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"M. & H." WRITING TABLEJS. Vl% Ha"dspmest. Most Keonomical, and BK.ST inethod of putting ap Writing Papers for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK k SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet snitable for Polite Correspondence mailed for Twenty-Fire Cents. Opas=; aro "Treated wilh Carbonate of Soda, Magnesia, Potash or Bicartonate of Soda." To partially supply the loss of natural flavor and color oaused by this treatment, fragrantgums and dyes are used. L)r. Sjidney RiNr.BR, Professor of Medicine at Umversity College, London, and Physician to the College Hospital, perhaps the greatest English authonty on the actipn of drugs, states in his "Handbook.of Therapeutics"that"thesustainedadminïstraiion of alkalies and their carbonates renders the biood ït is said, poorer in solids and in red corpuscles and impairs the nutntion of the body." Of ammonia' carbonate of ammonia, and spirits of ammonia, hè says: Inese.preparations have maiiy properties in common with the alkaline, potash and soda poup. rheypossess a strong alkaline reaction are %'Y. soluble in water, have a high diffusion-pSwer .and dissolve the animal textures. . . . IfadminSdrfntést1nesn?' yeXCiteCatarrhL the stomaSl For more than 100 Years the house of Walter Baker & Co. have made their Cocoa PreparationsABSOL UTELTPUBE, using NO Patent Procesa, Alkalies or Dyes. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. gratefully endorsed the miíaoulom virtud of' Thia Phanaacenticil Paradox of the Age „Jt T11!31"11 st:iJi"-ant without al eoho! A nerve s 5dative without naroctics A bloed purifler without poisoas. A liver eleanser. A nurelv vegetable tissue-makcr, proS di gestión , nuirition, aZantíon, e eretion and respirati 'yn, A Jife-givW tome, pur-a r.rirt ainr.ia ;,„!': 'i? disastro-as reactief" of tho dea Was never ïnown beiers In the World. WAS A MITIACI.E, ew4htioCOmbÍIMtiOn ict0 -fenomenal llfaA Triümph of the CHEnCAIi ART the same tome propprtins, ia nr.w nuda and íh! TBDLT i OXLY TEMlREIÍCE BITTERS KXOWN E-SIS kS CALITOESIA VINEGAB EITTEES, or a:iy compouna which ftom ita v- ie,i aptinn ufou tho v;i:J iuuctions Jsequal i„ t;10' on CUIIB O? SO BtASY DISEA8SS su:i. v!:,loitsfiiuin]arpowerovpr THK EEAJDLY MICROBS AND OMNIPEESEXT JiAC'J. jiiRIA BEST VEP.MIFUGE KNOWN. No famüy can afford to do without a bóttla of OLD AXD NEW STYLE VIXEGAB BITTERS in tho houne, as expressod by thousands of taatl. luomals. Sendforbeautifulbook. Addresa R. H. JMcDOJÍAL.I DRUG CO., Sew Yozttr nEÜETDiEFFENBACHs" PROTAGON CAPSULES, Sure Cure for Weak Men, as provecí by reportsoi leading phy. sicians. State age in ordering. Incc. 1. Catalogue Free. fa O n A safe and speedr Ba Í& tx ciire fr o e et, ■ " ■ Sirlcture and all unnatural discharges. PriceSS. fiREEKSPECIFICSTJ wand Skin Siseases, Scr,f. THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. J2S. 18 WiaooEsin Street,JÍILWAUKEE, WIS. L2 3 HEADACHES FOli CURED 5HLJ10C% y Mee Lécñ S0LÜ8r.DRUCü(IS;J FOB SALE Ttr EBERBACH & SO, AX IRROR. Fargo's ohoes fêimfly Tï FARGO'S gil ("Box Tip" School Shoes t& for Boys and Girls, I VU "eeled or Wedge Heel. ■■ Qx)1'. Sizes-8tolO!4 1.8S tQJTtIPT?! Iltol34 1.50 