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Representativo Herbert, of Alabama, has inta-oduced into congres a measure that in jiistice to the southern peoDle ousht to become a law. The nieasure veferred to provides for the complete renioval of the rema ining civil and military disabilities of tex-Coniederates. To any WosonaWe inind it is evident that these disabilities have existed a suffieient length of tune. The war that eaused the enactment oi these iaws has been ended over a quarter of a century. The southern people are citizens óf the United States, exercising the Tights and functions of citizenship land hearing lts burdens as well. There is little or no excuse at this time of depriving them of any of the rights belonging to a law-abiding citizen of the United States. We fully approve tlxe foUowing expresión of opinión from the New York Press: "N'o one now doubt tbe patiriotism of the ex-Confederates in tase of the war with a foreign power. Throughout the Chilian difficulty the southern peopte were not less earnest tlian those of the north in demanding the fullest jnaintenance of the national honor. Kortherner and southerner tiliko feel tliat the tmity of the nation te assured. No excuse exists for retaining on the statute book a law vv-hich foa-bids ex-Confederates from Berviag in the aviny or navy or holding positions of trust under the nationaü goveriiment. Mr. Herberfs bill hould become a law." .. Pacts are the last things thought of by the Free IJres when it wants to make a point.- Daily Times. In the long run ithe person who peeks to injure another man by misrepresentation and cunning, gets his just deBerts. The presideutial boom of Uncle Jere Busk is "being deeply sub-soiled just now. It will bc ready for summer faUowing ly the time .the conventions meet. Senator Hill is to offset Mr. Lamd'B trip through the south by makIng'a. triumphal trip himself, and it ís aid tliat it will be au ovation that ivill make Grover green with envy. DavitHs a ely fox. We .notice the Tribune nanies Hon. H. D. Platt, of Ypsilanti, araong the available candidatos for Governor. Should . the State convention decide to act upon the euggestion, he would gi-t. a fiattering vote in old Washtcnaw.- Ypsilantian. The school houses of New York State, cost, on an average, including lots, $4,143. the city ones average tip at $51.274, nndithose in the towns and villages $1,701. A great invcstment, but one that is the foundation of the nation. The attempt of the Argus to make liolitical capital at the expense of the editor of this paper, muy work and it may not. In nis assertions it 1411 be courteou.s, at least, ïor him to confine hïmseM to thing.s da knows to be true, and not give too niuch weight to heareay. Ex-Sepaker Dikema is just aöw recel'vtng si 1ig boom for the republican homination attorney-general. The 1-opublican party avouHI certainly have to -cai-el) a long ways to find better tnatcrial. He is one oï the leading lawyèrs of the tate, and one of the kind "who never goes to Bleep. It is Btated that on an average one house in fifteenthiroughout Canada is vacant. Of course ireciprocity would change all that, but in bo doing it would undoubtedly be apt to vacate tnany houses in this country. In a business sense It would not be good ueuse to have reciprocity with Canada. The Emperor of Germany is just now engaged in mippressing all the ■newspapers Ln his kingdom that have dared to criticise his f oolish utterances. Hfe liad bètter abdícate and give the reina -oí government over to Bisrnark, ot gome of the otlier Btatesmen of Sermany svho know efiough to hold tliem. Chas. N. Ayers, of Detroit, for a Long time connected with Ilichmonds, Backus & Oo., was shot by his wife, who vas seeking a divorce from him, one day last -week. Jlr. Ayers will be rememberi'd by many of the newspaper men oí the state. He dietl on the rtay ïollowms;, as a result oí the wound. The recent republican victories in New York in the election of supervisors, has been iollowed by still iri-eater republican voctories in the charter clectiona of last Monday. Aünost without exceptdon the republicana carried the elections, making great gains in the euperrisors and councilmen. It is but a jjmísage of the rebuke the poUtical thk'ves -will receive in November ïiext. üov. Wiuans luna iSBued a proclamation caUing upon the people to give to the íamishiiií; people of Russia. Many 'Michigan people have already given. But you remember, do you uot, Govett'nor, that a democratie houe of reprv,seiHativ'K refused to ullow the goveoiment to transport t.heir gift ? Homestly, now, was not that deed an inhuman and despicable one 1 In the recent election in íjew York, the republicana elected 557 supervisors and the democrats 2E4. last year the republicana elected only 415 and the democrats ;i38, iiaking a net republican gain of 110 supervisors. This includes 40 of the 60 counties of the state. Iast year tl republioans controlled 23 of the bqards, the Hemocrats 12 aud ïive we e a tie. This year the republicana control 33, üemocrats 4, and 3 are a tie. In every eounty where Hill's mii ions have made a steal, the democtats have I lost control of the board.


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