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Council Proceedings

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Council Chamber. Aim Arbor, March 7th, 1892. Regular meeting. Pre.-iili'in Cooley being absent the council was ealled to order by City Clerk Miller. Koll ealled. A quorum preeent. Absent lJres. Cooley- 1. Minutos of prerious meetings ;ipïroved. On motton of Aid. Martin. Aid. Taylor was elo-cted president pro. tem. REPOKTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Common Council: Your committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration ' and would ï'ecommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGEN'T KUND. W, J. Miller, salary B6 66 E. R. Norris, " üó 80 J. H. Stark, salary 8 33 Dr. E. A. Clark, salary 35 00 E.H. Robertsou, typewriting 40 ïelcphone & Telegz-aph Coustruction Company 5 00 Glen V. Mills, City Directory 15 Ou S. B. McCracken, copies election laws. 3 75 G. W. Snow, horse hire 1 00 Howlett & Robison, use of hacks 6 00 Sid W. Millard, printing ballots 12 00 Cook House, dinners tor oflieers of election 3 50 Geo. R. Endicott. engrossing 25 (iO Estáte of Hice A. Beal, council printing 22 67 Arm Arbor T.-H, Electric Co., Street lichting 509 75 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co , office lighting 2 00 Ann Arbor Argus, council proceediugs printing 22 67 Jos. A. Polhenius, hacks ö 00 S. W . Beakes, printing 19 25 W . J. Miller, stamps and express ch'g's 3 30 W.G. Snow, hacks 6 00 C.Martin. inspector 5 00 L. P. Hall, ' 5 00 W.L.Taylor " 5 00 Jas K. Bach, Clerk 5 00 Willis Clark, gate keeper 1 50 Total t 808 78 , STREET FUND. Felson Sutherland, salary 68 68 Michael Heary, snow ploughing 6 00 Henry Waldion, " " 4 60 B. Marsh, " " 6 00 J.Bessinger, " " 9 00 Geo. Weeks " " 4 50 Patrick McCabe, " 6 00 Frank Sutherland, " " 3 00 JohnMoHugh, " " 9 00 Geo. Schlimmer, " " 6 50 Nelson Sutherland, horse and cart 7 25 Wagner& Biermann, repairs 60 P. L. Bodmer, lumber 16 02 John Haupt, repairs 7 33 Wureter& Kirn, repairs 13 86 Caspar Hinsey, salt 6 00 Wm. H. Mclntyre, salt 3 09 Julius Bethke, labor 68 Frank Schultz, labor 75 Miehael Kenny, labor 168 Michael Williams, labor 1 50 J.Drake, labor 5 93 Thomas Archer, 68 Geo. Marsden, labor 85 Willis Clark, labor ]3 95 Charles Radke, labor 7 30 Total t 208 41 BRIDQE TÜND. E. H. Kobertson. type writing.. 1 00 Mortimer E. Cooley, expenses, railroad fare, hotel bilí and telegraphing 14 02 Total 15O PIRB DEPARTMENT FÜKD. Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 45 00 Henry Mcl-aren, salary 46 00 Charles Carroll, salary. 40 00 Mai Wlttllnger, salary 40 uh Alexander D. Jmus, salary 40 00 Bobert Hoss, salary 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary g uo Louis Weinmann, salary . .. . 8 00 John Kinney , salary " s 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary g 00 Mrs . B. Ream, washing 400 Heinzmann & Laubengayer, oats 6 00 Geo. Jedele, hay ]4 70 Daniel Hiscock, coal " is 00 Alfred Paul. oats "" m H.C. Clark, oats and bran 6 00 Total .$ 534IÜ POI.ICE FITND. James R. Murray, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 S. W. Beakes, railroad fares for four Detroit detectives 9 20 Cook House, 8 meals for detectives i on PaulSchalI. special pólice.... n JohnKenny, " 4 q Charles Burnham, " m Morgan Williams, " ..'. ö 00 FredLutz, ■ nn Charles Schott," " 7 no ( Patrick Mulligan, buryingdog.. G. W. Snow, horse hire : ' 1 n x . Michigan Bell Telephone Co".'.'.'.".'.'.'..'. 25 T011 t 196 30 1 POOK niND. JredSipley, salary 10 m Mrs. Evans, aid X MissSbaw, aid Sïï J. Kapp, eawinu wood '. i? & Myron Collum. """'oír W. B. FiBhèr" 17 m Ed. Dufly, groceries ó „ñ Si :::::: ]i g C. Rinsey, ' . ' ] Blnsey & Seabolt Jï W. G. Dleterle, bedding SS O. M.Martin, coffln. ...... ,2 Mann Bros., supplies iu ÏS L. Bohde, coal „ W.G. Snow, hack to county hü ï S Wm.Salyer, groceries...... S C.W. Vogel, meat.... Dr, E. A. Clark, medlealëonnsêï."".'"" ]6 oo Totai riiT7 BECAPITULATION ContlneentFund ww 7a Flre Fund ." L08 41 Polioe Fund 54 38 Poor Fund .W ."; 20 Bnde ::::::: il & Total .