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Council Cluimfoer. Aun Arbor, April 18, 1892. Regular meeting. Oalted to order by Pres. Cooley. Koll called. A full board present. AldKiteon moved that the oíd rulee (roverning ftlie last year's council be adpoted Ito govern tliis council. Aid. Taylor moved as an ftmendtnent tluit we proceed to business unÜer the oíd rules íor this evening. Whioh ainendment prevaüed. Minutes of Apo-il 5th and Tth meetings lapproved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by Ada.m Mager and several other residents and property Jiolders of the city of Aun Albor, aaMng that a sidewalk be ordered bmült on the east side of Traver st.. in íront of tlie property mí J .C. AiUmendinger, Nelson Iíogers, W. y. rooper, .T. McNally and T., A. A. .t N. M. IÏ. R. Referred to sddewalk co,mmittoe. Claims of Mary Dengler, et al. Spencer Cra-wford and John F. Walter, eettins forth that their property had bees daíaaged to thc amount of $500 aach by the lowering of the grade and cuttiiig do-n of N. Fiftli ave. Aid Ferguson, moved that the sev"eral claims be laid on tibe tablo. Whdjeh ,iniotion prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas - Alds. AVine.s, Sohairer, Fillmore, 8now, Ferguson, O'Jlara, Eehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pret t y man. Pres. Cooley- 11. Naye- Alds. Martin, Herz- 2. Tlie lollowing constable bonds were accepted and approved wlth the se(cxirities named: PRINCIPAL. BOEETIE8. J. A. Herben. J. A. Herbert, G. H. Khodes. Paul Schall. E. AVagner, 0. ü. Sorg. Geo. W. Urowu. J. J. Parshall, W. H. Mclntyre. Thomas F. Leonard. Philip Bach. Charles Fox. Joliu Eisele, E. P. Masón. Henry Marsh. I has. H. Worden. A. F. Martin. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By xVld. Martin : Resolved, That the President do appoint a committee of three members of the couucil to be called l'ommittee on Liquor Bonds, aud that such eommittee be a standing committee of tuis council. Whk-li reeolution pievailed. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the amount of the liquor bonas be fixed at ?3,000 and druggist bonda at f2,003 for the coming year. W'hich reeolution prevailed. By Aid. Taylor : Resolved, That the sum ui f800 te and tno sume is appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Cross-walk Fund for the purpose of replanking bzidges No. 1-5. Aid. ■!Hs moved that the fljjmroVi'iation be made froni the Ktree.t fund inetèad ol' the bridge, culvert and erosswalk iund. Whicli aine-ndnicnt pïevailed by a yesi vote a.s ïollinvs: Ycas- Aids. Wdmee, Seha.irer, Martin, Herz, Forguson, O'Mara, Kitson, Prettyinan, Pres. Cooley- 9. Nays- Alcte. Pillmorc, Hnow, Eehberg', Taylor- 4. The original reeolutton as amended tl)rev;iil:'d as follows: Yeas-Alds. Wincs, Hchairer, Martin, Herz, Fillpiore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyjnan, Tres. Cooley- 12. Naye - Aid. Kehberg- 1. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That the City Clerk notify the banks of this city and reccive bids for the city deposita and charge for overdraf ts, aud present the same to the council on the first Monday in May. Whieh resolution prevaJled. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, That the deed of the Ann Arbor Gas Company of lauds betwcen Detroit and Beakes streets be accepted aud recorded. Whioli resolntion pre valled. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the City Attorney is hereby instruetcd to lmmedlatefy take the uecesBary Bteps to finish the opening of South 4th Ave. trom Madison to Hill Kt., and that the necessary oost tor the same be spread on the general taxlist, and that the original motiqn creatmg a special assessment district be recinded. AM Martin moved that Aid. Wines resolution Ik' laid on the table. Which inoiion ju-evailed as followe: Yeas- Aids. Martin, Horz, Fillrnore, Snow, O'Mara, Reliberg, Taylor, Pres. Oooley- 8. Nays- Aids. Wtoes, Scliaiter, Ferguson. Kil sou. J'iTll.vnuin- 5. