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Council Proceedings

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fOFFICIAL.l COUNCIL CHAMBER, I Ann Abbok, April 7, 1892. ( Adjourned session. President Cooley being absent, the Council was called to order by City Clerk Miller. Roll called. A quorum present. Absent- Aid. Manu, Ilerz, Bekberg and Pres. Cooley.- i. PETITIOMS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by Miss Eliza Miller and nine otber residents and property holders of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the east side of N. Fourth Ave., between Catherine and Beakes streets. Keferredto Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by Henry Exinger, and tliirteen other residents and property holders of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a sidewalk be ordered built on the west side of Thirteeuth street from Ann to Fuller streets. Beferred to Sidewalk Committee. To the Honorable Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respectf ully recommend that an appropriation of $300 be granted by your honorable body for re-planking Bridge No. 1. We would ask that jou give this your immediate attention. W. J. Millek, Clerk. On motion the comtuunicaüon was received and placed on file. EEPOKTS OF SPECIAL COMMITÏEES. To the Common Council: The undersigned members of the Board of Election Commissioners of the city of Ann Arbor beg leave to report as f ollows : The board organized by electing Louis P. Hall, chainnan, and W. J. Miller, secretary. An examination and count of the official ballots before they were delivered to the inspectors of election and after they were returned to the city clerk shows that there were delivered the various wards 5,090 ballots, which were accounted for as follows : Nurnber of ballots delivered, lst ward 1,210 " returned. 8 " returned 824 Number of votes cast as per poll list. . 877 Total - 1.21 Number of ballots delivered, 2d 970 returned 82) " returned, spoiled.. 3 Number of votes cast as per poll list - 339 Total 970 Number of ballots delivered, 3d ward.. 960 " returned -. 632 returned, spoiled.. 6 Number of votes cast as per poll list-. 320 Total 958 Number of ballots delivered, 4th ward. 840 returned 665 " returned. spoiled... 14 Number of votes cast as per poll list-.. 261 Total 840 Number of ballots delivered, 6th ward 520 returned 335 ' returned, poiled.. 157 Number of votes cast as per poll list.. 8 Total 620 Number of ballots delivered, 6th ward 590 returned-- 343 " returned, 7 Number of votes cast as per poll list __ 240 Total 590 We flnd that everything connected with the election so far as came within our observation was done according to aw, the seals all intact and the ballots returned properly with the exception bat seventeen ballots were returned from the second ward with the unused ballots, which ballots were evidently thrown out as def ective and not counted and which should have been put in ballot box, and that there are two (2) ballots in the third ward notaccounted for. Respectfully submitted, Louis P. Hall, W. J. MlLLER, S. W. Beakes, C. Frank O'Hearn, Board of Election Commissioners. Aid. O'Hearn moved that the report be received, adopted and phiced on file, which motion prevailed. 3IOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. O'Hearn: Resolved, That the City Clerk be authorized to notify the Ann Arbor Water Co. to test all fire hydrants in this city, at once, as per their agreeinent with the city. Which resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the Board of Public Vorks cause to be made proper data !or a grade on Washtenaw Ave . f rom East Univérsity Ave, to Hill street, both for the street and sidewalk on the north-east side thereof and report the same at the next Council meeting. Which resolution prevailed. Aid O'Hearn moved that we now proceed to a canvass of the votes, as provided in Section 26 of the City charter, which motion prevailed. i i ï i i L ■ a (ï e S i g % 3 fa 02 H & fa .i3 H For Mayor: William G. Doty. 158 234 17e 149 82 82 841 A. L. Noble 191 86 127 82 89 173 728 Paul Snauble... 19 3 8 9 3 10 62 Doty'sPlu 113 Por President of the Cowneit: M. E.Cooley.... 330 308 301 224 148 218 1529 E.B. Lewis 28 4 10 16 3 16 76 Cooley's Maj 1453 FIRST WAED. Biipwvisor- John E. Miner 337-309 .7 oshuaG. Palmer 28 365 Alderman - Eugene Jlann , 166 D. Fred Schairer 173-7 Clias. Boylan . 18 i ! 357 Constable - Thad. E. Thompson 162 Jas. A. Herbert 183-21 345 SKCOND WAKD. Supervisor - Eugene Oeeterlin 198-90 G-ottliob Bchmeider 108 Herman Markham 3 309 Alderman- W. Herz 1S4- 57 John Heln7.min.Tin 127 Fred'k Welnberg 7 318 Constable- Paul iSchall 228-14=5 Henry Sclmlte 83 311 TIIII! WAKD. Supervisor - Jaines Kcaras 175 - 44 Jacob Ganzhorn 131 Oteo. Colegrove 7 313 Alderman - AViNinm :. Show 174-44 G. D. Allmenclinger 130 Win Clancy, ör. S 312 Constable - Geo. W. l'.rowii 175-40 A. W. Cochran L29 304 FOUKTlt WAKD. Supervisor - .John Baumgardner 111-8 Geo. H. l'ond ■ 109 Daniel Strickler 11 237 Alderman - John O'Mara 195- 153 Bert 1'. Schumacher 42 237 Constable - Thoe. F. Leomard 145- G3 John S. Nowlaad 82 227 FIFTH WARD. Supervisor - Amos Corey 71 Thos. Speechly 79-8 Robert AVinslow 4 154 Alderman - "Walter L. ïaylor S9- 32 Sam'l G. Hosack 57 Alex. Williams 4 150 Constable - Charles Fox 80 SIXTlt WARD. Supervisor - John W. Bcnnett 158-103 Wm. D. Harriman 55 Horaee T. Purfield 21 234 Alderman- Noah }. Butts 68 H. G. rrottj-nran 147-79 P.. J. Conrad 17 232 Constable- Wm. Merrithew 60 Henry Marsh 160-100 220 By Aid. O'Hearn: Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor in regular session at the Council Chambers, in saia city, on tms Seventh day of April, A. D. 1892, do declare and liereby cer;ify that at the municipal electioii, lield n and for said City of Ann Arbor, on ;he Fourth day of April, A. D 1892, :he following named persons were duly and lawfully elected tothe following named city offices, viz: For Mayor- William G. Doty. Tor President of the Coinmon Council - Mortimer E. Cooley. For Supervisors: lst Ward- John E. Miner. 2nd Ward- Eugene Oesterlin. 3rd Ward- James Kearns. 4tli Ward- John Baumgardner. 5th Ward - Thomas Speechley. 6th Ward- John W. Bennett. For Alderman: lst Ward- D. Frederick Schairer. 2nd Ward- William Ilerz. 3rd Ward- William G. Snow. 4th Ward- John O'Mara. 5th Ward- Walter L. Taylor. 6th Ward- Ilorace G. Prettyman. For Constables: lst Ward- James H. Herbert. 2nd Ward- Paul Schau. 3rd Ward- George W. Brown. 4th Ward- Thomas F. Leonard. 5th Ward- Charles Fox. 6th Ward- Henry Marsh. Which resolution, declaration and certiflcate prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Hall, Kitson- 9. Nays- None. On motion the Council adjourned. W. J. Millek, City Clerk. Drunkenness or the LIquor Habit Posltlvely Cured by administerlng Dr. Haines' Golden Speclf c. It is manufactured as a powder, whixih can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowlegde of the patLent. It is absolutely liarmless, and "will effect a permanent and epeedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The eystem once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an uttex imposeibllity for the liquor appetite to exist. Ourés guaranteed . 48 page book of particulars free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 183 Eace st., CLncinnati. O. Taken enddeuly- Photographs. Besults of soar throat- ralsetto. An invited gucsg - The prize puzzle. Here's richness- Green turtle soup.


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