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Reviva] .mpetiiiírs in the Baptist t-hurch ju Chelsea. Mre. John BreHenbach, of ('helsea, died Feb. 22d. She had been ill lor feome time. The Thompeon-Honeton Electric Co. uill put in the M-a-ncheste-r uleetrlc - light plant. The Manchester schools gare $5.76 fcn the penny collection tor the world's ïair educational exhibit. P. K. Graves, of Ypsilanti town, inarketed a two years oíd pig laai week tliat weighed 500 IIks. dressed. Rev. Dan R. Shier, of Morcnci, was preeented with a new old watch by the business men oi that place recent3y- Supervisor James L. Gilbcrt, of ChelSea, is just getting out once more, after a two month's eiege with typhoid tevec. It is reported that a ton cent barn wlllt built in tliis villaje In the ïiear ïuture. An industry bf this kind would Burely meet with success. - Fowlerville Observer. A rest "hour" of trom 1 5 to CO minutes taken iii the middle of the day nlter eating, íb of inore valué in prerving the health than all the known tonics.- Ex. On Saturday evening burglars broke into the store of Robbins k. Bdwards, of ïpsilanti, and stole all of the ' volvere, cutlery and ümall articles ' teaching; $300 in valué. I Jacob Bchuetter, of Chelsea, forged theaane of his employer, Conrad Ber, to an order recently, it is alleged, tuad now awaits trial in the eounty 5 jadl lor the deed. He obtained $35 "worth öf clothing on the order. ! Gteorge A. Peters, of Scio, has rent'ed ïlïb iine farm to Frank K. Gramer, of Sylvan, and will take a year's ïest, which he hopes to improve in travel. Good ior Peters. He deserveg feeveral years of rest and recreation. The Commercial of Ypsilauti, gives Ite readers a very pretty face of au 'Ypsilanti girl for Marcli. But the poetry is suggestive of frostineas: "Nipping buds oí beech and lareh, feweep the winda of youthful March." The manuf acturing business of North-rille amoiuited to nearly $500,000 laet year, according to the Record. If the Keeley gold cure institute manufactures good citizens out of inebri'ates teuccessfully, next year's business 'of that town will be almost priceless. Humane citizens have posted the ïollowing notlce, ín lairge, 'black letters, -upon aji Oake st. telegraph pole in Graaid Eapids: "When the Ijord niiade this hill He aiever intended it as means to kill horses, and probably Uid not kiiow "wh o were going to be tur Street commissioners. l'lease go One et-reet north." There are three -things that our comtaon schools should be compelled to do. Firet, get the young iu love with land tand home- make home so inteusly intereeting that the children wlll prefer it to all else; second, teach theni to ■make agriculture proiitable; and third ïnake farm Ufe totellectually and morally on a level with the best possible life elsewhere.- Chelsea Herald. Starekeepers iu various parte of the fetate are being cleverly worked. A and B travel togetlier. A enters and, Imying a cigar, remarles that he "wante a cota of a certatn date and will pay a big premium. Storekeeper proindees to look out for one. Subfcequently B comes ín, just happens to have that cotn. Storekeeper buys tat a prenidum with au eye to profit hnd never hear.s trom A or it again. Pinckney DispaU-li. Cha,rl.v Warner drove down fco Ann Lrbor on "Wednesdny of last week, with his Mack nag and cutter. beaming Ihat the Ann Arborites who claim to own Bteppers trere speeding them on State et., Charly drove up to enjoy the sport, and jfs dollars to Wonghnuts he Lot more fun out of it 'than the Ann Arborites. They liave some good horees down there but not last enough to ..tlie old black. You'll have to move up a little taster, gentlemen.- Dexter Xewe. "Will Ai-nold had un opportunlty o showing his agility on the streets last Saturday mornmg, and he dul so to Bood dvantage, a Mrs. Belle Kod ïnau's horse rushed, without driver "through Main street, uearly upsetting the passing vehicles on the route. Will made a dasli for the bits, but on Missing them threw himseli onto the tack end of the cutter, only to find that the Unes were unsnapped irom tthe bridle, and oai thus íindinR his toission ended, Will t-etreated in tine hape. In his circuitous route the irightened horse hove in wight of Mrs. Iiodman 'and on hearing her voice, imtaedtately sought her proteetion.- Dexiter Ieador. Whüe othcr towns around ue are increasing in population, building mw residentes and hustling around genhflaJly, Manchester seems content to teit quitely on the Oround floor and fee them do it without besturing hersell to keep up wlth the proceesloa, Saya one of our citizens to the oditor of the Enteo-prise & few da.vs ago- AVell, -vvhat of 5t ? How cay yon expect a, villaffe to boom whon of tte ánhabitants who have money are nnwilling to invost it, excoptiiiu; in real estáte or personal securities ? When it 3s necessary to give a bonus 111 order to Induce manufacturers to lócate here ? Why, bond the village íor $10,000, feays he, and give it 1o feome factory, that vrm be an induceinent, Ma43e the bonds peyable Jii ten yeacs, $1,000 each year. We can easily pay that and if faetones fu-e worth anything at all, property M not increased in valuó, will be Balarle and that -vill bc worth all it costs 1esides one índustry located here and loing a successful business Is lila-Uto bring another.-Enterprisp. Frank TVliitmsin, a competent youn"moehanic df this city, has roconlly teompleted a ílve-hoii-se power reTersíng engtne thai eeems to be a greal i'mprovement over those ín ordinary use. By thc tuppUcatkxn of a cut-oíl valve of liis own invcntion, and a simplification of the te-rersing apparatus, he occompXishee liis change of motion wíth a Kinirl1 eccentric, insten! Of tlic two oi-dinaril.v used. The same principies can he applled to ordinary stalionary oagines. but tliis seeme poculiaily adapted to furnish power To feteam launches. It is at present In ihi' Worden shop on River Street. Oastlnge and wovk were all done in


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Ann Arbor Courier