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved. That the City Clerk be and is herebv orderea and directed to procure a gold dollar and have the saine suilably inscribed, and present the sanie to Wil Ham G. Dotyas bis siilary for the past yeur iis Mayor. Which resolution prevailed by a vea and nay vote as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore. Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara. Rehberg, Tavlor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Cooley- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That in the event Mrs. Ann Evans shall apply to the Superintendent of the Foor for aid, aud if the said superintendent shall fiud that she shall beentitled thereto.then he, the said superintendent, is hereby authorized to grant such aid, not exceeding the sum of six dollars per month, In nioney. That said superintendent do draw an order for such aid, so by him to be granted, to be signed by the City Clerk and Mayor, on the City Treasurer, and include all such aid so granted in bis monthly reports to the Coinmou Council. Whicli resolution prevuiled by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeae- Akte. AVines, Schairer, Ferguson, O'Mara, Kitson, I'rettyman, Pres. Oooley- 7. Nays- Aids. Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow. Eehberg, Taylor- 0. ANNUAL IÍEPOBT OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONERS. To the Coramon Council: The aunual report of the chief of the firc de.partment, containing the üeipts and expenses of the department for tlie year is hereby respectfully Kubmitted. GEO. H. POND, Pres. WM. J. MILLER, Clerk. Ann Arbor, April 15th, 1892. Tothe Honorable Board of FIre Commissioners. Gentlemen: - I again have the honor of submitting to you my annual re(port, (this being the third) as chief of the Fire Department. I assure you that the monotony apparent in the shnilarity of the reporte is greatly relieved in the actual performance oí duty. I will endeavor to show in detail the work performed by the üepartmeait during the year ending April let, 1892, also make a statement of losses by fire, the insurauce paid thereon and tli ecause of fires ijs fax as can be ascertained, together 'vvith sueh other information as I trust iwill be of interest to your honorable 'body. No. of alarms responded to 45 " fires destroying property 3U " chimney fires 32 " burning rubbish 3 Value of property destroyed $ 4,4T(J 00 Ins. pd. on " " - 3,268 50 Loss in excess of insurance paid 1,206 50 ïotal aniqunt of insxirance ou propertv in which the above losses occurred 36,850 00 This shows a slight increase over the losses of last year, also on in the amount of losses in excess of. imsurance paid, which may be ascribed to the bui-ning or suffoCating of iioi'ses (on which there was Sao ineurance), in the barn of H. Kittige, the building itself receiving nlight Üamage. While under the head of losses I montionthe deplorable fact that, within the year, two human beings in our city have lost their lives thrqugh the medium tiï iire. Let us hope that their lo.-s may prove beneficial to the community by ïurnishing an example oí the danger in careless handling oí gasollne, the number of fires irom which has greatly increased over those of tlie previous year. CAUSES OF FIRES. Detective chirnneys 6 Gasoliue stoves 4 Chlldien with matches 3 Lamp explosiona 2 Electric wlree durtng storm 2 Clgai stubs a Cigarettes 2 Incendiary 1 Stove pipe falling down 1 Tipping over lautern i öpark trom locomotive 1 öpark from chimuey 1 (jas jet In contact with wtndow curtaiu 1 CareJessness iu exterminating vermin írom hen house 1 Unknown z No. of miles traveled responding to alarma 344 No. oí íeet of hose laid lü,5WJ No. of cheniicals used 23 Of the abovc alarais, 29 were by Telcphone, the others were carried ditectly to the engine house. I again Cali your attentiou