1 IBÉ [P Ito3 1.T5 ■ Sto 5!4 2.00 MI $2.50 Calf Shoe IciPS&X or Gentlemen, J1-A' Tririfi ' ton and Lace. Men'saad Boy's sizes. t cn FARCO'S f& ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I 'öS?G Dongola or Goat, Button. ft X Opera' or Cmraon Sense. ÍPSOliS. X TacMess and Flexible. DOTY & FEiNER, ENTS ■_ ANIÍ ARBOR Hutzels WaterlaÉ ! A very important inventiun rhich wil] be hailed with deliVht hv r,„. body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great man y instances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be useri in any stove. Ask your stove dealer fnr Hutzel's Water Back Masón & Davjs Co's. ranges for saie at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvemem ' FvervN.riv CM) and examine this usefnl irivéntion. HUTZEL & CO., P'ir,hT ai,fi Steamfittrrs, AWN AR ROK. . MICH oo3s:'s Ootton. Boot ■ 8 COMPOUND % F yLmtosed of Cotton Ron. Tanw and EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. Fans i ranee. Established in Kurone is ' amula In 1878: For Snppressloni Iraul' tifs, and Mouthly Derangement A rèliable mouthly medicine. They always relieve Any druggist, 2. American 'Pül c"o.. Proprietora Spencer Iowa. Eobert Sïephensou & Co "im lrforageTh'aUd W Other druepists in' CET THE BEST FIHE IÏÏSUBAIICE $29,000,000 Seeurity held forthe protection of! the pohcv liolders. Chrïstian Mack. Representa the follOTrlngírat-clase compañías oí whleh one, the iEtnl has alone pald $5fm,' OOOflrelossesnisixty-fiveyears: ♦"".uw-Ktua.of Hartford Í9492,6 Fr.mkliuof Philadelphia 8418,718 Uernmuia, N. Y 2'700"2 Germán, American, N. Y .'". 4.'otí5.968 Loudou Assurauee. Londou 1416788 Michigan F. & II., Detroit 2S76OS X. Y. rmierwriters. X. Y '.' 2675 National, Hartford ' 1,774505 Phoenix, Brooklyn [ 8,759,038 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid Pollciea issued at the lowest ratos of premium. ■JÈf' --T-; ÊÊïé W IBP ■ s m_ . _ „ ■■"- llC W Ke.-uier. l„e m.i Jrity no.dect 'heir o ,. portnnlties, and trom that canse Uva in nm-oi-ty and die ir otacarity Harrowinsde.palrl.rt.eloi of many i '..' í. ?t T ,'■ ,f:lrevor '"st' opportanity. Ijle Is pau hik! Itonch out. Ee np and doing. Improve your opportn miy. wid sucure pi ospeii ty. promineucB, peaío. 1 1 was said by a plnlosoplier, tlmt ■■the lioddess of Fortnno offers ;, K 'lenoppi.rtii.iitytoaachporsonatsomoperiodofliro; omorace thorliance, and sli ponrs ont her riches; fail todo s ..nd siie ueparts. uw to return." Huw hall yon find the GO..DE.N opportanltTf Invos.iumto every chance that Sul 3Z',"Ï yvmd f f"ir Praio: "" '"'■al all snc ce.-slul raen do hereis nnopportuiiity.Mulnu ia notofteo wi hin tuo raach „t laborin pe..ple. Improyed, it III give ',' ' Knd tart in life. The 60LUKN ,.,,po, tunit? for Jjanyindustrlonapereoiiofeitliersex. Allaisas. Yon can dn the workand lie at hora,, herever yon ,Vre. Even be pnners are arn„g fn.n, #5 t„ jilo „„ day. Yon SS -lí?. %"" ■T"" "'" ""■ '"" '""■ ''■ IM 'ndasirionalï, and yon cn Ulerease yciui i. r..i,,i-, is v.i.iBOon Yoo ent. Bivo spare time only, ornll y,.m linie to thi "'..rk Eaivlo ara Capital pot reialred: We starl v.„, All is com paraiiFely new ,uid re;,üv wönderfnl. f8 instrnct and


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