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Mrs. O. Ii. Hall wi'iit, to Toledo Monda.v. O. L. Robison, lias goue to Louisville, Ky. Cari Rose Is visltlng'friends in Soutii Bend, Ind. Mlaa Fannie Gwinner is spending a week in Detroit. Un. A. J. Sawyer ín ill with the prevalUng epidemie. Will Watts and wife Bnndayed in Flint with relativos. Miss Hattle Long, of tStüer ave, is visiüiiK frieada in Toledo. The chiklrcn of Chas Spoor gathered ut ïiis home Chrletmaa day. Fred W. Scliulz and famil.v are in the city tor a stay of a week or sov Mr. and Mrs. I!. F. Watts are both coninod to the house with the grippe. Mis. J. Iï. Bach is entertaining her nephew, Henry Parker, of Howcll. Prof. I!. M. Thompson is sulfering froin a severe attack of the grippe. Dr. J. J. Lindley, of Highland, is the gueet of Cieorge H. Winslow and wife. ('luistian Jenter, of Geneva, .N". Y., is visiting hls párente on W. Liberty street. Mis. E. G. Halo aiMl daughter May, oí Detroit, are guests of Mrs. L. D. Wiaee. . ■ Miss IiUle 'olland of iThompson st., is spendlng racatlon at Grand Ilapids. ) Charles Mlnnis and family, of Jack6on, spent Christmas witli Ann Arbor relativos. Miss Ivouisc Lavlng, who is teaching at Mt. Ótemeos, is home for tho holidays. . Miss Emma Schmld, of S. Fifth ave., ia spendiiig a few days with Detroit friends. Edgar A. (Oolcy, of Bay City, was the gueet af liis father Judge Cooley, over Sunday. Martin Sealxilt, oí Manistee, is liome vleiting lus father Moses Seabolt, on N. Fifth ave. Prol. A. Tagge, of'Monroe, is spending the. vacation wlth hls párente, on N. Fifth ave. Louis Eominger, of Loiiisville Ky., tías been visiting his j)arents here during the week. ('luirlie Woodward and wife were guests of Maurice Lantz and wife C'hiisunas time. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams and family Frldayed and Bundayed wlth Dexter relatlves. May Coj.ey luasibeen the guest oí Miss Itena Coild, oi Detroit, during the past week. Harvey Oornwell and wife are enUrtaining their daughter, Mrs. Grauer, oi Findlay, olüo. Isaac Ö. Handy has been in Kalama200 during the past week visiting his daughter, Mrs. (,'lark. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mann, oí Detroit, spent Sunday witli Mr. Manu's sisters, on 8. Main st. Mrs. John Manly, of Toledo, has been the guest 01' Mrs. Ueorge Clarken during the paet veek. Mre. Chati. LeSuer, of -Toledo, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. B. Davison, on N. Main st. Miss Francos Willets, oí Jackson, las Iwen visiting her romein, Miss liertha liosa, on S. State st. Miss Bessie Stevens, of N. Ingalls et., is entertaining her cousin Miss Emma Comstock, of Ypsilanti. J. J. Reed and wife, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. K's paxents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hiscock, on X. Main st. ('liarles Jacobs was up froin Detroit taliog the weok, visiting his psrents, Hom. Joseph T. Jacobs and wiic Ben]. Brown, aocompanled by his laughter Mise Brown, luis bt-en visitng relativos in Albion daring the reek. Mrs. J. II. Burleeon, oí Jersey city. N. J., called liere by the death of her .uli r 1. Mclntyre, returned home loiula.v. Miss Louise Sipley, of W. Huron st., iris bL'en entertaining her nieces Misses Millie and Flora Hepfer, of Chelsea, [uring the week. Mrs. Pomeroy, ot Weetmoreland, Cansas, will ï-rniaiu in Ann Arbor severa] days, at tii ■ old bomestead, ou W. Hurón st . Mr. and Mrs. John .1. Kobisou, of V Main ■&., spent the Christmas tide %t thi3 lióme oí their son, G. F. Inbison, la Detroit, ür. Will D. Saiindere and wife, of Grand Rapids, aro in 'the city, the ursts of Mrs. Saunder'e párente, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Seabolt. i Donald Mclntyre, of Cadillac, re'iirned to his home Monday, alter atendlng tlie funeral services of his athcr. the late D. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mi-s. Frank Frincr reoelved be 8wetest, handeomest and best Christma.s preeent oí anybody In the ity, a. boancing 10 pound bty. Dr. J. C. Wowl, accompanitd ly Irs. Wooil, left for ('incinnati Monay evenlng. They will visit other icints in the state before returnlng oiine. Major Stevena le spendlng the Hollay sasotn with rclative.s in Xnv York ity. He is accoanpanied by his aughter Ada. who will remain there eome wet'k.s. Mr. Henry Helm and family, of aginaw, e. s., arrived here Monday nd are the fjuests of Mrs. [eim's niother, Mis. August Ilutzel, f "W. "Washington st. i When that ncw house of J. E. Harin's shall have been completcd, "Jim" ill not have to come down from )extcr every Monday morning- at east it is so surmised. A. C. Itobeson, of Greenville, Ohio, t. '85, a former university Chronile editor, and at present one of the eet lawyors in his section, has been isiting Ann Arbor friends during the week. i Another year is rtawningl Dear Father, let it le In workinpr nr in waiting Another yi'iir with thee. Francés R. Havergal.


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