to thc necessity, 1or some forra of fire alarm, eitlier telej)honu telegraph. VALUÉ OF DEPT. PROPEETY. Kciil estáte and buildings - !fls,000 00 Aparatus and tools 2,;irjo oo Fivehorses w 00 Two sets doublé harneas 210 00 One pingle harness 75 00 20U bushels oats u 0Ü Six Uorseblaukets 80 (10 Whips, curry combs aud brushes 5 00 366Uft. hosê 1,600 00 Thirteeu bcas 175 00 Four :j, 00 Chairs ■ 5 00 Brooms, touels, etc 5 00 IDO lbs. wusie ai ,10}2c 20 00 ïotal .24,058 0J EXPENSE OF THE DEPAKT.ME.NT. For salaries - _ ?4,3i2 82 one ïiew H. aud L. truck 1,000 00 bedding and towels 52 81 washing is brooms 5 30 BOap, scrub brushes, etc llll.Il :; 6 oil, lantern globes and wicks 21 88 matches 1 30 repairs to stoves n 10 (ubi :::::::: w -, oats - 289 66 hay - - 95 os straw is 27 bran i 5 cora-- - 2 00 otlmeal 5 7 carrots 7 o medicine and medical atteudance forliorses 34 _ one uew collar '27 7 repairs 011 harness 9 7( whips, currycombs and brushes ö blaukets 7 5( horse shoeiDg 48 G general blacksmithing o - brake for H. aud L. truck 17 oi pair sliafts 8 00 repairs on aparatus 7 paint aud glass 24 lumber 32 5 repairs on building and sidewalk- 2 two play pipes 15 two cut oil nozles - J 30 229 Jbs. waste at ÏOC 24 04 polish " Chemicals 10 20 freight and express charges 8 15 Fire and Water Journal, one year_3 00 one pair clippers 2 00 oue shovel pails and sprinkler S5 ïvpairing tools 1 y.J 1 10 Total : 83 RECEIPTS OF THE DEPARTMENT. or building permita $ 5 00 5tli ward engiúe house bell 10 OU lamber wagon IA 95 band engine lioe cart and hose 436 00 Total 95 AIMW.IATUS . The apparatus of the department i actual service consiste oí two hose ;i,si)iii and one hook and ladder ruck. carrying 21] teert of ladders, toether wlth rapes, liooks, axes, eroware, etc., all of -vliicli are in ïirst lass condilion, wlth the exception f lioso wagoaNo. 1, fro.m which the aint is ptvlinii, aHliugh I think it ni be run year without much njury aetde from its looks. There is Ibo upoii ciuli ono of the above pieceg f apparatn.s. two hand Chemical (4 hree and - BÍX gallon ones) which we ind very convenient in case of email ree. We hold in reserve the Button team Pire Engine in good worklng rder. HOSE. We have at present, 2,050 feet of ubber-lined cotton liose in good conition, aJthough nonie of it has been i use 10 or yeare. Whcn asking th counciil for au appropriation for the ensuin.iï year, we based our estilatea upon only absolutely necessary Teqnirements, which includcd 1,000 fect of hose. But owing to the fact that the committee on finance recommended a cut therein, and to the further f;ict that your honorable body, as well as tmyself, have a desire to see the departmeait out of debt at the beginlilug of another year, I recommended 5'ou purchaso only as much hose an can be paid for witSh the amount refeived for the fire eng'ine sold to the vülage of Milan, relying upon the present councü 'to devise means of furnlshing us the necessary equipments for putting the department on first-class, practical footinff. HYDRANTS. The immber oí hydrants has been ncreased from 117 to 123, exclusive f the one on the hospital grounds, vhieli is mainitairied by the state. 'hiere have also been about three miles of water inains laitl, making a total of about 27 1-2 miles. The water upply has beem i-nercased by the driling of several wells, furnishing an ïibundance of water which is unexcelled 5u quality. HOESES. There are in the service five horses all of which at present are doing very well. MEX. Tlie jmanual ïorce consiste of eight full-ti,me men (iucluding the chief) and íive cali píen. There have been, during the year, five resignations from the service, 24 days time lost on account of sickness, and tlwee men have served as substitutes. Fortunately none of the jiicn or property of the departïnent liave met with serious accident the year. Wm. 