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Isaac Sawtelle, under sentence of death for the miirder of his brother Iliram, died of apoplexy in his cell in the state prison at Concord, N. H. Flames among business buildings in Boston eaused a loss of $450,000. W. J. Scanlan, the noted comedian, was stricken with paresis in New York and would probably never play again. In the United States the visible supply of grain on the 28th was: Wheat. 44,620,217 bushels; corn, 5,864,252 bushels; oats, 3,720,647 bushels. Thk annual cloth statement published at Fall Eiver, Mass., shows a production of 9,985,000 pieces the past year, against 9,937,000 pieces the preceding year. President Harrison refused to pardon Harper, the wrecker of the Fidelity savings bank at Cincinnati, who has been in the Ohio penitentiary since 1887 on a ten years' sentence. O. C. Newell & Sons, New York lumber dealers, have failed for $186,717. Georoe Wightman and three other men were frozen to death in a storm near Gary, S. D. Charles Kimball, of Little Rock, Ark,, disrobed his refractory 8-yearold child, placed it in a tub of ice-cold water, and afterwards whipped it fatally. Lem Jones was hang-ed at Oliver Springs, Tenn., for the murder of his wife and child on June 26, 18P0. Two colored ehildren were burned to death in a house at Shelbyville, Tenn. By the error of a gateman at a crossing in Brooklyn of the Island railroad a coach containing1 four persons was penned in on the track and all the occupants were struck by a train and fatally injured. Wiixiam Sutcliffe, an Auburn (N. Y.) brewer, has failed for $100.000. It was reported that it had been decided that Chili must expresa her regrets for the assault upon the sailors of the Baltitnore and pay to the families of the murdered seamen a snug indemnity, and that she must do this within two weeks. Her refusal would mean war with the United States. lx was said that it "had been decided to allow the sale of liquor at the world's fair, the exposition company tp receive for the privilege of the sale a percentage of the gross receipts. Six well-known old people at Jacksonville, 111., whose ages ranged from 75 to 8ö years, died on the 29th of the grip. Oliveb Andekson and a young man named Peerman were killed at the Middlefork coal mines near Danville, 111., by an explosión. Joseph and Nicholas Dnuth, who murdered Farmer Kuntz near Spalding. Neb., were captured by a mob anc lynched. A little 5-year-old child named Eek bert, residing in Springfield, O., stole a half pint of whisky and drank it went to sleep and never woke up. A Philadelphia company has com pleted arrangement;, in that city for the erection of the largest tin-plate factory in the United States. A lasoe building n the course of erection at Brooklyn, N. Y., feil, injuringnineteen workmen, three fatally. The Clearfield (Pa.) hotel livery stable was blown np with dynamite and the debris and eight houses were destroyed by the fire that followed. Freight trains collided near Chillicothe, Ma, and an engineer, two firemen and a brakeman were killed and eleven cars containing cattle were burned. Felix Regnier was killed by an lowa Central passenger train at Monmouth, 111. He was over 90 years old. The will of W. L. Scott, " of Erie, Pa., who died last September, was filed for probate. It left property valued at 815,000,000 to the family. lN a quarrel at Ensley City, Ala., Frank Phillips and Joseph Smith killed each other. Makion and Dave Beatty and Gwyn Bo welen, of Fentress county, Tenn., were shot and killed by a young man named Ed Harris. The shooting was caused by the Beatty brothers striking their sister. It has been diseovered tha't the bond given by Jeff Davis to the United States government to auswer to the charg-e of treason has been stolen from the court records at Eichmond, Va. A fire, supposed to be incendiary, destroyed the business portion of Plainfield, 111. A reciprocitt arrangement has been entered into betweën Secretary Blaine and the British minister to embrace the British West Iudian colonies of Jamaica, Barbadoes, the Leeward and the Windward islands, Trinidad and the colony of British Guiana. John Sims, the last of the outlaw gang, was taken from the jail at Butler, Ala., and hanged by a inob. W. M. Humphkkvs, an ag-ed farmer near Hopkinsville, Ky., was terribly beaten by white caps. The work of the dies used for making coins 1891 was begnn at the United States mint in Phtladelpbia. John Brunklle and his wife weré suffocated by coal gas in their home at Wild Kice, N. I)., and nine children were made orphans. William Marsh, a man of Milton, Pa., committed suicide because his parents reproved him for havingmarried a girl who "worked out." Iíecipkocity arrang-ements were signed by Secretary Blaine with the ministers of Gautemala and Salvador or their respective countries. In a -wreek on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago road near Salem, 3., eig-hteen cars were destroyed and -hree men fatally hurt Fire in Hepler, Kan., destroyed eleven of the principal business houses. Fkkd Wuaïamb and Jack Thomas were swept away, tog-ether with their cabin, by a snow slide near Empire g-ulch in Colorado. The stocks of wool unsold in