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A Vote For Sewers Next Monday Is

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& voto íor better health and Bmaller locior's l)Hls. Yp.silanti has forged anead of Aun Arbov, and has her main Bewer al■y contructed. How long sliall Aun Arbor remato in the rear? The One great rcconimend lor örover ClOA'olaiul is the fact that Jic is hated )ty Tammany. J lis views on the money queetion are .sound, but his views on the tariif question, il carried out, "woiild bring disaster to tiie laboring maeees of the country. The prrsnit 'ilon.e ai Washington lias spent Kever al inonths noiv in an i-mlravd]' to ascertain whirh is head and --liicli is tail. Neither end lias been definí tcly determlned yet, and feotne seem to Iliink the head will be done to a Cvisp wlifii it is found. Heciprocity vitli Canada, is a thing onii' Btatesjnen shonld handle with cantion. It ís diffictüt to soe how Uncle 8am -will be benefítted by it. Canada wonld s-eap a rich iiarvest by such i ancasniT, however. Let Bnglaad take eare oí Caoada, and the rnited States take tare Oí hereelf. It íx a Rood time to begin now to Save up money ior attendlng the Chieago WörM's Pair. Fifty cents a 'week until the Bummer of 1893 will 'eount up to about $40. Clubs, litferaxy societies and other organizationa can thvis raise a fund and attend in a lxdy, secuTing clieapcr railToad lares and better accomniodations at the Fair. The Englisn ppers just now are butiy lmstructlnf? tlie democratie party ■who to nominate for president. The fepublican party doesn't seeni to interest them bo nmeli, though they are ■unantmoue in the opinión that Minister Lincoln would make a capital candidate. Befoa-e he went to the eourt of St. James ho would,, but if tihat has had the same effect upon ham that it did upo James Russell Lowell, he may have partea wlth 'eome of his Americanism. Hope not. CongresBonan Harter, of Ohio, to hto Ikrotlier coogreeamen, in debate Cast Friday: "I predict, if this House pasees the tne&aure which invites all the degraded Bilver of the WOTld to free coinage in tliis country, the democratic party vul 1-ose the votes of men who labor for their living, and Avhen the party marches to the polls in November, inetead oí marehing to n ovea-whelming victory it will toarch to certatn deieat." That is o. end ior the Adrián Press et al. to '"ehaw on." . Just ior ïorm's sake- Corsets. If congress -will quit it kiükenn jat business, and g-o to work, th people -will yet iorgive tfaem ior wast ing the past thrce months. Nearly every member of the Unite States Senate commenced life is poojc l.ui. and worked to the fron ty energy and pluck. And there1 room ut the front yet. A manulacturer oí gum asserts tha people ;i fchis country ehew $2,500,000 oi gum duringa year. This doee hol include the cuds thai th Cleveland men in New Turk are rhcw Jng Congress an solve the Buffrage prob1','in 1y requU-ing as a eondltion tha1 ievery man wbo easte a ballot for ident, vice-presideni membera of congrees, siiaJl 'be able to read the ballot he casis. The wagw of uro Cliicagoane to 5i;a!:o the attempt to cross Lake Michigan, in Paul Boyton ewimming BUits, ur (or any other for tha.t matter) provee iiov; llghtly peool the v.-indy city value life. that our governor keeps tMttking that a western man will jwobably be chosen by fche democrs onal Convention V Has Farmc -s a Uttle presidential bee buzÏKmnet ? - Tpailanti C Ah! ww! "Wo'.iM a duek ewim ? Tlic dispatchee in Saturday's pa pier sta teil that "the Tammany dele ■ sta !i comventlon wen " How meek, mild an lamb-like that sounds. Is il ever m 'r.'