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The Cornell Glee, Banjo & Mandolín Club -vill visit Ann Arbor in May, probably. The main hall of the Univarslty wafl quite tastily decorated for Monday'e doiiis's. The Castallian for '92 is out, and is a publication the Independents may feel proud' of. The aliñe Observer speaks in the very highest terms of Prof. Ti-ueblood's readings in that city last week. Breathes there the man with bouI of clay, who dares just oow arise and and say, I care not f o hear PaderewBM play ?- Tpsilantl Commercial. The Alpha Delta PM fraternity enJoyed its animal dinner at the Hotel Cadillac. Detroit, last Frlday eventng. Tliere were a numbcr of distingulshed gtiests present. The "reserved seat" plan is g-etting 'soine hard knocks from eommunlcations ín the Daily Times. It deserves thein all. There is nothing fair about gi-vtng the best seats to a few every time. The committee from the law departinènt, wlio decorated the court house Oarridore ko taeteftilly, deserve much credit. They had the use of the school house ilags and seve.ral flags from the quartermaster's department at Iiansivg. The Junior liop will tafee place at The Kink Friday evendng. It will be a very fine affair, young ladies from variou.-i parts of the state having alvcady aiTived in the city to attend. Tlie Univei-sity of Pennsylvania Club is sclieduled íot a base ball game with the U. of M. May 21. The Ypüiilanti Scinilen is -'agin" gymnasiums, txjcause some one got hurt ín one once. The same paper opposed usUvj; etectricity for lichting pturpoees, because jt would kill people if they momkeyed wlth tihe cui'i-ent. And yet It is quite generally thousht that Jie wil] die a natural death after all. Hhcn Imversity hall was built it was thought it would be lairge enough far all time to come. It did not seem poeeible that it would1 ever ba outgt-own. ït was oï such dimensions as to attract considerable attention ín the woi-ld, and was given in the American Cyclopedia as the third largest in the countrj'. Now, Ann Arbor needs a haU of doublé the capacity. Our etate University lias for years been used by richer institutions as a training school for college presidenta anti professors. As Boon as a young taan lias shown promise and gained fame as a teacher in Ann Arbor. he has been brought up by the east or west. Now Yale, Harvara and Coriu-11 iïnd out how pleasant this sort of thing te. The cich yaung univereity of Chicago has brought up the best ■men 5n these schools so far as wanted. To be euro, Michigan is again levied on, but shc Jias j-ich company this time to share her loss.- School Moderator. Couirt stands adjourned to March lst. Out of debt is out of (langer. Pay ecwers is they are built. That ís business. John Eoss' second liand store, on X. T'ouvtlt ave., ivas broken into Sunflay e veiling-. The spcecli of Mr. Clovcland, at tlniversity hall, wlU be found in full on ie Oth page. The Light Guarda were gues'ts of the Ann Arbor light Iafanta'y Momday. Stephen Pratt, of Oetroit, was the g-uest of Cashiw Belsei-, of the F. & M. Bamk, Monday. Eight or ten enipty nocketbooU-s Avere iound in different parte of the city yeeterday ünorning. Rev. J. T. .SuiHlcrkuid, went tü Chiago lasi ÏYiday to speak at the Kinquet of 'che Chicago alumni that voning. The of Yjisilantians who ame here Monday on the motor line was mot comitaWe. They filled the care hot'h Inwide and out. Ttev. C'. II. Cobern was ono of the speakers at the opening of the elegant new i-erre Marquette Club at Ludding-ton last Wedneeday eveuing. Mr. and Mre. H. Sawyer, of Cadillac, are the -gueeta of Miss Louise Sipley, of W. Hurou et., who has returned from a vtoit at Chélsea. Thcrp -were upwardB oí 200 couples in at the caminal of the Ann -U-hor BMee on Momlay eveuing, and ewrythdng passed off pleasantly. The oompany will.realize a handsome profit irom the affair. The festival at Harria hall wlll e&oeed on fchia aftarnoon on ucount of the death of Hon. Chas. H. RichmoiKl, who ivas a membw of St. Andrew's church, and for many yeairs Oüie of its vestrymen. One of the daring thieves attemptBd to piek Mayor Doty's pocket Jlontlay, as he was mairching through the M. C. station ín company with Pi-esident Cleveland. But the mayor ■was too quick for him, cauglit liim at ït and save him a good kiek for hls trouble.


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