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Another Man From New York

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A president once, ft Ihit, nevar win bè again r Can't erojite enthusHsm o Doñ't hav: the riglit pull V Excites onpo i;i,m with E Five trad' fallaeles. r G. Wm. Curtís ean't save him; C Hi:i will hooiloo him; L Innocuona deenetude g Jnoipardizee his ambltloa. v Ki'.l d i f his fi-iiMid. the E Lawyec trom Texae, l Miils. th-e moróse, by . liiin for speaker. N Oh. Grover, thy name is d ennle. Tli" last Adrián Prees had :in article in about a rolling mili away off down -ast somewbere, being obliged to go out of oxistwiee because of the tariff. ('laiming that the high tariff impoverished the concern. Hoiv is that. J'.ro. Pmsbs ? You have been Btoutly assriins for yeara that the tariff made all the manufacturera rich and all the farmers poor. Aren't you Ketting a little mixed ? Some. of the farmers down your way wlll begin to think you have been lying to them either on one ide or the other before long. The Coartar Efelievee in Protection to American Industries. New York's Flower ie a daisy. Hill is to be governor just the same as he has boen, only under another name. i i The republicana in New York have allowed Hill to steal the legislature, and now good bye 'to the republicana in that state. Their 'sun is set. Pi"eident Nttsbitt's paper, the Big Bapiils Herald, says that the coming moeting oí the state press association bidis fair to ba "a big ane, notwithetandins the time of year is an innovation for the association." ' We bi'licvi' tliat no one can read tlie report of the State 'Department without a grattfyimg conviction that our forein relations are in firm. capable an l patrlotls hands.- N. Y. Sun. (Dem.) But thn, the Sim ncvcr was a democratie paper, you know. ' Senator Stoeklwidge has introducv] a bilí inío eouRrcss lncreaslng; the p;iy oi faeepers of lifesaving stations to $1,000 per year, and of surfmc-n to $75 per month, and also to provid for admis-sioii to the marine liospitals oí membera af the lifc-savinR aervlee. Tho senator's liill oncrht to pass. In ttoe Ypsilantil Sentinel's "Pertinent ml InijMn-tinent" column oí list week, th" fotlowlng was eonsidered "pertinent." probably: "If it was wrong for Soper to demand a part of Ms djí'puty's salary, ib was wrong for Warden Davis to try to make BUOb a. deal. The party's good dman 1b Uu cleaning out o! such eattl?." Tn Engiaml. under thoir health laws, they have commenced fining pcople who nppoar in public places after hiaving Ivon attacked -vith the grippe. Kcveral p'ople were fined $25 each fOT th offense recently. It is hoped hv iliis m?thod to resist the spread oí thie contagian, What a revenue could be derived in this country by that method just at present. Tt was General Grant who s.aid: "TIip Democratie party can nlways he dopended upon to do the wrong thimr at tho right time." The split ovr ih" ep?akerehip means ,a diviKion o' presiden tí al forces. It means Jealoufiy anl cotitentlon throughout 1I1 ■ seesloia of congress. -And it means ropuhlica.n success in ths country irt 1802 and 1S93.- B.iltimore American. The tiiiplíibe inrïnstry will hare heon eetablished so firmly in this country befare electioti next yenr that the democrnts "vill le obllged etther to eat tli ir worrts or reraain silent.- Cleveland Leader. Tliafs Tiothinc; few thetn'to do. The principal Bueinees they have been engagied tor the past 25 or 30 years li.-is been in swallowing thelr own woriiS. Tliry Avill eat anytliinK in 1li" shapi of crow now with great relietL. Blacker. the new secretary of state, ín pertoacs Blacker than at first supIKks-il. He has etarbed out with a great epasm of virtue, and as the invipatlgetlng conimittxx1 of Gov. iWlnan rofuses to prosecute Soper, ,altliough coademlng liim as a criminial, this ncw man influenccs the board oí state auditors, of which he is a rnember, to Jroceed to punish the trahwss firma of ivhoin the former eocretary oF state purchased goods for the state, by diealloirtng their bilis. Queer method of retrenchment and reform that. The Adrián Press says the "corrnption" of Sccretary Soper was "all In yomr oye." A (XxnelderaiWe of it seemeá to bc in the jjovernor's "eye," and "in 1hc eye" o'f'the invostiRatins commdttee, ateo. In f act it was an eyedeul AU aroujifl. Had Soper been a ropublican, and committed a like "co - ruptioii" ln would have gone to priscxn, the samé as "Honest"! John MoKinney did years agoi, when his dislionesty was discovered. But being a democrat irom wtioxn such tliings ar' exp'.cted as a matter of course. the proplu must ehut their oyes and kt "poor Soper" go. Froiin statistics oí enrolled pupila In ha public schools in the United States as given by tha census of 1890, sorae interesting points are noted. The nuir.b.-r oíf pupila in the elenientary and Kcondary grades ivas 12,688,97:!; ín 1680 it, was 9,867,505; in 1870 ib was 6.871,522. In 1890 the pupiis enro'.led formed 20 per cent. of the total population; in 1880, 19.07 per cent.; in 1870, 17.82 per cent. This ineréáse in the prqportion of eni-o'l'd pupila is due to dovelopment of public schools in the south. Thr notli!rn states show a dccrease of 4 per cent. in .the proportion of enrollel pupüs to the population, -which is probably due to the mcrease of private and paroohlal schools, to the tendency net to send cbildren t-o school at so early an age as forraerly and t,o th' fewer nuraber of children as compared with the population. The politieel thief that oscupied tfcie Kovcrnor's chair and a senatorial seat at the same time in New York Buceeeded in stealing the New Yrwk legislature, even overriding the ilrciMini ui the supreme court of that alíate to do it. He is a man who is no. oi ly danfferoue politically, but he is dangerons to the liberties of the country. He is composed of the material that makes dictators. If he Hhooild ever succeed in reaching the livsi(lonti.-il chtiir, he would not hesltfite ome moment to proclaim himbpII emperor, if heicould hire the army and navy to stand by him. The people of tilia nation must beware of such nv-ui as Ilill Witliout honesty and WtlKHit-COMScience, he will allow nothins; in tbe shape of law to thwart his designs. He cares no more for courts tha.n for caucuses, and there Is no deed too contemptible for him to do.


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