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A. W. Ilamilton went to Pontiac Monday. Judjío Orant and family are gueets at Gov. Felch's. C. C. Spencer Ís visiting friends in Valparaíso, Ind. Ed. MoAllteter, of Detroit, was home Ghrietmas. TIioh. liirkett, of Dexter, was in tii" city yeeterday. Aid. Fcrg-nwiii made a business trip to Howoll Monday. Kenry J. Brown i eonfined to hig home wltb the grippe. Lóala Prentloe, i chh-aso, is visitiní? frienda in the city. Mrs. Z. P. Klng is quito ill with tho prevailing epidemie. ( lara O'Toole, is home from Detroit for a few days. Geoje Jiiima went to fPlint laet Friday for a week's Istay. J. D. Ryan left the city Monday for a í-ix week'a business itrip. Hewy Stelnbach, oí Chelsea, is visitin.ur jit Mrs. August Hutzel's. Otas. Hurd, of Washtenaw lave., has beön at home during the week. Mis. Tourvjis han roturned home íroui a visit witli fiiends in Jackson. Vietor Sorg, of Jaekson, has been visiting hls old home 'tot a tew days. (ïeorge Vandawarker has been vislting frit'iuls in Jackson during the ■vwek. Charles and Al. Shetterly have both been down witli thf Rrippe tiie past week. Jorome A. Freeman i slowly convaloecinfi from au attack of ' pneumonía. Miss Zclla Hurd is home from her school dutlea to spend 'the holiday seasoji. Richard Kcarns carne lióme 'from Langlng to spend Chxistmas 'with his párente. Miss Emma Gardner wat up from Ypsilanti Chrtatmas, to spend the day at toer home. T. J. Goodyear is out atteodtng to buBlnesa after having hid a wrestle with the grippe. Misses Louise and Lizzie lEdwarda, of iMOalog, vifjited Miss 'Theresa Kearna last -vveek. Prof. Louis C. McLouth, of Daveaport, Iowa, is visitiiig his únele A. M. Dot-y ajid family. Miss Lola Conrad, of N. Ingalls st., i spending the holldaya with relativrs at AlbioHi, Mich. ■ Mlae Mary Dowdigan la lióme from hr chool (lutivs at 'West Bay City íor thc holiday season. i Judge Babbltt has been sufferinj? ii-oni fche grippe for several days, and unable bo be Ín his office. Miss H,i ti Swift has gone to RoBheeber, Mich., to remain until after thjé "Kirmese" there. Samuel Keyee and wife, of LansiiiK. are visi Ung Mrs. K'a párente, Henry Matthewe and wife. i Bisa Gertrude Suaderland who carne home from Oiieago for the Holiday, bos been quite seriously iii. Tudge Harriman ánd wife are tertaining their daughter, Mrs. Chae. Hutchinson, of Battle Creek. Mr. and Mre. Ma]. ISld. Millard went to Chicago last Friday 'to remain two or three days Iwith friends. Chas. Mulvaaey and Vera Wilbur, of Bellevue, are vieiting the former's eisber Miss Mulvaney, In this city. Tracy L. Towiut, x" Ypsilanti, was among tfoe early ones at the court house, Monday, tranwacting business. Prof. Wal(r has gooie to Yashington, D. C, to take part In the meeting of the national Language Associatdon. , School Oommlssioner M. J. Cavamiugh, left Monday for Grand Rápida to attend thï state teacher's associatdon. Mr. and Mre. A. M. Doty, oí E. Ann ut. ill have thelr sous Wade and Wirt, of Detroit, with them over New Vcai-s. Mr. and Mns. Iicinhardt and daughtr. oí .laeksoii, spent iCliristmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Wooley, of Fountaln street. i Pped. A. Howlett and Family returned from their Curifltmae visit with relatives in Chelsea and vicinity, yesterday noon. J'res. Angelí han goiK' to Washington, I). ('., wbere he Ui preside over the. meetings of the American IlistorloeJ 8o i iy. Proif. Hiiy C. Adains h;us gone to Wasliington, D. C, to costinne hi V:rk Avitii thi' Interstate commerce commleeios. County Clerk Brown was In Hi.s office Monday for the first time for several daj-s. He had a sllght attack of pneumonía. Dr. R. E. Drake, a gradúate oí the Dep't oí Dcntistry ajul now practicLng ;i l Negaunee, .Mich., waa in Ann Arbor Monday and Tnesday. Itev. Dr. Coborn and wifo will reii i y.' calle on New Years afternoon and evanlng wlth the Bpworth League, at the M. E. Parsoaage. Prof W. B. Perry ins been In attendance apon th ■ state teacher's association at Grand Rápida hls week. Hi' gave a paper there last evening. Dr. D. E. Osborne and fiimily 'have arrivcd in San Francisco from China. Reporte comiim l'rom the rebels in China drlving out or killing foroigners coniirm the belief that the Dr. left that country none too soon. R. P. La Mont, managlng editor of the Technic last year, now cmployed In the engineering department of the World's Fair, at Chicago, is iu. the city to-day, greeting old friends. He eaye the fair will be the grandest the world ever saw. One day t ■ time! U's a wliolesome rhyme! A Rood one to live by, A day at a time. -Helen Huut Jackson.


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