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Protests were presented in the senate on ths 25th asking congress not to commit itself to anj religious creed by urging the Columbian World's exposition to be closed Sundays. The house Chínese exclusión bilí was amended by extending the existing law for ten year3. An amendment to the naval appropriation blll was introduced authorizing the construction oï threfl doublé turret iron or steel harbor-defense vessoB of the monitor type In the house a bilí was introduced to give the right of franchise to every woman in the country over 21 years of age to vote for representa tives in congress. In the senate on the 26th Messrs. Coke and Daniel spoke in favor of the free coinage of silver. The army appropriation bill was taken up but nothing was done In the house the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill (Sl,584,92iS) was discussed. A conference committee was named on the amendments made by the senate to the Chinese exclusión bill passed by the house. In the senate the army appropriation bill was passed on the 27th In tiie house a bill was reponed appropriating }25,000 for the erection of a monument to William Henry Harrison, the grandfather of President Harrison, at North Bend, O. The diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was discussed. The time was occupied in the senate on tho 28th in discussing a resolution to pay the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations for their interests in the lands in Indian territory. The nomination of T. Jefferson Coolidge, of Massachusetts, as minister to France was received from the president.... In the house the diplomatio and consular appropriation bill was further considered. A resolution was introduced to have the committee on ways and means report a bill imposing an income tax suffleient to meet all tho expenditures for pensions. The senate was not in session on the 29th uit. ...In the house a bill was introduced requiring the sergeant-at-arms to note absences and pay members for only those days when they were in attendance. Discussion of pension matters occupied the remainder of the session. DOMESTIC. The secretary of the navy lias de clared that none but American citizen shall be appointed to places in the civi forces at the different navy yards. Thkee boys, Hugo Regburg, John K I'isbery and Peter House, were drownec at Beaver Dam, Wis., by the upsetting of a skiff on the lake. Indians in lower California repor that the volcanoes near Lake Sullulee close to the gulf of California, are in active operation. The Athanaeum building in Chicago devoted entirely to education and art was partially destroyed by fire, anc many valuable paintings were de stroyed. Wyoming cattle men hunted down Burnett and Spencer, twohorse thieves and killed them. The seventy-third anniversary of the order of American odd fellows was cel ebrated in Baltimore, where that order had its birth. Director Leech, of the mint, thinks the planto coin 10,000,000 or 20,000,000 silver half dollars of a special design for the world's fair quite feasible. The ferry boat Cincihnati crashed into its doek in New York while going a full speed, and Engineer Gray was killed and several other persons were badly injured. A man named Truax during a quarre killed his married daughter near Ba tavia, N. Y., and then took his own life. Fekdinand Ward, the notorious Wal street swindler, has been released from Sing Sing prison. Fire insurance losses in St. Louis during the year 1S91 amounted to $3,717, 070, and greatly exceeded those of any previous year. Impressive ceremonies were held in Riverside park, New York, when the corner stone of the Grant monumem was laid on the 27th. Addresses were made by President Harrison and Chauncey M. Depew. It was the seventieth anniversary of the birth of Gen. Ulvsses S. Grant. A fire that started in the Central theater in Philadelphia destroyed property valued at $1,000,000 and injured over sixty persons in the theater, some probably fatally. Shepard Busby, for the murder of Deputy United States Marshal Barney, was hanged at Fort Smith, Ark. The Commercial bank of St. Paul, Minn., closed its doors and temporarily suspended payment, with liabilities of 51,000,000. The Thompson-Houston and Edison electric companies have formed a corporation to be known as the General Electric Company, with a capital of 50,000,000. Wind destroyed 700 feet of the world's fair manufactures building in Chicago. Near Neelyville, Mo.. two men named Noland and Wilkinsóri feil from a logging railroad car and were killed. Mus. Catherine Moore and Mrs. H. Alexander (sisters) were burned to deuth in a tire which destroyed the "Cayuga" flat building at New York. Gkorge Wii.i.iam Curtís addressed the Civil Service Reform league at its annual meeting in Baltimore. The village of Chase, Mich., was almost wiped out of existence by-fire. Six members of the theatrical company which was performing at the Central theater in Philadelphia lost their lives in the fire which destroyed the building. An incendiary fire burned the principal business houses in Tchula, Miss. At Gracey, Ky., a cyclone wrecked the Presbyterian church and several other buildings. The three children of J. A. Wolford were fatally injured by a ranaway horse at Brazil, Ind. Coleman Blackburx, who was hanged at Harriston, Miss., April 20, was said to be alive and at the home of a relative in Franklin county. After the execution he was pronounced dead by three physicians and his body was turned over to his relatives. At the leading clearing houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 29th uit. aggregated 81,088,019,716, against 81,048,198,235 the previous week. The increase as compared with the corresponding week of 1891 was 13.0. Fire destroyed half of the business portion of Fall River, Kan. Great suffering was reported among the people of southwestern Texas, along the Rio Grande river, owing to the drought. Thb volume of business throughout the country was said to surpass all previous records. Geobge William Curtís 'was reelected president of the National Civil Service Reform loatrue at the annua meeting in Baltimore. Repoets f rom all parts of Illinois in dicated the erop season to be three weeks late. HiiAViLr-ARMED Mexicana, supposec to be Garza rsvolutionists, were invad ing Texas. S. S. Lowenberg and wife were acci dentally suffocated by gas in a room a St. Paul, Minn. Chables W. Doerr, a prosperou farmer living near Brownstown,Ind. was waylaid and murdered by robbers An express train was thrown from the track by train wreckers nea Myrtle Point, Ore., and the enginee and fireman seriously hurt. Robber; was supposedto have been the object. Rev. W. W. Dowxs recovered $10,00 damages from three members of th lïowdoin Baj)tist church of Boston fo slander. Because students at a minstrel per formance burlesqued Prof. Dwight T Carrol], ot Lehigh university at Bethle ham, Pa., the affair so preyed upon hi mind that he became insane. Anotheh earthquake shock occurrec at San Francisco with vibrations nort and south. The schooner Glenora and her cre% of six men were lost in Lake Superior off Peninsula harbor. A CONSTBUCTIOS train on the Grea Korthern was ditched near Bonne Ferry, Mont., and four laborers wer killed. In the United States the busines failures during the seven days ended on the 29th numbered 211, against 201 th preceding week and 225 for the corre sponding week last year. The safe in a store at Camden, Tenn. was robbed by burglars of SI, 500 in gold belonging to the estáte of a wido just deceased. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. IN the Second district of Maine Nel sou Dingley, Jr., was renominated f o congress by the republicans. The democrats of Ohio will hold thei state convention in Columbus June 1 and 15. The democrats of the Third distric of Indiana renominated Jason B. iirown for congress, and W. M. F. McNagny was nominated in the Twelfth district. Aftek completing the new congressional apportionment the New York legislatura adjourned sine die. William Astor, of New York, died in Paris of heart failure, aged 60 years. He left an estáte valued at $60,000,000. The republicans of the Eighth Missouri district have nominated W. H. Miller for congress. Judge Lanham, of St. Louis, was married at Kansas City to Mrs. Elizabeth Lockridge, of Sturgeon, Mo. Both are wealthy. Judge Lanham is 74 years old, and is famous as the greatest auctioneer in this country. In state convention at Springfield the Illinois democrats nominated John P. Altgeld for governor, J. Iï. Gill for lieutenant governor, H. Hinrichsen for secretary of state, David Gore for auditor, R. N. Ramsey for treasurer, M. T. Maloney for attorney general, and J. T. Black and A. J. Hunter for congressmen at large. The platform declares that the tariff is a tax and that all taxation is a burden, favors the gold and silver coinage provided for by the constitution of the United States; favors the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people, and favors the nomination of John M. Palmer for president. The Colorado republicans in convention at Denver adopted a platform deinanding the free coinage of silver and instrueting1 the delegates to the national convention to oppose by every honorable means the nomination of any man for the office of president who was not in favor of free coinage. The Texas prohibitionists in state convention at Waco selected presidential electors and nominated a f uil state ticket, with D. M. Pendergast for governor. In the Missouri and Nebraska republican state conventions resolutions were adopted indorsing the administration of President Harrison, and delegates to the national convention were recommended to vote for his renornination. In the state republican conventions of Maine, New Hampshire and New Jersey the platforms indorse President Harrison's administration and delegates to the national convention were chosen favorable to his renomination. In the Fifteenth Illinois district the republicans nominated Joseph G. Cannon for congress, and in the Seventeenth district James N. Gwynn was nominated. New York republicans in state convention at Albany named Frank Hiscock, Thomas G. Platt, Chauncey M. Depew and Warner Miller as delegates at large at the Minneapolis convention. The platform indorses Fresident Harrison's administration, the McKinley tarift' law, denounces free silver coinage, and arraigns the democratie party of the state through its recognized leaders as guilty of a conspiracy which culminated in the reversal of the political majority of the legislature as determined by the verdict of the people at the polls. The Alabama republican state convention met at Montgomery and a solid Harrison delegation was elected to Minneapolis. It was decided not to put a state ticket in the field. The Missouri republicans met at Jef"erson City and nominated Maj. William Warner for governor. The platform indorses the administration of President Harrison, the tarifE and silver legslation of the Fifty-second