-y bo fastruct a Tammany (Tele gation? UoJi't they always know itt all 'ïx-fori' they are chosen as dele gatea V Mir. Harter, of Ohio, in a speecJ ín the House Laat .riïday, made thia gtorioue prediction: "If this free silvei 1;11 Ss paesed, the time will come whei jan as a democrat wil) not bi yivcn a decent lmrial in a democrai eemetepy. If it is paseed ix'fore Xovcinbci- comes, the democrat part) vill be tlie laughing stock of the na tlon." Harter, on tluit point, is an encyciopedia of knowledge. John Stmith, a man who was kcutenced frpm the Branch circuit in 1873, to 30 years iinprisonment at Jaokson, :-or öliootlng Sheriff (íiüp, oí Coldwater, lias, ly some method, Becnred a pardon, after liaving Börved a period of only 19 years. Suiitih was a bad man, and when he was Kentenced swwe that he would kUl tlie judge who sentenced iiim, the sheriH and officers who prosccuted üini, and tlie man froin whom lie stole & load of wool for wlïich lie was originally arreeted, after he got out of jM-ison. L'mler the kindly influeuce of Wenden Da vis, this inan may have (reformed, but it would have been much Bafer to have kept him where he could bot kill any more people, or wttempt to kill tlrem. The i-ecent 1lood-red aurora etc, is accounted ïor by the Adrián Press es follows: "Milo D. Campbell, the 5ïteat liead of the Consolidated prison board, is 'a mau of sorrow and aequainted witli k"''-' Milo joined isSue -wtth H. II. Barlow, of Coldwa!■!■. au attorncy in a law case last week. The consolidated head of the prieon board intimated that Barlow wae working a black mailing Knap, and sooner tluui a red Bqulrrel could dodge a flash of lightning, nis "learned broüier" had ]iim knocked down wfKh a law book, thus giving liim, ■possibl.v a little kmowledge oi tiic Btatutes and a very wholesome lectui-e on the courtesies of the court '. "Wil li sucli a Bhock to tlic convolidaivd eystem, il, is no wonder that he cvi'iit :v.;s immedlately followed by a display oí the aurora borealle." The democratie newspapers which ailcil to ínter one word oï protest -u-hen Hili prostituted the election ma■liincry and the judiciary oí ihe state, ïow etoirm in impotent fury beeause ie oaUed a state convention three nonths earlier than usual. Grover 'lcvcland himeeli leut all the influence i l::s name, all the weight of hls "reahUity" to the cause of Hill and rammany in the campaign last fall. With the demócrata who attended ast ïüshfs meeting he helped zo place n Ilill's hands the very lash that the Bctator now cracks over the lieads f the Cleveland demoevats. It is ■idieulouK to claim that the rebellion oí the Cleveland men is a revolt of norality agaiust immorality in politics. It is simply the revolt of the ulherents of one selfish and cheniing lemocratie politician agalnst the Bway of another selfish and BCheming democratie politieian; and it deserves neitlier rcpublican sympathy nor support. - N. Y. Press. 'JMi The house has finaliy adopted a ode of i-ulies after Beveral weeks of liseussion, in which they were 59 ntautee taUdng politics añd one minute Talikiug rules. Reed ör 110 Reed, congres wants to mderstand one thing, and tliat is li al the peopte want more business ïnd lese ïililwstering. Every congregarían Bhouèd vote on every roll cali or lose luis pay for the day. We want woi-k, and Hot dodging; legislation, ud not ïilibuHt-in?. Fix the rules Mïcoipdlngly, even if gome mouths are rtosed, and eomé speeclies left unsaid. Introduce 1í11k, make the commit:ee ireport them out within twenty Oays, limit discussion, prohibit obJtructiooe, don't 1e afraid of robblng ïome one of his righte; don't prate bont the freedom of the American Jeople, Hvut juet put tlic bilí to a. vote, ind Hiiouidci' the reeponelbility. Alow lio committee to "hole" a bilí. Compel a report of some kiml, and leniniul act ion Uiereon speedily. The above ík frora the Adrián Press. t is the ideal way for a congress to act, but n democratie congress will act that way. This congress will ■not pass a bilí or do anything else t is not obliged to do. Po say well is good, but to do well is beti er; Do won is tlic spirit and gay well the letter.


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