ïi Respectfully submitted. E. G. Mann, Louis P. Hall, William 'Herz, Finance Com. Aid Manu moved tliat the report be accepted and adopted and war ante ordered drawn for the severa! sums stated, except for Mrg. Evans ItaÜd SlmW' aS aid fl'm the poor Whlch motion prevailed by a vea eind nay vote a íollows: Yeas- Aids. Mann, Wines, Herz Mar1-in, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn ierguson, Taylor, Kehberg, Hall, Kitfcon - 12. : , Xays- None. SPECIAL OEDKK. The time having arrived at wlüch the matter of Btraightening and wldening Summit Bt., (lately called High ..) was set for hearing, and sueh special order having been announced l)y the president, Thereupon the city clerk etated that he had oaused to be served, notice of i ttWB hearing on all persons interested therein, and due proof of such service was on file Ia the city clerk's office. No öbjections being made at this time, on inotion of Aid. Wines this hearing ivas eoniinuod for one week. Whi'ch molion prevalled. ORDINANCES. The ihiril readlng by sections of lm ordinance entitled "An Ordinanee Relativo to Sidewallos." On motion of Aid. "Wines, the followiii- amendments were made thereto: Firet Aincndmi'Dt: Sí'ctioii two, line threo, after the tvord "'on," strike out the balance of tlu lino, and insert, "Fourth ave., between Catharine and Liberty." Second Ainendment: Section Blx, lino six, strike out the word "ten" and Insert in place thereof. the word "thirty." Tliird Ainendment: Section thirtoen, line Beven, strike out the word "ten" and Insert in lue thereof, the word "flve." Fourth Amendment: Add a new eection to stand as section twenty in woede as follows: All sidewalke wltliin the limits oi the city shall be graded, constructed tuid repaired In the jnanner and oí the material provided íor in. this ordinnnce and on the grade establiehed or to be established by the common eouncil, aml not otherwlee. No sidewalk sliall be eraded and constructed excopt by leave of tlio board of public works. All sidewalks shall be graded, laid and constructed in the street and on si line parallel with the pcoperty line of ,the adjacent property and distant therefrom as follows, to "Wit: All Bidewalkê of greater width than feix feet on and along such property Une. All sidewalks six feet in width, one foot therefrom. All sidewalks five feet in width, one and one-half feet therefrom. All sidewalks less than five feet In width, two feet from such property lijie. Fifth Amendment: Sections twenty and tiventy-one to be renumbered twenty-one and twentytwo respect i vely. After wliich the chair having stated the question to be "Shall this Ordinance pass as amended ?" Therefore the yeas and nays being called, the ordinance, as amended, pasfeed as follows: Yeas- Aids. Manu, AVine, Herz, Martin, AHmendinger, Fillmare, O'Hearn, iFerguson, Taylor, Behberg, Hall, Kitson- 12. Xays - Nome. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. To the Common Council: Your epeoial committee appoiuted Dec. 7th, 1891, charged with the duty of iaivestigating the claim of Mr. Kemper to damage for the grading of Fifth ave., in front of his property, would respectfully report that they have had the matter uuder tion and íind that the board oí public ■works graded down the said street In front of Mr. Kemper's home, to hie damage, we further find that the council when they made the appropriation for uch gradiug, neglected to establieh a grade or to give to the board of public works and street commissioner any definite instructions as to the manner and extent of the work or gradiiig