'H. Carroll a íormer member of the departmeuit, died Jan. 17th, 'S)2, having resigned from the service on ccount of sickness, in June '91. This s ihe occurance of death to ;a tnember of the department, since its UTiganization, thre eyears ago. ACCIDEMÏ FUND. On Oct. 3d '91, at 3.40 a. mi., there tvas a lire in tlie house of Mrs. Isreal Hall, on "Washtcnaw ave. Mrs. Hall, wi account of the prompt response of the dfpai-tmeut, made the boys a present of $25.00, which was depositad in the Savings Bank as an accident finid, to be drawn on only in case of Injury to some of the firemen. FIRE LIMITS. The eniorerng of the ordinance relitive to wooden buildings withln fire Imite, has proven quite a t;isk, and n some cases has met with opposition rom persons whose philanthropy should have dictated the contrary, mt I am pleased to state that in all cases we 'have been able to gain the desired end without reeourse to the courts. í FIRE ESCAPES. I wül again cali your attention to the question of fire escapes for hotels and places of amusement, (the ordering of which I have Jicretofore rrcc)iiunded). There are a number of tbeee buildinge in our city which at nny time may prove crematories for unfortimate occupants, if the owners nre not coinpelled to provide adequate tneajffi of escape. STEEKT OBSTRUCTION". of 110 sinnll importanoe to wMch, n may be píurdoned, I will c ;i 11 yoiir a ttontion, is thé iueetloto of Kti-oet obstruction. Last seaeoüi especially, )nan,y of our stpfeete at times in an almost impassable condition, causcd by the pdacihg of lmildinti material tberein. I Avonlrt feuggeet Itliat you ask the council to impresa aipon pólice officcrs and tlie Btreet coüuntesioüér, the neccssity of btrtctly' énforcirig the ordinance relaiivi thcreto. it seeme urmeces'sary tor ane to state that ueg-ligence in this matter may cause loss of lifo and ■property, ns eau readily bc goon by anyonc giving it a thought. I wUl also nicntion slreet raihvay crossings somo of -which are vrry bal. EK PAIRS. It will be necessary to repair flooi-i, two of 1lio ajiparatus rooms, also to thoroughly ventílate the building I further recommend that bcfore an■ "svinter, the doors 011 the front of tihe engme house be replaced by Ughter and botter fitting ones. It 'uí)uld be advisablc too, to considci the question of stea-m or water heat ing. Last, but not least necessary ís a eoat of palet and kalsomine for the men's sleeping appartment. Tliankinig: your honorable body, a ■well as other city olficera and the public in general to whöm we are unrter many obUgatlons for courtesics tind confidcnee, I very respectfully RUbmit the above report. FRED SIPLEY. Chlei of Fire Dep't. On nuition the report was receiVBd and füod and ordered printed. ANNUAL UEPORT OF ÏIIE THEASURER. Annual report of the city treasurer of Ann Arbor for the year end ing Marchl, 1892. fo the Common Council: I herewith submit my annual report orthe yearending March 1, 1892. CONTINGKNT FUND. [arch 1,1891. Balance overdrawn ' 3,091 oo Receipts . County Treasurer - Liquor Tax . 8,082 6fl avings Bank -Interest 215 97 CityClerk- Lieenses 76 00 aleof Pound 130 'O aleofLamp -- 10 00 ale of Benen -. 150 ffleers' fees 5120 rines - - 8 00 Appropriation 5,900 00 Plus of Tax Koll 100 54 Total receipts --. 11,555 90 Disbursements. Orderspaid 1!"]!,357 99 Balance on hand Mar. 1,'92 103 08 STHEET FOND, March 1, 1891. Balance on hand S 942 11 Receipts. Dirt and stone sold 420 10 utherland's services 23 40 Appropriation - 9,000 00 Appropriation, sidewalks 290 60 Total receipts 10,676 21 Disbursements. Orders paid 10,094 29 - 10,094 Balance on hand Mar. 1,'92 5bl 92 SOLDIEHS' RELIEF FUND, larch 1, 1891. Balance on hand 604 40 Receipts. Appropriation 600 00 Kr K 600 U0 Total receipts 1204 40 Dishur8ements. Orderspaid _139_00 Balance on hand Mar. 1, 92 1,065 40 BRIDGE, CÜLVEKT AND CHOSSWALK FOND. Receipts. Appropriation 4,000 00 Disbursements. None - Balance on hand Mar. 1,'92 4,000 00 DOG TAX FUND. March 1, 1891. Balance on hand 100 00 March 1, 1892. Balance on hand 100 00 DELINQUENT TAX FUND. Marchl, '91. Bal. overdrawn 623 37 Receipts. County Treasurer 255 49 Appropriation, rejected tax. 15 78 Disbursements. leal estáte tax returned 2S2 52 teal estáte tax rejeeted 6112 Personal tax returned 406 12 749 76 Bal, overdrawn Mar. 1, '92. 