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"M. & H. WRITING TABLE7S. The Handsomeat, Most Economical, and BEST method of putting up Writing Papers for home and office use. Get thera from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondence malled for Twenty-Five Cents. GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. S. Baker & Co.fs Gocoa from -vrhich the excess of oil has been removed, ia Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers overywhere. W. BAKER & G0u Dorchester, Mass. For twenty-five years the c?rporienoe of milliona of snfferers, old and yomic, male and female hava gratefully endorsed the miracnluna vü;ut3 of This Pliarmacenüca! Paradox of the Age A vitaliaing Btimulant without al eohol. A nerva sedative without narcotiss. A blood purifler without poisons. A liver elaanser. A puraly vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutritior, secretion, oxcretion and respiration. A life-giviag tonie, puro and simple, without tha disastrous reaetion3 of the deadly compounds of rum and aloohol 113. ually sold as bitters. Was never knewn beförs In the World. Ita diacoveryamnni; the ruedicmal fruits rooi and lierbs of California WAS A MIBACLE, and thetr corubtnation into a phenomenal llfegiving tonio A TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAI, ART. The only chango made in the formula during twenty-five yeara has been to present it in two combinations. The nlil original remain unrbanged but beine etronger, inore laxativa and better. A new lorm more agreeable to tha tasto and better adapted to öeliciitriconunl nnrl chitaren, but comprising the samo tonio properties. ia now madu and (ie grienen of the tcorUl ia chttlleuatd to croduco theequalofthis TRCLY & ONLYTEMPERENCE BITTEHS KNOIi or to produce apnrely vegetable bitters or medicine of any kind, "whoae aotiou is at onco bo safe, so certain and comprehensive as the CALITOENIA VINEÖAB BITTERS, or any compound which from it3 varied action upou tho ilal lunctiona is equal to the CURE OF SO MA2ÏY DISEASES. TliPir Mme is legión- Eheninatism. Npuralgia, Catfirrh, Jaundice, Kidney Distase, Scrofnla, Skin Dtwaaea aud Boils. Consurnption, Pilos and all disorders arising from indipestion, irupure blood nervous prostration, and dilapidated constitution from any cause give -n-ay to it like mist before tha sun. wtiile, its singular power over inz DEADLY MICROBE AND OMKIPRESENT BACTERIA indicates it3 superiority in all diseaaea of malarial origin, and rendera it the EEST VEESIIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW 8TYLE VIXEGAR BITTERS In the house, as expressed by thousands of test'inonials. Send for beautiful boofe. Address, R. II. McUOXALD DRUG CO.,' New ïoi Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, Andrew R. Schmidt and Kose Schmidt, of the city of Aun Arbor, Wushtonaw County, State of Michigan, on the twenty fourth day of December, one thousnnd eight hundred and eighty-eight, made and executeda mortgage to Baker, Gray & Company (incorporated) of Detroit. State of Michigan, to secure the payment of the sum of fifteen huudred dollars and interest at eight por cent per annum : the principal sum being due as follows : $750 in six months, and :f7-u in one year from date of said mortgage. whicü mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Wnshtenaw, State of Michigan, oa the third day of January, A. T)., 1889, in Libel 7: of mortgages on page 57. And whereas the sum of foiir' hundred and fortyfive dollars of the principal and interest ïs claimed to be due on s.iiil mortgage at the date of tiiis notice ;l!k1 defaulthaving been made in the payment of the same or anypait thereof, whereby rhu pover contained in ai{l mortgage to sell the premisea deseribed therein has become operative and no suit or proceedi] law or equity having been instituted r. ivei any part of the sura due. Notice is tnere fore herebygiyen that byvirtue of the i : ed in said mortgage and v.vsuaut to the statute In - u h ca ■■ ade and - d we shall on S i lurd lij ■ of Jan uarj on tu hunad nlnety-two at ten o'cloch noon of that day, sell at public auction I bidder, at the south door pf ; he iiuust' in the city of Ann Arbo (said cofirt house being the place for hi (uit court in saldeoiiD [bed in said morl : . 