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"in The First Place, I Would Say

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■ hat fcvery departure Ir om usage anu matosa irequiree an expkmation on the part oí tboee who make the departure 10 tbose iviio aire lnterested in tne subject. Custom is the law. To viólate the law is a crime. # , We therefore are ín the right, and mav insist upon veceiving a valid explaiiation. Those who commit tus violtion of the law must picad guilty or deiend tftemselves. AVith us custom i vin Tt, rules iudsces and courts and liartws and commerce, and we ui scareeiy be deemed very bold il we ask, 'Show your warrant to vioiati1 tliis law.' " The above are the words of Mr. Fi-ederick B. Coudert, vrho presided nt the cnormoií5 Cooper Instituto Meeting last Thursday cvening in New York CHty, -io protest against Gov. Hill'.s peculiar methode- (as praaticed y hïm in his own party). Tbsee 'words ought to wnig a sung not only to HUI and nis marplote, bal to every honest democrat wlio 4ia oomplacently w-inked at tbat man's crimes because they brouglit advaatage to hte party. If Mr. Ooudart, and Mr. Oswald Ottjendorler, and other prominent and vloqucnt demócrata avIio took part ín t ii;i i earnest protest agatost dishonKwt.v. miictlv avail themselves of the dfereputabfe and dishonesfc tricks by wliich Mr. HUI and Iii.s board oí state amvaeeers obtalned control of the legisla aire of New Yoi-k, without as eamestiy protesttog against it, they provo tiicmsclves as bad as Hill himTho crime coramitted agatnst honest oiTTiimoit in both New York and Michigan ís a crime that wlll bear su good ivuit for the democratie party. Mark the predk-tion. In the iml Midi dishonesty wlll reap its just vc'.nbutkm. The dasturdly and cowardly attack ïipon General Alger by the New York Sun -v-ill not lnjure liim in the ey'es oí tüip peoplo. He Ss too weU known. Hig grand military record is too weïï known. Entering the ervice a poor, inknoivn lad, without Eriends or influonce, and worklng his way from the ranks to the proud poaltion of a brevet M-ajor General of Volunteers, by pure inerit and gritty iighting qualities 'alone, ds record tihat can not be HalUed by any villiiinous correspondent ror mudUnging Journal :t this late dia y. The Kun Bhould Bend out raya of ligTit n.nd tiot streaks ol foul slander and tnalicious ialKehoods. General AJger lias e warm place in tlio licarts of all Michigan people, aixl ïiot only of Michigan people, but of all the old soldiarg throughout the ecmntry, who know Mm and respect hini lor his true manliood. Thta attempt to smircli His briltdant soldier record is condemned on all eidies, ly men of all parties. The Chicase 'Times utters this treaBon: Tlids tonsriJ'1 í;lillmv The republlcan presa oí the country (l.-u-cs congress to pase a free tmade r it frue eilvcr bilí. Tlie present demooratie national House ol Repreeentatdves dáres not .at-o n.-rionon auy national qüestloïl. It is as cowardly na awhipped tur. In Detroit, a bushei of beans can be exclMiaged for forty pounde oï sugai- wWle a farmer, just atross the river in Canada, can only gel vin-ineen poundB. Tlie eífoit to erect a monument at the "Woi-ld's Fair, commemorative of the omancipation of the slaves ís a en-and one, and ought to be successful. Wiat more approprlate monumem could be dovised tboa a statue of Lincoln. I hope to live to see the day when at the dnter.seetion oí di verging roads one need not in ïancdtul imagination, pictare a placard ioscribed: ■Whiehever road you bake, you will wteb vrn ii.