recrnt body 0Í 'that kind awarded a firm a greater damage against the Dnion Deixt Co. than its whole outfit, land, and all, is said to be worth. The jM-oplc who compose juries there appear to have elther mighty poor judgment or no conception of values. The Ypsllanti Sentincl. alter quoting a recent article in the Courier recitlng eeveral lamp-exploBiona in this city resulting f rom the use of squawbuck uil, invites thi.s paper to makc proo.; - "guch as would be admitted in a court of justice" - that there weie anv cxplosions, tliat the oil used was berosene, tliat it was the nnv bwl oil, etc. The particulars were all given in tlie article quoted, wlth tbe namee of the people at whose liouses the explosione ocurred and the arnount of losses sustained. If that isn't sufficient to convince the Sentinel man, he can come up and Investígate for himself, it wlll not cost him anything. The names af the insurance coinpanii'S that paid these loses can also be given if it wlll be of any particular aesistance. It is useless to attempt to conince a man who wlll not be convinced. If evory year we would root out one vice, we should breóme porfret men, -Thomas á Kemper.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier