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WORST FORM ECZEMA Baffled Best Medical SklU for Eight Months. Cured in Two Months by Cutieura Remedies. Thia is to certify that a child of mine had Eczemn in ite worst forru, and whicii baöied the beet medical nkill that could be employed here. The little ufferer was wrappod in aguny for at leaet eight Onionthe. tilx montba of that time ite suffering wassimply uutold.thenï began the use of the (JuT1CURA REMEDIES, in two raonthe the awful disease had ceaeed ita vengeance, aod my darIing boy had reet, and to all appearance the disease had yielded, but I coutinued the medicine for severa) roonths uiler no trace could beeeen of it on apy part of his body. The doctore herc watched the disease with much interest, and could only say " Well done ! " The case was known far and wide, and everybody wae much surpriscd. But thanks to Cuticüra Remedies. Could there be anything on earth that would cauee a father to re. joice it eurely would be when the little innocent one could have eiich a remedy at hand. (Pee portniit herewith.) J. A. NICOLES, Bunker Hill, Ind. ,i.A, C,hil,d WaJ" 5rou?ht to me w"h chronic eczema that had dehed eplendid treatment from many good doctore. As a regular M. x., should havo continuad similar treatment, but thought it uselese öo put it on Cdticuras. The child is well. C. L. GURXEY, M. D., Doon, Ia. Cutieura Resolvent Tne aew Blood and Skin Pu rifier, internally and Cuticüra, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticüra Soap, the eiquisite Skin Beautiüer, externallv inetíntly relieve and epeedily cure every dieeasè and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with losa of hair, from infancy to age, from pimples to ecrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cüticüba, 50c; Soap, , 25c; Kesolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. ï- Send for " How to Cure Skin Dieeasee," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. RSRY'Q Skin and Scalppurified and bcautifled uftUI Q byCuTicüRA Soap. Absolutely pure. J WEAK, PAINFUL BACKST TVWlin Kldney aDd Uterine Pains and WeakiJfïOtl nes8cs relieved in one minute bv the ryP1 CuticuTu Anti-Pain Piaster, the U Vt only instantaneous pain-kllling piaster. MARRIAGE LICENSES. NoAge. 1540. Wm. W. Martin, Superior _ laï arrie A. Camp, Aim Arbor II. 24 1541. James S. Dailey. A nu Arbor 29 Bertha A. Bristbl. Detroit IIIIIII ü9 1542. Wm. J. Kalney.York- jo Lila Gillett. Yorlc "ÜI 27 1513. Emmn lientchler, Lodi _ 2-i Elizabeth Burkhardt, Salii e.!..!!! 2ü 1514. Elmer G. Sweenev, Chelsea ?-" Lucy A. Webb, Dezter IIIIIII 7 ORAND OPERA HOUSE. SatrdaF, April 16,82 The "Big" Event of the Season ! ELMER E. VANCE'S rfglnal and greatest of all Ratlroad Comedy Bramas, THE r TT Vk iïf fiPi 'y 1 ■■■ JUIIVIITÜJU MAIL! Th'nÍMHSUIV'e'!1? nol'eItJ'ofadecade, crowded witli cxoltliiE incidente, overflowlng wils surprise bubbllng over wlth inerriment ! S. E E PRICES, 35, 50 & 75c, Seats on sa! at Postoffloe News Stand." Cnuuti l0",",1 the Probate Courtfor the bate!68611' J' WilIaid B:lljWtt, Judge of certmn real estáte belonging to sai d minor t inhe' fflR ÍS ? hOl"lM1 ttt 1'rXte Office ntheAVrSS?8' th-Ia orderto he Pblislied weeks previous to suid day of henrin 1 W.G Doty? Jt'DGF. of Probate. Probate Register. NOTICB TO CreDITORS. STtérnEa,?FssMICHIGAN' C0UNTY OF WASHuated, Ann Arhor, February 29, A. D 1892 WILLARD BABBITï, Judge of Probate. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING SHOP. VÍCTOR F. MOGK, XP 6 W. WASH1X6T0X, ■ Axw ARB0K WANTED Thrco or Four Suites of Nicely Furnished Rooms ; or a Furnished House with Room and Accommodations for eight or ten studente, and a competent person to take charge of same. Addkess X, this office, immediately


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