1 ? l H' JüllOÜ illows: ill tb -vii : Those parts of of the north line of N line of De street one hundn y at right augles to Deti I lifty feet, thence south f ourtcen de one hundred and threeandone one hundred and five feet beginning, eieepting the right of William Foley to use the wellon payiiiK half the repairs thereof. Dated, October 34, 1891. BAKER. (lltAV & GO., J. Q. A. Sessiohs, Mortt Attorney for Mortgagees. Fargo's Shoes rèmfly Tï FARCO'S P "Box Tip" School Shoes iS%V ior Bys and Girs' ? Pj Heeled or Wedge Heal. Ë 'tSV&- Sizes-8tol0tf SI .85 H OVaTii Utol34 1.60 IHtC? T]S lt03 1.7S föt FARCO'S )MV $2.50 Calf Shoe iVI-v fr Gentlemen, wirïs_s- . Ünequaled by anjr shoe éj--.:% ■ h Cii-p ■ in America at the samo BgWÍakJ!?nU&kfií'prÍce. In Convreas. ButW -ímijía ton and Lace. Men'sand Boy'ssizes. fCft FARCO'S l ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT ƒ OÈL x Don90la o' Button, - h . Opera, or Cornmon Sense. f'Z)Rfti&& X Tackless and flexible. ï.CxirLAÏvLÈ_ Warranted the most DÜR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOW OF ÏVERY SHOE, O. H. FABGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENT8, - ANX ARBOR. HÉels later Back ! A very important inveution which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. ' HUTZEL & CO., Plnmbem and SteamfitUrs. ANN ARBOR, - - MIOH J6oo3s:'s Ootton 3ROO ■ ÍPI pOMPOUHü Ë Sf? Comrosed of Cotton Hoi i . Tansy and y i Pennyroyal- a recent thácovery by an "%-Jold physiuian. Ys sucseivfuUti used fnontW]- &afe. EffectuaL. Trice 1, by maiL sealed. Ladies, ask your droírgisí rr "Cook' Cotton Root Compound and taïe no substituto or inolose 2 stamps for sealed partiuuiars A dress POND LIÍLY COMPANY. No.3 FlaSer Block, 131 Woodward ave.. Detroit. Mich. EBERBACH &SONS.ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATiTlíSl TEY leducs;"pkJ-J-ti-LJ-XLlD KIODICAL" PILLS from I'aris, Frauce. Established in Europe 1839. Canuda in 1WS. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable inonthly medicine. They ahvays relieve. Auy druggist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Hobert Sjephenson & Co Wholesale agents, and all other druggista in Ann Arbor. These pills are warrauted to bring ou the " change. GET THE BEST FIRE HÍSURAHCE $29,000,000 Security held for the proteetion of the pblicy holden, t-. ..CHRISTWNiMACK: Represente the followlng flrst-class oompaniea, of wliicli one, the -Ktu:i, has alone paid $65,000, 000 flré losses in slxty-flve years : iEtim. of Hartford $9,192,644 Franklin of Philadelphla 3,118,713 Gemianía, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán, American, N. Y 4,005.968 London Assuranee, London . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit . . . 287,608 N. Y. Undonvritcrs, X. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 8,759,086 Loases líberally'adj usted and promptly iail. Policks issued at Uu' lowest ratesof premium. 119HÍ ' MC Mlssod hls Oppor tonïty ! ÏÏOX'T 3Ilss II "Vours, iïeatU, Tbe majority negtect tlii ii i.v aud dio ín i t!iey Dity. IlfeispAiiiK ! Beach out, lie iip and iiintr. tmproveyour opporEa... ce, poace. It wa of Fortune oíTers ;i {,'oiik'i! ■ , . I ut life; [todo er to return." Horshal1 yon ünd tlie GOi.r . ■ , chanca tbat , nnciof fHirpromi-o; that 8 ffihat all suc■ itn opporttmity, sueli rs is not often ■: nff peiMite. lm pro veil, t will give, 1 ütni t in life. Tbs coi i :,i;y for il honorably byanyiji . ,jn fau . re. Even be:n #.■ lo ííilO tur day. Yon II vvork, uot too hard, Imt indnsiri■i go on. Yoa eau give spiire time only, ornll lime to ihevrork. Easy ti lenrn. Capital uot reqult-ed. Wu start wn All is compuratively now anti renlly vrondeifnl. Ve instruct and show you li ov, iVce, Kitilure imktmwu among onr workers. No room to expluiu here. Write nnd lunrn all free, bv return in;ti! Unwise tn delay. AdJrosa at once II. llalleu & Co, JUox 8öO, Foi-ditiitl, Maïuc.


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Ann Arbor Courier