congress, approves the alien contract labor law, and demands a free ballot and a f air count. The Ohio republicans in convention at Cleveland adopted resohitions indorsing- the administration of President Harrison, the protective policy, the McKinley bilí, favoring just and liberal pensions to every union veteran and opposing the free coinage of silver. S. M. Taylor was nominated for secretary of state, and W. A. Spear and J. F. Burkett for supreme court judges. Conöbessionai, nominations wera made by the republicans as follows: [llinois, Fifth district, A. J. Hopkins Yenominated); Seventh, T. J. Henderson (rendminated); Nineteenth, N. H. tfoss. Kansas, Second district, E. H. iunston (renominated). Two republican Btate oonventions met at Montgomerj-, Ala., and each faction elected delegates to the national convention favorable to Harrison's renomination. The republicans have norainated J. Frank Aldrich for eongress in the First Illinois district and renominated R. R. Hitt in the Sixth district. FOREIGN. A cycloxr swept away many buildings in Hastings county, Ont. Yellow fe ver was causing great mortality in Rio de Janeiro. Accouding to reports from Kingston, Jamaica, ex-President Legitime and hia adherents are preparing to lead a revolt against the present government o Hayti. Fears of a great uprising were feit in Rome, and public buildings and the Austrian embassy were beiug barricaded. M. Very, who gave Ravachol, the anarchist, into eustody, was slain in a dynamite explosión which destroyed bis wine shop in Paris, and many other persons were injured. The Russian governmont has deeided to establish boards of trade like those of the United States for the purpose of gathering information about the crops. Advices from Constantinople state that fifty of the rebellious sheiks who feil into the hands of the Turks were beheaded. In Paris Ravachol and Simon, two anarchists, were found guilty of causing dynamite explosions and were sentenced to imprisonment for life. Parliament voted down a measure to extend the facilities for obtaining divorces in England Nine persons were killed and thirty injured by a wreek on the Colonial railway betweec Sydney and Melbourne, in Australia. Twelve inches of snow feil at Winnipeg- on the 27th and all trains were delayed. Dubing a squall on the Havel lakea near Berlin t.iree boats were capsized and seven of their occupants were drowned. The British parliament defeated a bilí giving franchise to women. At the trial of Deeming in Melbourne it was stated that he hadconfessed that he committed the majority of the "Jack the Ripper" murders in London. In a fire at Tokio, Japan, 5,000 houses were destroyed and forty persons were burned to death. The public galleries of the Paris bourse were closed in consequence of the receipt of letters threatening to blow up the building. The building at Vienna containing the collossal panorama of the Crucifixion was burned and the great painting was entirely consumed. Loss, 120,000 florins. Rev. J. W. Lambuth, D. D., one of the oldest missionaries of the Methodist ehurch south, died at Kobe, Japan. He had been a missionary thirty-eight years. IIkxry M. Stani-et will stand as a candidate for parliament in the unionist interest at the coming general elections In üreat Brita'n. LATER NEWS "ik United States senate was not in sesfsion on the SOtli uit. In the house a bilí was introduced that no election for members of the legislative assembly shall be heldin Oklahoma ter ritory until such census shall be taken and such apportionment shall be made thereunder as shall be hereafter provided by act of congress. A cyclone destroyed several buildings and did other damag'e in the village of Burns, Kan. Five persons in the f amily of Thomas Tubbs and Maggie Schalter lost their lives in a tenement house flre in New York city. A FIRF. which started in the Princcss opera house at Winnipeg, Man , destroyed three acres of buildings. Three men were killed and nearly thirty injured by a wreek on the Great Northern railroad near Boomersferry, Wash. A PRAIRIE fire swept 13 miles south of the city of Hurón, S. D., causing1 much destruction to barns and grain. By the upsetting of a boat at Chattanoog-a, Tenn., Wendell Sanders, Miss Iïettie Cheney and Miss Manche Barr were drowned. The people's party of the Kineteenth district of Illinois has nominated J. H. Crosno for congress. The small residenco of John Long, .fr., at Corry, Pa., was burned, and two littla children asleep in bed were roasted. The Angle-Scotia milis and lace factories at Nottingham, Eng-., were destroyed by fire. Loss, 55500,000. A half block of two-story houses, the landmarks of Leadville, Col., were burned by a fire that started in Loeb's ;heater. A fire in the business district of Pittsburgh, Pa., caused a loss of 8300,000. Fire destroyed six business blocks, ncluding the Journal newspaper office, at Coffeyville, Kan. A RECIPROCITT treaty has been concluded between the United States and ïonduras. In the National league the percentages of the baseball clubs for the week ended on the 30th uit. were: Boston, .846; Louisville, .750; Brooklyn, .750; Pittsburgh, 692; Cleveland, .646; Cincinnati, .600; STew York, .500; Phüadelphia, .885; Vashington, .346; Chicago, .231; St. Louis, .167; Baltimore, .77. The percentages in clubs of the Western league vere: Milwaukee, .857; Kansas City, 700; Columbus, .667; St. Paul, .500; Toedo, .375; Omaha, .375; Minneapoiis, 333; Indianapolis, .000.


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