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The May number of CasselTs Family Magazine shows us that Vlrs. L. T. Meade's charming story, Out of the Fashion,"' is drawing ;o a close, a fact which the readers of this magazine will deeply revet. Following is a sliort paper vhich will be of interest to the Toung women of the household as t givës practical hints in the art of making "Hungarian Embroidery. ;Hov to Look Nice," is also a paper calculated to interest the roung woman. " How Fortunes are Made1' will interest the young nen and incite them to do as some of the world's millionaires have done. ïhe fashion letters frora joadon and Paris are filled with useful suggestions, and " The jatherer" is, as usual, a storeïouse of practical information. - Oassell Publishing Company, $1.50 a year in advance. iotiee to Farmers and Dealers in Milk. The M. C. Ey., have made arrangemeaits to handle milk on tlieir passender trains in the baggage-car, between Jackson and Detroit, at low ates. Farmers in the vicinity of Aun Arbor, might íind a profitáble market for their surplus milk, at De■roit, or dealers at Ann Arbor might ind it to their interest to obtain their upply of milk at Grass Lake, Chelsea, )exter, Scio, or Delhi, to arrive at Ann Arbor on the morning and afternoon trains. For information as to vates and arrangement apply to H. TV. HAYES, 14 Agt.., lá. C. R"y. The May Century, in addition to -he seriáis now running, will conain complete stories by Thomas STelson Page and Wolcott Balesstier, and a humorous skit by ïarry Stillwell Edwards, author of 'Two Iiunaways." i Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Posltlvely Cured by administerlng Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It is manufaetured as a ]owder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowlegde of the patLent. It s absolutely harmless, and ■will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patLent is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. It iaa been given iu thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure aas followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibllity for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed . 48 page book of particulars free. Address GOLDKN SPECIFIC Co., 1S5 Kace st., Cincinnati, O. Herbert Spencer and the Synthetic Philosophy is the subject that opens the May Popular Scince Monthly. The writer, Mr. W. H. Hudson, who was for some years the philosopher's private secretary, traces the development of Spencers philosophic thought, and points out the trae relation between his work and that of Darwin. Considerable space is given to anthropology in this number. A copiously illustrated article on Cave Dwellings of Men is contributed by Mr. W. H. Larrabee. It relates not only to the ancient cave dwellings of America and the Old World, but describes also the way in which modern troglodytes are living in several parts of Europe to-day. Is He Your Friend. Is the f ainily doctor your friend ? Ho w many unnecessary visits does he make yon ? lloví rnany days doos he keep you sick that you ought'to be at your work and so doing hnw many hard-earnet dollars does he extort from you? Wovd( it not be better for you to place you trust in Sulphur Bitters ? Try them they will be a true friend. Saving yoi a long sickness and a large bill, wmc' you have hitherto paidto some avariciou doctor. - Editor State Journal. New Stock Pictures and Frames Frames made to order. Adams' Bazar


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