wliich they, the commou counfcil, deeired to be done. Your committee have been to great paiiis to iearn and to be adyised of. the law of the case umder such circumfetance and have employed Mr. J. C. üvnowlton -who has submitted to us B. report ia writing, whicli is hereto 'attached, and made a part of this report, %ve are all agreed ïat the eity ís liable to pay Mr. Kemper for his actual damage on account of the lowering the grade oí ,the Btreet in front of his property without in expréss order of this coincil. Mr. Kemper, ome months ago, brought suit in the circuit court to recover lüe damages and the question presenta itself to this council, iiuw can tiie city best dispose of the queetion of damages ? Mr. Kemper Offers through his counsel Mr. John F. Lawreaee, to compromise all claim for dainage for the buiu of five liundred dollars, while your committee feel that Such a Bum of ,mon?y is more than Me actual damage, we are not sure but that it is a less sum than he is ükely to be awarded by a jury. In View of the fact that the board of public works not only cut down the Bteeet ■without any definite direction Of the council, but actually invaded Mr. Kemper's land, we have reached the conclusión that it (would be for the best interests of the city to pay Mr. Kemper the urn of five liundred dollars and would recominoml i disposition of the matter at that suni. This committee wish to add that the cutting of this street and all things pertaining to the same was done before this council had a legal existence and that this matter has come down to is from our predecessors in office. All of which is respectfully submit. ed and your committee beg to be disfcharged irom the further consideration of the eubfc'ct. A. H. PILLMORE, C. FRANK O'HEAKN LOUIS P. HALL, C. MARTIN, LEVJ 1). WINE.S, Committee. By Alderman Allmendinger: Resolved, That a warrant in favor of John 1 Lawrence, Att'y, for the sum of five hundred dollars be drawn for the purpose of eompromising thé Mee of Adolph Kemper vs. The City of Ann Arbor, that such warrant be delivered on a release of all damage and a discontinuanee of the suit vs The City, without coste. Which resoluüon prevalled by a yea nndjiay vote as follows: Yeas-Alds. Maan, Wines, Martin, ailmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn Fereuson, Reliberg, Hall, Kiteon-io. Nays- Aids. Herz, Taylor- 2. To the Common Council: We, the nndorsigncd duly i rü inspectora of the special election, orderod to be hekl by the cominon couneil öf the cdty of Ann Arbor, at Fireman'e hall In said city on the twenty-nlnth day of February, A. D. 1892, to determine what uní and vp-hether the smu of twenty-fire thou(9and dollars should be leried by the commoii council, on and against the laxable property of the said city, on the general tax roll of the city for the yoar 1892, to be expended for the pui-pose of coiistrncting a main sewer according to tlie determination of the council heretofore had, do hereby certify that Buch siecial election Avae held at the naid place, and on the day ppoinU'd, ae afoi-esaid, and that at such speckil electdou, there was cast by ballot pursuant to law on sucli qustion, One thousand ïour hundred ballots and they M-ere given on the said queatiOH as follows: Por sewerage tax, Xo, eight hun dred and thrce votes. For sewerage tax, Yes, five hundre and ninety-seven votes. All of which is respectfully submit ed. In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands at the city of Ann Arbor on thUs 29th day of Pebruary A. D. 1892. CHRISTIAN MARTIN, W ALTER L. TAYLOR, LOUIS P. HALL, Inspectors. Aid. Kitson moved that the report be received and filed and spread on the journal. Wliich motion prevailed. Aid. Hall, chairman of the special committee on f ree beds for the city lat üniversity Hospital, asked for further ïiine, Tvhich was granted. REPORTS OF CITY OFFZCERS. The reports of the city clerk, citv treasurer, marshal and poor superintendent were read and placed on file. CITY TEEASURER'S KEPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 29, 1892. lo the Common Council of the City of Arm Arbor: Balance overdrawn as per last rePrt 15,582.75 MONEY HKCKIVED. Contingent Fund- Appropriation $6,900.00 Street Fund- Appropriation $9,000.00 eidewalks Ï390.60 9,290 60 Commissioner Sutherland, irom Karl Ware .. 