-ul taken thé one.' "-Hou. jolin D. Shull, before the Tecmnseh Farmers' ï-netitute. If congres wcmld enact a Uuv making a iHvsidontial term extend over Bix ycais, aud then make the president not eligible to a Becoud term, it would be doiiiK the country afar better service tlian trylng to tinker ■vvith the tariff, or ín endeavoriuK to npset all the monotary affairs of the uation. The tide has tui-ned bo unanimously 5n iavor oí Cleveland in the democratie rnite, that poor Hill and his fodlowers must í'cl woefnlly dlscouroed. But Hill has a way of popping np when least expected, and he may have all those Cleveland booms hoistefl l.v nnclfi-ground dyuamite niines, nnd tlnis feurprise the party. lioyd, the demócrat that The United States Wupreme Court placed in the goveraor'B seat oí Nébrafika, proposes to emulaie the examplfi oi Ks-Guv. D. Barglax HUI, of Xew York, and steal everythig in siglit. He proposes to hjave Nebrafika "MlcMganizefl," and to liold everyüilng for the democratie party, 1y force. 5f necessary. If filen1 waen't vi sheep raised m "Lenawee county t&e armer WOUM aot lose a dollar. Even if wool ■tere 40 ceüts a iiounil it is no Ixjtter tlian to raáse wheat, corn or hay, or keep cowe. - Adrdao Press. ThMt's -L tic way to talk it. Come, out bold on tlie sheep question. Now tnake th iarmers, or any one else beBeve iliat falso statement, if you can. Ií foreign Wlver is ctumped into Araerica, it Avill be in pay tor surplus farm producís. Farmers can stand a deal oí Adrián Prese. Yes, unlrr the present wise ■ laws, t.Uat fe cmic. Jiut adopt the wild project oï íree coiaage of silver and tihero -will fee a lar different result. A result that would bring disaster an-fl banJsruptey ■ busánrss mfii and farmers alik". líbw that Seeretary Bhüne has declined to allow his name to come beïore the repubHoan national convention to asvscnib'.e at Minnoapolis in Juno, Ut -would aeem as though ncwspapcr correspontlents could desist irom Ij-ing about hi'm. Having become so accustomed to stating faleehoQda ior the few years, it has become a chronic dteeaee vith them. Boyd, the allcged alien democratie governor of iSebraska- ttorough the grace of the ü. 6. Supremo eourt- is a great (?) ananü He is so elevated over the important position thrust upon him that he refuses to shake hands with his predecessor. ! He is bound to mate a record for himself. The jrople of Nebraska ■vill get all they want of Boyd in a very short time accordlng i present indications. All the republdoams and ;i great jnany democrats in Michigan have been longlng ior another election so that they eould get a chance to put Joseph B. Moore, of Detroit, in charge oí tlie state trcnsury. He carne so near to it at the kust deluge, having inatle a grand struggLe against great odd.s, that his {rienda want to see hün elected next time, and they wlll, without doubt. He is already la the lield and for victory this time. Tlie Register-made "opdniona of the Psress" givcn In the laet Kegister, cd one very important "opinión, un ilmoet any question (except prohibition) it will be noticed that that sheet has decáded convlctlone as follows: As moved by David B. Hill, second!d ly "Bill" Springer and indorsed by the "darageroxrely democratie" House caucus, t jilittínnii oí that party will .read tliue: I'lank 1- Yell. l'laiik 2- Tackle. l'lank 3- Object. Plank 4 - Amt'inl. Plank 5- Juggle. Plank 'Holler." l'lauk 7- Do nothing. Plank 8- Resolved, That the Ameviian peoplc should elect us instead of the republicana. - Denver Times. Senator Hill's political villianies have been smiled at by demócrata Until lic began to practice them upon lws opponent in his own party, when ■all at once they have become monsti'ous. Crimes are crimes, it must e remembered, whether practiced ngainst oursolves or our noighbors. Our aieighbors' political rights are as saored as our own, and any one ■wlio tvamples upon them deserves to be punished like any other criminal. Tlvis is as applicable to the thieves wlw Btole two seate in the senate of Michigan as it is to Mr. HiU and his gang of political thieves in New York.


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