the principal markets of the United States ggreg-ate a total supply of 106,414.233 pounds, ag-ainst 92,S6Í,682 pounds a year ag-o. The cooperase of the flard oil worUs at Constable Hodk, W. J., was burned. Loss, 8100,000. At Stamford, Conn., Mrs. Norman Thomas, ag-ed 21, was fatally shot by her busband, agfed 27, who then killed himself. Domestic trouble was the cause. Thk Prudential Fire Insurance Company of Boston has wound up its affairs and reinsured its risks in the Home Insurance Company of New York. H. F. Osboknk, ü. I)., of Columbia college, New York, was elected president of the American Society of Naturalists at the session in Philadelphia. Jkhe Litti,e, the once famous Kentncky outlaw, was accidentally killed Monday last by an immense log rolling over him. William and Albert Wal ter wer killed and John Rogulsky fatal ly injured by an explosión of dynamite near Milwaukee, Wis. The village of Aurora, Ia., was destroyed by fire. The Messiah craze has broken out afresh ainong the Cheyennes and Arapahoes in lndian territority and ni! little anxiety was feit. During last yar 834 persons died of the grip in New York city, against 314 in 1890. Edward SpoHjjand MissLouise Seig. a betrothed couple, were killed at South Bend, Ind., by a brick wall falling upon them. Stephen Bell was hanged at Fairfax, Vt, for the murder of his wife. Fire business houses in Birmingham, Ala., caused a loss of S150,000. The total nnmber of business failures in the United States during 1891 was 12,273, against 10,907 in-lS9J. The total amount of liabilities was S189,868,638, against $189,656,964 in 18P0. The revenues of the government for the month of December were $28,500,! 000, or 552,500,000 less than the expe.iditures durinff the same period. During 1891 the total amount of embezzlements in the United States was 519,720,394, against 8623,956 in 1890. Thb total fire losses in the United States in 1891 was 5106,047,000, against $108,412,694 in 1890, $143,902,670 in Ih89, 8100,000,000 in 18S8, $130,000,000 in 1887 and $115,000,000 in 1886. The loss of life by railroad disasters in this country during 1891 was 3,261, as compared with 3,420 in 1890. The number of seriously injured was 2,707, against 2,746 in 1890. The total number of raurders committed in this country during1 1891 was 5, 90, as compared with 4,290 in 1S90 and 3,567 in 1889. The number of legal executions in 1891 was 123, against 102 in 1890. During the last year 189 men and 6 women were lynched, against a total of 127 in 1890. John Delaney, a wealthy farmer of Doniphan county, Kan., and his wife and two sons all died withm a short time of each other from a disease caused by sleeping in the rooms of a new house. The number of persons who committed suicide in the United States during 1891 was 3,331, as compared %vith 2,640 in 1890 and 2,224 in 18S9. Duking the year 1891 there were coined at the Philadelphia mint over 92,000,000 pieces, with a valuation of over 813,000,000. Noivell & Presby, dry goods dealers in New York, failed for 250,000; assets, 5150,000. Fire at Hardin, Mo. , dèstroyed twenty-tvvo business houses and dweUing-s. A cyclonic storm 3 miles wide wiecked many farm buildings aud did much other damao-e near Texarkana Ark. In Kanawha county, V. Va., Wilson aged man, was burned to death in his own house, and the shock caused the death of his aged wife. The deaths of 114 eentenarians were reported in 1891. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Brig.-Gen. William Ratmond Lee, organizer and first commander of the Twentieth Masachusetts volunteers in the war of the rebellion, died in Boston, apred 85 years. Samuel B. Reed, of Joliet, 111., who built the first railway connecting Chicag-o with the east, and who constructed many other railways, died at Pasadena, Cal., aged 73 y e ars. Gov. Flemixg has appointed Edward J. Tracy state treasurer of Florida, viee Francis J. Pond, deceased. Members of various labor organizations met at andorganized the i people's party of Michigan. The i form favors free coinag-e of siiver, abolition of trusts, universal suffrage and the suppression of the liquor traffic for beverage purposes. Alfred Colé, whose age was said to be 115 years, died at his home at Springdale, Ky., from the effects of la grippe. Thomas H.Abmstrong, ex-lieutenantgovernor of Minnesota, died at che age of 63 years at Albert Lea. Ekv. William Potter, knownas the oklest Congregational minister in the world, died at Hampden, O., aged 95 vears. Dit. S. Rawson died at Des Moines, Ia., ag-ed 96 years, and his broth.T died on the same Ohio, aged 94 years. "Uncle Baldwin" Harl celebrated his lOlst birthday at his home near Marshal, Mo. . M. Mooke. afarmer, was elected speaker of the Kentucky house of representatives. Joxas HmivLEy, inventor of the Hinkley knitting machine, machine and carpet sweeper, died at Norwalk, O. , aged 74 years. The Wisconsin prohibitionists will hold their state convention at Madison May 30 next. James E. Cooper, proprietor of the Adam Forepaugh shows, died in I'hiladelphia. aged 60 years. Kosweli. P. Flower was inaugurated governor of New York at Albanv. Mme. Patti, the noted soprano, arrived in New ïork on the City of Paris. ItoswELi, B. Mason, who