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For Flower Lovers

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Cao:,.' eeeds are too costly, and many kinds, sueh jik petunia and p&ney, are too fin? to be safely plantfcfl in Uu' garden and left to the v.ncertata changea oí wet, drouth and trost. It i inuoh the wiser plan Xo start flowers ín. the house and transplant when the weather is more trustworthy and piante better able to cnflure i-iíaiiüe.s. The lirst of April ia usually early fiiongh ito start seeds. The boxes may be of any sizt' eonvenient to Ixandle, and meed no-t be over tliree ikIws deep. We buy soap boxes, eaw the ni Into three parts, put bottoms on ilic two paris and tluis secure ttoee boxes. Ome such box wül ïnodate íour ordinary papers of seeds, mul la tli are nailed acroes to mark rtivisions, or sticks put across in the dirt. The papers are miiled on outside that we may know what rach pace bolds. The dirt must ba good rich loam, and a little saad and leaf mold may 0e added to adv%atage. Belore sowing the seeds press the dirt down firmly, and 'this can bs most easily done .by a. email board with a stick nailed on onc Iside in the center sor a handle. Wbem (perlectly sinooth, sprinkle on the weed and nut fine Band, or half Band, half dirt over all to the depth of aii e.ighth of au inch. Tlie Isaivd is tlie bettcr coveriug, becamse it will nol barden as dirt alone sometimes does. A. piece oí flanrael kept wet and Spread over the dirt will serve to keep the seeds rnoist, as Thoy do not deed isunlis'in until the plaats appear nbovc ground. If thi.s is not done, great care must bc taken when watering not to wash out the seeds; nor Inust they be allowed to become dry. A piece oí glass the box also helps to retaiu moisture. Xo other device for watering small plants is quite so good iis ihe atojnizer, which costs irom twonty-fire to thirty-five cente, and sheds the water in ti, fine mist rather that streams of water. Turn bo:es around once a flay, as otherwlse plamts will grow crooked, bending toward the liht. Have the gairdea bed dug deeply, the kiirt thoroushly pulverized and mixed "with a literal quamtity of well-rotted ma.nure. Choose a cloudy day for transplanting, preferably after a i'ain. Water the plants well before taking from the box, that üirt may cling to the roots. There is no better transplanting tooi than,, a large, strong, case knife. Loobtn the i)lant In the box, take one at b timie ia the left hand, while thrusttog the kniffe in the earth with the tight. Work 'the knife back and forth a íew tdmles, put in the plant eo that its roots 'hang straight and press the earth lirmfly around the plant. Shade until well rooted, Bhould the sun shïne weurmly. Pansies ehoiild not be nearer than six or eight inches, while the large 'petunia planta will cover the ground if set a foot apart ,and give more bloesoms, and much larger and liner 'flowers than il more plaaits were put in the Baane Iground. Keep out weeds and stir the ground oftonuntil the plante cover the ground. At least once a week give theni a liberal watering with rieh liquid in,krare. Given good Beeds, you cannot fail to have goorl llowers1 if these dil-ectionis are followed. Piek liberally for yourswlf, all of your friends, and as m(any oí your enemies as you can reach, if you would have aainuals do Well, ior If blossoralB are allowed to o to seed, the vitality oí the plant Is eoon. exhausted. Néver buy cheap, comlmon varieties of Beede, particularly of pansy and pv i unías. We have tried the new etrains as they córale out, and shall tontinue to do so, but we have never ïoimd anything that equalled the Gerin.i h Imperial ior beauty, brilliancy land variety of colors. These . pansies will blooru freely from spring until SHOW falls, 11 kept well watered, though blossoms wiH not be quite (so large in, (Qiidsummer. We always jput theni -vrhere they can have the gun for ihiall of the day at least. After the paney our favorlte anïnial is petunia. A bed each oí fringd and doublé blossojna wlH give you t. brilliamt show all the fall, furnish ftldpe for your wiater window garden ■without extra oot, and exquislte frarance frojn first to last.- The Ladies' World.


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