10 00 Fire Fund- Appropriation 7,000.00 Pólice Fund- Appropriation 225000 Murray, ofücer's fees. . 2 90 Poor Fund- Appropriation 1,250.00 Water Fund- Appropriation 5,500.00 Cemetery Fund- Appropriation 5000 ünlX""fJ Hospital Aid BoDd Fund- Appropriation 3,840.00 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund- : Appropriation 4,000 00 Soldiere' Relief Fund- Appropriation 800.00 Delinquent Tax Fund - Kejectedtax 55.73 Total t,7ftQ,s Net receipts, lees over-JW-S drafte 24,126.53 MONBY DISBÜBSED. Contingent Fund 951 q Street Fund X?ii Firemen's Fund.... Si'S? Pólice Fund V&f. PoorFund ■fm-S Water Fund 101M Cemetery Fund ."" ." , m Soldiers' Relief Fund asm Lniversity Aid Bond Fand 3,o'.co TotaI L"ij9T5 BALANCB ON HAND. SSSffS-0 „ftg PoSeFnuU.náV-'::: í'l PoorFund }'12 Water Fund.... .;;;;. Ijli Cemetery Fund isi 03 Soldiere' Relief Fund" 1,065 40 LInity Hospital AdBondFund 840 00 Delinquent Tax Fund 35,10 Dog Tax Fund.... 10000 10 Bridge, Culvert and CrosswalkFund,.... 4,000.00 TotelTC1nee-on-handlll:r55ÍTZ Bespectfullysubmitteri ' S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor City, March l, 1892. ItïrCr Councü of 'the Cüyof This will certify that S. W Beakps has on depositto his credrt afcftv Treasurer the sum of eighteen thous and three hundred eight and forty-two one-hundredths dollaYs ($18,308.42) Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The city clerk read communication of the Ane Arbor & Ypeilanti Street Rajlway, .cepting the franchise granted them Feb. 17th, 189? Received and filed. -MOTIOXS AND RESOLUTIONS. Aid Martin nioved that the board of public works aaid street commissionfer at onbe make their annual report to this council. Which motion prevailed. By Aid. "Wines: Whereas, A culvert on, Hill et. to carry the watr of Allen's creek i8 ueu a necessary public improvement, therefore, Ensolved, That the board of public ïvorks do i-eport to thte council suitable plan therefore, the cost of the mtTdoiL" m iour hundred -i AVhich wsolution prevailed By Aid. Wines: Resolved Tliat the sewer committee bc discharged. Whicli ï-esohition prevailed Aid. Kiteon moved that when we adjourn We adjourn to meet Monday Warch Uth, 1892, at 7.30 0'clock! Whlch inotion pr.evailed. Aid Hall moved that the vote upon the resolution asking the board tof public works for plans and cost of tulvert on Hill Bt., bc reconsidered. Wluch inotion prevailed by a vea fcuid nay vote as ollows: Yeas-Alds. "Uann, Wines, Herz Har n, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn Ferguson, Taylor, Behberg, Hall, KitXays- None. Alil. Martin moved that the resolution be laid on the table. Which motion ivas lost by a yea nl nay vote as Xollows: Yeas- Alds. Martin, Behberg, Kiton - 3. Xays- Aids. Maan, Wines, Horz, Allíendinger. Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguon, Taylor, Hall- 9. Aid Hall moTed to strike out the amount In the Baid iresolution. Which motion preralled. The original resolutlon being now put, previüled by a yea and nay vote 'as follows: Yeas- Aids. Manu, Wines, Herz, All■mendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, FerguBon, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson- 10. Nays- Aids. Martin, Taylor- 2. On motion the council adjourned. WM. J. MILLER, Clerk.


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