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nrPRlCE's Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. i. No other baking powder does such work. Flijsicians Conldn't Cure Iliin. X Sf.damsviILE, Hamilton Co., O., June, 1889. One bottle f Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonlc cured me entirely, after physicians had tried unBuccessfully for eight monthg to relieve me of nervous debility. W. HUENNEFELD. LOWELL, Ohio, July 8, 1890. I had epileptio flts íor about four years, two every week, when Eev. J. Kampmeyer reoommended Pastor Koenig'8 Nerve ïonio ; since nsing it have had none. It is the best epileptic medicine I have ever used, aud 1 have used many. ADAM CBAMEU. NewCortdon, Ind., Nov. 18, 18S0. It affords me great pleasure to oertif y that my son, who íor five and a half yeara was affectea with falling sickness, was oured by using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic. For two years past he htts not had a single attack. Thbrefore, aocept the heartfelt thanks of a grateful father. JOHN B. MOES. Inrr-A Valuable Book on Tfervous L IJL L Diseases seut l'rec to any addrees, f Mf f and poor patients can also obtain Sllrilai this medicine l'ree of charge. This remedyhas been prepared bytbe Reverend Pastor KoeniK, oí Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876. and isnow prepared underhis direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoM by Oruggists at SI per Bottle. 6 for 85. tarse Site, 1.75. 6 Bottlos fat !S9. vigörTfmen Easily, Puiokly, Permanently Restored. TVeiikne, Srervousne8i lieblllty. and all the train of evlls f rom early error or later excesses, the resulta of overwork, sicknesa, worry, etc. Full etrength, development, and tone Kiven to every organ and porticm of the body. Simple, natural metbods. Immediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,0(10 referoncea. Bonk. explanationa 'Mid proofs mailed oealed) f ree. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. CURE Bics Headache and relieve all tho troubles lnciöent to a bilious state of the systom, such aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinoss, Diatress after +! in tïft Ridfi. frc. WhÜ6 thoir UlOSt remarkable success has been shown m curing SICK Deaaache, yet Carter's Llttle Liver Pilis aro cqually valuablo in ConBtipation, curing and prceating thiaannoyingcomplaint.whilo they also correct r.ll disorders of thestomach.stinvulate the liver and regúlate the bowels. Even if they only a HEAD Acbetlicy wouldbo almostpricelesBto thoaewliO euffer froiT?. thisdistrcssingcomplaint; brftfortuUatnh-tiicirpfoílncH3doesiiotentlhere,audtlios3 - nho once t ry 1 hcin wlll flnd I hese li ttlo pills I tifcle lu bo nviii f waj a that Üioy will uot bo willicg to clo without ïhem. Bui afterallsick heatl ; ACH E Is the bane of so many lives that here is whera we make our great boost. Our pilla cure it whila others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilis are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills niakea dose. They are strietly vegetable aml do not gripe or puroe, butby their gontlo action pleaseall who nsethem. Invialsat25centa; flvcfor$l. Sola by druggiBts everywb-e, cv sent by mail. CART ER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PUL. SMÁLL POSE. SMALL PRICE RÜNSEY & SEABOLT'S BflKERY_GRDCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep eonstantlyon hand BREAD, CRACK liHS. CAKES, etc, for wholcsale aiid retail trade. We shall [Uso keep jv supply of SWIFT & DEÜBEt'S KEST Whiti? 'Wheat Flour OSBOAN'S GOI.D DÜ3T FLOUR. BCCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MKAL, FEED, 9to., at wholesale and retail. A genera] stook of &R0CERIES and PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on a reasouable'terins as at any other house ui the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods dellvered to any part of the olty without extra RINSEY & SEABOLT. Red all over - Cranberriee. Two ridiculoue- Duellists. For dyspepela- Hot Bread. A tea party- Young Hysou. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick beadache, biliousnes, constipation, pain in the sitie, and all liver troubli's. Carter's Lutle Pille. Try thetn.


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