1,101 86 FIRF.MENS' FUND. March 1, 1891. Balance on hand 3,960 69 Beceipts. Building Permits 5 00 Saleof Bell 10 0 Appropriation 7,000 00 7,015 00 Total reeeipts 10,975 9 Disbursements. Orderspaid 6,300 16 Balance on hand 4,675 53 PÓLICE FUND. Mareh 1, 1891. Balance on hand 1,525 28 Meceeipts. Offleers' fees 16 95 Appropriation 2,250 00 2,266 95 Total receipts 3,792 33 Disbursements. Orders paid 2,094 75 2,094 75 Balance on hand Mareh 1 , 1S92. . . 1 ,697 48 POOR KUND. March 1, 1891. Balance on hand 1,812 09 Beceipts. Appropriation 1,259 00 1,250 00 Total receipts 3,062 09 Disbursements . Orderspaid 1,262 50 1,262 50 Balance on hand March 1, 1892. . 1,799 59 WATER FUND. Mareh 1,91. Bal. ou hand.. 3,559 71 lieceipts. Appropriation .. 5,500 00 5,500 00 Total receipts-- 9,059 71 Disbursements. Orderspaid 5,270 00 ' 5,270 00 Bal. on hand Mar. 1, 1892. .. 3,789 71 CEMETERY FUND. Mar. 1, '91. Balance on hand 189 66 Beceipts. Manly& Speech ly, sale oí lots 83 00 Appropriatiou 50 00 136 00 Total receipts - 324 66 Disbursements. Orders paid 19273 192 73 Bal. on hand Mar. 1, '92.... 131 93 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AID BOND FUND. Mar. 1, '91. Balance on hand S40 00 Beceipts. Appropriatlon 3,840 00 3,840 00 Total receipts 4,680 00 Disbursements. Orders paid 3,S40 00 3,840 00 Bal. on hand Mar. 1, '92.-.840 00 OPENING DIVISIÓN STREET FUND. Mar. 1, '91. Bal. on hand.--375 0 Disbursemcntn. Orders paid 375 00 875 00 The actual amount of cash paid out from March lst, 1891, to March lst, 1892, was as follows: Contingent Fund $ 12,057 99 Street Fund.. 10.094 29 Firemon's Fund (,800 1U PolicoFund 2,094 75 Poor Fund - 1,262 50 Water Fund 5,270 00 City Ceinetery Fund igg 73 Opening División Street Fund 375 00 üniversity Hospital Aid Bond Fund . 3,840 00 Soldiere' ttelief Fund 139 00 Total $41,927 42 4 S S III 3 3 J3 - -j S8S3ËS33 833 38 ig , sssiess psss s sa gg ggssse ÉSs se S M. 6 SO_-M VI tH 3 CC ' CD L H woíOWHo :í ei" ■g S" 5 „- gSSSSS 8 S38S f Si p. 83'SSgS 3 S?P S Ch CO , N iQoS O 0-1- êg gis asssësssssl is S ; ; ; j j '■6 j ; I i : ■ ■ i i i5: i i ;: i I mMM N t líiiiüStei! iíi li iillilli sli I ogfaft.eLg3 1_' c - -X aa Kespectf ully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. On mtotion the report was accepted a.ud fili'd and ordered printed. By Aid. Snow: Resolved, Tlmt a special co.mmit:ee of three be appointed by the presilent and charg-ed with the duty oí investiig-ating , conditions of the AIens preek Mili race, and report vhat arrangement can be made for the discontinuance of the ame. Which resolution prevailed. The chaiir appoimted the following oommittee: Aids. Snow, Wines, and IPrettj'niian. A conimunication of ilrs. Foley wae tead, and on iinotion was laid on the table. Pres. Oooley, after üoim remarks, imade the appointments oL standing icommittees for the coming year. Finances- W. L. Taylor, fm, Herz, A. H Fillmore. Ordinances- L. D. Wines, C. Martin, Win. G. Snow. Streets- C. Martin. A. 1. Ferguson. Wm. G. Snow, H. G. Prettyman, W. L. Taylor, L. D. Wines. Sidewalks-A. ,1. Kitson, E. Rehberg, A. H. Fillmore, Wm. Her., D. F. Schairer, JohnO'Mara. FIreDepartmeut- Jno. O'Mara, E. Rehberg. H. G. Prettyman. Water- A. P. Ferguson, E. Rahberg, A. H Fillmore. Wm. G. Snow, A. J. Kitson, W. L. Taylor. Lighting- Wm. Herz, D. F. Schairer A. J. Kitson. Bonds- A. H. Fillmore, Jno. O'Mara, H. G. Prettyman. Licenses-D. F. Schairer, Wm. Herz, A. P. Ferguson. Parles- H.G. Prettyman, Jno. O'Mara, D. F Schairer. Foor- E. Rehburg, C. Martin, L. D. Wines. On motdon the council adjournetí.


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