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An omolct ouffht to bc one of the tüoet delicate and appetizing prepara'tions oi eggs, yet on inaiiy tables it tseldom appears. There seems to be an idea, thnt an otaielel la a dlffleult thdng to malse, and iew housekeepers atlciupt it, 'Uut it ís not 80 hard to make as many cakes and desserta. In an omelet tliree thinga are abeodutely necessary i success: first, 'the oiui'lct. pan must be vcry hot; Becond, ifc lx; cooked over a ln-!Sht Vire; aml thinl, it must lic 'served as soon as eooked. An ahnost iniinitc variety of these preparations ïnay 1kl made by an ingenloue cook and they are equally welcome for breakfast, Iuncheon .".ü,! eupper. If the direi-lions glven belOW u-e iUnvL-d there wlll be no difficulty in preparing ihis dainty dish. A PLAIN OMELET. Heat the pan vcry Jiot and put in it an oiiuce of butter. Wliile Jnelting, stir Snto the Voiks ui thiree eggs, saltspoonful of alt, and fcwo liberal dashes ')ï white .peppep. Bea-1 the wliites of the eggs 'in a Btiíf frotii and mix iN-m carefully with the yolk.. Pour the mixture iuto pan and as ; h ■ edges cook lift tJiem towards I lie center ■with a ïork. When dcme, I b ■ omelet Bhould lic in tlie middle of the pan in a light ma.SK. Turn out oarfco ;i hot dish and eerve immediately. A Becond metlaod and one vrhleh I preier, is to mclt a tablespoonful of b'utter ín a hot pan. I ither four eggB, a tablespoonful of milk and a Bcant teapooafutl of salt. Pour thia mixture auto the hot pan iuid Bh-ake vigorously until the egg beglns to thicken. Let the bottom torown. 'J'hrn run a. kuif earouiul the ed#e, fold the omelet and turn on a hot üish. TO.MATO OMELJET.- Oook a cupful of eaimed tomatoes for ten mintrtee. Put a tablospooni'ul of butter in a ïrying-pan and vvhen hot add half a tablespoonful of flour. Stir imtil smootü and frotliy, then ;idd the tamatoes, lialf a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of sugiir, and o, little pepper. Oook i'or five minutes. Make a plahi omziet aecording to the secoiwl incthod, and when it ís cooked spread over the tomato mixtui-e, fold aiwl servo. TOMATO OMELET No. 2.- Bö&t the eggs as for plain omelet, fstir in a half cup of canned or stewed tomatoes rom wliich the liquor has been draintd. Cook as for plain omelet. OMELET WITH SMOKED BEEF.- Beat together throe eggs, a tableBpoonful of lailk, a Bcant teaspoonful of salt and an o unce of smoked beef that has been chopped fine. Finish as for plain omelet. OMELET WITH HAM.- Make uu (unielet of íour eggs, two tablespoonfuls of milt, a teaspoonful of salt and a liberal d;u'h oí pepper. In a frying pan put a tabtespoonful of butter, ■when nielted add half a tablespoonful of flour. Stir uutil tunooth, thcn tuld three tablespoonfulw of milk, a goncrous ounce. of finely cliopped lean bolled ham, a saltspoonful of dry musbard and a dash of dry cayenne. Spread the mixture o-er the cooked oinck't, íoW and serve. CHICKEN OMELET. --Make a plain omelot as in the above recêipe. Havo l-eady a eupful of cooked chicken cut fine aud varraed in either a rich chicken ga'avy or a cream sauce. Spread tliis over the omelet, J'old and feerve. JEI.LY OMEJLET .-Make a plain .lü.iii't spread with two generous table-spooniuls of curranL jelly, ïold and fierve. BAKED OMELEÏ.- Beat eix eggs rary light, without separating yolks iVd'ii whitee; add half a cup of milk, i babtespoonful oi tnelted butter, a teaspooníul of walt anti pepper. Pour iutii a. ibuttered, bake until high -.nul brown and serve instantly. ISakcd omlelet ls ïiot as delicate as fried 1nt nuakea a pieasant and convenient duange. OKEEN PEA OHELET.- Make a ÏJilain onielet accarding to the second HKHliod. Put u. tablespooníul of Imito- tnto a stuw pan and when melti'd add a teaapooniul of flour. Stir uutil smooth tien add hall a pint of coukcd peas, a teaspooníul of Balt, half a tea.spouníul oí silgar, and pep'1RT. stir íor bwo minutes, then adtl iour tableepoonfule of ereaan and three of inilK and set the pau where the contente vrill Bimmar íor kíx minutes. Then nprtad the peas over the cookd oineiet, iold u.ud üerve. OMELKÏ SOUFFLÉ.- ïhe ingrediente are iour eggs, tw-o tablespoonfuls oí silgar, a little Balt, half a teaspooníul of vanilla and a cupful of whipped reain. Beat the whites of the eggs to a atüf froth aud alowly beat the bugar aud txti'act into them. Add the yolka and lastly the whip(ped eream. Butter a quart dlsh. 'Pour in the mixture and bake just twelve nilnutes. Kei-ve as sojn as ta&en ía-om the oven. This makes a vei-y niee üessert. SPANISH OMELET.- Chop íi smaU onion íine and put the fire with two tablespoonfuls of oll. Let them color Blightly. Beat a dozen eggs to u-hich add iour ounces of canned toïnatoes íd-om which the moisture has been drained, a teaspooníul of ealt, and half a saltspoonful of peppea-, uní a tableepoonful of chopped pareley. Add an ounce of butter to the ')1 and onions, then add the egg mixtume. AVUen browned on the bottom lold and serve plain or with a tomato sauce arouml it. If liked, a lit'i te green pepper and a few mushroome tut in sliees ma y be added. SEA-FOAM OMELBT.- Separate the anil yolks of three eggs. Heat the whites to the stiffest possible froth, add one-third to the volks and Iiiix Tlioroughly, adding lialf a 'spnonful of Kalt and two liberal dashes oí popper. Have ready a hot pan in vhich has been melted a generous teaspoooful oí butter. Pour in the volk mixture Bpreading to the proper Slze, amd immedlately add the whites Bpmeadlng to cover the yolks. As boou as the bottom is sldghtly browned Bet in a bot oven for a minute. 'i';ikr out, i'oUl and serve. This is the !iic bes1 ami handsomest plain omelet I know. If made po-operly it will 1h' avilen foldiMl at least lonr inches Illirk.


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Ann Arbor Courier