was mayor of Chicago thegreatfire of 1871, died in that city, aged 86 years. Ex-Chief Bubhyhead, of the Cherokee nation, died at Tahlequah, I. T. Joiin M. Finnebty, the inventor of the cotton pieker, died in Washington, aged 74 years. Maktin Briggs, an ex-slave, died at üvid. Mich., a.ired WO sears. CrOV. Humphbey, of lvá, has appointed Bishop W. Perkins a.i United States senator to Bucceed the late Senator Plumb. Thomas B. Wírd, of Lafayette, Ind., ex-member of congress, died suddenly at Plainfield, Ind. John Dietel, on exhibition at a museum in Cincinnati as a fat glant, died from an attack of the grip. He weighed 763 pounds. FORE1GN. A wealthy squire named Hambeck, living at Gratz, Austria, shot tvvo of his sons, 6 and 7 years respectively, and then committeed suicide. He was insane. Tuk governor of the state of Durando, Mex., announced that in that state many persons were dymg of starvation. A LAUSE number of persons sakl to have been concerned in a plot to assassinate the czar have been arrested in Russian Poland. Bektik Cecil, postmaster gvneral of HoDduras, died at Tegucigalpa. He was a native of the United States. Unitkd States Coxsut, Vii,i,iam T. RlCE, the oldest consul in the service, died at his post at Leghorn, Italy. Ei.evex men were drowned by the wreek of the I renen steamer Albatross off Archachon. Antox Rubinstein, the Russian pianist and composer, has declined the offer of L150,000 made him f or a concert tour in America. The 83d birthday of William E. GladKtone was celebrated by his friends at Hawarden. The Army and Navy Gazette of London suffgests that England return to Lhe United States the old frigate President, eaptured from the United States ín 1815 off !STew York harbor by a Hritish squadron, and make it a part of the world's fair naval display. Repouts from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande were to the eiïect that 4.000 Mexican government troops sta;ioned at Mier had revoltee!, killed Lheir commanding officers and gone to oin Garza's insurgents. A tehiuble railroad accident occurred in Rosova, on the railroad between Minsk and Smolensk, Russia. An express train ran into the rear of a train carryinp troops. Tvventy persons were killed and 100 vvere injured. James Murphy and his sister Marv veré found dead in their house in Newry, Ireland. They were wealthy miséis and died oí starvation. The Indian national congress in session at Nag-pur, the capital of the cenral provinces of India, adopted a resoution demanding home rule for India. Capt. Garza, the Mexican revolu;ionist, captured a detáchment of Mexcan troops and shot the four offieers. E. L. WooDijr, late superintendent of the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company at Kong-, was arrested at Vancouver, B. C, on the charge of $100,000. Tweia'e fishing boats to Vinaros and San Carlos de la Rápita, in France, 'ere lost in a storm, fortythree persons drowned. The finaneial office of Dublin castle J was wrecked by a dynamite explosión said to have been caused by the Fenian party. LATER NEWS. Thk public debt statement Issued on the 2r! showed the total debt to t.e $1,553.205,000; cash in the treasurv. $184,t 574,128; debt less eash in the treasury, $1,418,630,872. Decrease December. $4,552,789. Durinö a fire in the Waveriy hotel in Chicago Paul Wood and John Meredith were suffocated. Puesident Haruisox has issued a proclamation a rec: jimcíty treaty with Salvador, to go into effect February 1 next. A fire in a lodging house at Tl inford. Cal., caused the death of E!inir E. Spofford, F. B. Tncker, E. W. koster and T. C. Hammond. The United States troops on the Rio 'ïrande in Texas routed a band of Mexican revolutionists and captured Col. Pablo M unez, one of Garza's leaders. The steamer Noordland ran down the British bark Childwell off Antwerp and cut her to pieces. The bark sank and fifteen of hev crew were drowned. Mes. Adam Wuchtbr, of Whitehall, Pa., has not taicen solid food for 640 da.ys. Fi.ames among business houses in Nashville, Tenn., causee! a loss $.iOO,000, and Stokes, Allen, Harvey Ewing and C. C. Goudy, culored firemen, were killed by a fallin wall. IIigiiwaymrn held up a stag-e near the Idaho line in Montana and secured ?0,000 worth of jewelry and S100 in cash. Ten Chinese and two women who Rtarted in a sloop to cross the straits at Port Townsend, Wash., drowned by the wreeking of their boat Converse college, the leading institute for women in South Carolina, was burned at Spartanburff, the loss bein" 8100,000. Gen. Mo ntgomery C. Meigs, of the United States Eng-ineer corps (retireri), died of the grip in Washington, ag-edVG I years. Edwin Fairchii,d, of Sheboyg-an, Wis., shot his stepdaughter, Arlisle Johnson, and then killed himself. Family trouble was the cause. A car contamina ten non-union operators to take the place of strikers was broken into near Texarkana, Ark., and three of the men were killed. IN a street fight in Perry, Fla., Robert Parker and John J. Garto, excounty judg-e of Taylor county, were killed and Thomas Walters fatally injured. At Westport, Ind., Rev. F. M. Westhafer was stricken dumb in the midst of a revival sermón.


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