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vb m Baking Powder: A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Liqht Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Paiatable and Wholesome. l Ko other baking powder doss such work. PJij-sieiaiis Couldii't Care I3im. X Sr.DAHSvn.LE, Hamilcon Co., O., June, 1889. One bottle oí Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic curad ine entirely, atter phyaioianB had tried unuuccessiully for eight months to relieve me ol nervous debility. W. HUENNEiELD. Lowell, Ohio, Jnly 8, 1800. I had epileptic fits for about four yeara, two everyvreek, when Kev. J. Kampmeyer reoommended Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonio ; since n&ingit have had none, It ia the best epileptic medicine I have ever uaed, aud I have used many. ADAM CEAMEE. New CObtdon, Ind., Nov. 18, 181)0. Ie affords me great pleasure to certify that my son, who for ílve and a half years was affectoa with falling siokness, was cured by using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic. For two years past he bas not had a single attaok. Thereiore, aoceot the heartf elt thankfl of a grateful father. JOHN B. MOES. KKHn- A Valuable Book on Nervous L IJL L Diseases seut i'i-ee to any addrees, II ff Y B and poor patients can a!so obtain IlLLa thls medicine fiee of cliarge. This remedy has beenprepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ina., since 1816, aud is now preparad underhis direotion by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, II!. SoW by Druss-sts at SI per Bottle. C for $5. larse Size, S1.Ï5. Botllosiör S9. FOR MEN ONLY! LHIIJ.I.MWFor IOST or FAI1ÏN G MANHOOD, Vi I tUlifiWGeneral and ÏTERVOUS DEBILITY, RfltTgTSï Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects riln" 'll"f TVrriT-gnr'Eyr.PKKftR in Old Or YoUügt Kobust, Noble KANHOOD ful!} BeiUred. Hou to Enlarfe and fctrtDSUieoWEAK.DNDKÏKI.Oi-EnOlifiASSiPARTSorBODÏ Absolnlelr unrailing 1IOMK TKtATJIKNT- Rpneüta i a da, Men testlfy from 50 States and Foreign Countrles. Write them Peacrlptive Boob, -xidanation and proofs roailed(sealed)free. AdOrwERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. CARTEKSI Egl ■ ff gl__ WL Kl jOt ■ 8 l! '5 ', .ij Baj ir i JntsWi M CURE S'ck Hcadacho and relieve all the tronbles Inc!öent to a bilious state of tho systom. such as tizziness, Nausea, Drowsiueas, Distress í-.lter catino Pain in the Sido, to. While theirmosii remarkablo euccess has boen shown ia curiüg SICK lïeadache, yet Carter's Littlo Uver PiUs ara c:mally valuablo in Constipation, curing and prevontingtUisa-nnoyingcoEiplamt, while theyalso correct all disorders of the s tomach.stimulate tho liver and regúlate tho bowele. Even if they onl y HE AD chotlieywouldbealmostpricelcsstotbosewlio euíler íroni this cüstrcssing ccmi_:iiut; bíTtfortuBatelytheirgoodnessdoea notondliere.andtlioso w!io ono6 try ttiem will ñnd theso lltüe pilla valuóle ín somas? waya íUat they will not bo wilEugtodo witbouttbem. Butaiterallsickheacl ïs the bañe of so jnany livea that here la s-hera ■we make onr great boast. Our püls cure it whilo others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilla aro Tory small and very easy to take. Ouo or two püls makea doea. They are st; iotly vegetable and do not gripe or ■puree, but; their gentío action picase all who usethem. ïnvialsat 26 cents flveíor$l. Sold by druggieU everywhf re, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE OO., New York. SMALLPILL. SUALL ÜQSE. SMALLPR1CE RINSSY & SEABOLT'S BAKERYJ5RQCERY, FLOUR ANüTeED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc,, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a BUpply of SWIFT & DEUBKL'S BEST White Wheat Fkrar ! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST TLOUR, BÜ.CKWHEAT 2V0V&, CORN MEAL, FEED, ote., at Wholesale and retail. A general stock oí SEOCEBIES ui PE0TIS1 Constantly on hand, which wil) besold on a reasonable terms as at aiiy otlu- house In the citj :. EGGS, aud EI generally, llvered to i ■ the city without extra


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