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The Albany Journal has swung out the nam...

The Albany Journal has swung out the nam... image
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The Albany Journal has swung out the name of John Sherman for president. A private dispatch says that Président Harrison -will lavor Secreretary Rusk, in oase he is not renominated himself. One of the newest and greatest monopolies in the nation to-day is the anthraclte coal trust. There is no tariff on coal. It is as free as the most violent free trader could wisn. Kow is a time for these reformers to put their brilliant theories into execution. Come on witli your tree trade argument s and luist up this coal monopoly. Eastern farmers, who have abunlant supplies of water for crops, and every other purpose, by rainïnll and springs and rivers, know iittle of nvhat the problem of a water supply means to the farmers in the dry belts and arid regions of the west. Some idea of the labor involved in securing water for irrigation may be gathered Irom the following figures of the four lsrgest dams eompleted last year: the Walnut Grove dam, near Prescott, A. T., 110 feet high, enclosing 750 acres, and having a capaeity of 4,000,000,000 gallons; the Merced dam at Central California, one inile long, 60 feet high, enclosing 650 acres, and storing 5,500,000,000 gallons; the Sweetwater River dam, near San Diego, Cal., 90 feet high, 725 acres, storage capacity 6,000,000,000 gallons; and the Bear Valley dam, is San Bernardino county, Cal., 60 feet high, enclosing 2,250 acres, and holding 10,000,000,000 gallons of water. The Boise boom is said to have busted. How is the Hill boom ? Hoisted? __ Michigan will be represenWJpat the California meeting of the national editorial association this month by state printer Bobert Smith and H. R. Pattengill, of The Moderator. Some of the shrewd politicnl gamblers are taking all the bets that are offered on Cleveland's nomination at Chicago. They appear to think that Grover will not have a sufficient pull. The man known as the ice man, Patrick O'Sullivan, one of those convicted of the can-nae-gal murder of Dr. Cronin. in Chicago, and senteneed to state prison at Joliet, died last week. The Boston Herald (Mugwump) confesses that "in the democratie party there is an element of bold, defiant, undisguised badness." Of course nothing personal to Mr. Hill is intended in this remark. A cargo of American pig tin froni that great western state. California, has been brought to New York and sold there at the same price of the imported article. Another nut for the tin plato liar to split his teeth on The Gentile demoerats iu Utah have got into a fight with the Mormon democrats as to whicli is which and who is who. A republiean judge wU have to decide between the contending factions. Why not split the difference ? , - - - Gov. Boyce, of Iowa. What about him ? Only this: He was born, bred and reared as a republiean and won all his spurs, except the governor's, in the republiean party. Will the democrats nomínate him for the presidency ? Hardly. In the municipal elections held in Indiana last week the republicana were victorious almost without exception, carrying democratie strongholds that had not been carried by them before in years. It is a republiean year or all signs fail. The fraudulent democratie legislature of New York has increased the bonded indebtedness of New Y'ork City and Brooklyn about $30,000,000.' The greatest squandering of money since the old Tweed ring ran things. IÍ the Washtenaw Republiean Club proposes to send delegates to the national convention to bc held in Saratoga June 20, they better get a move on them. Other places are enthusiastic over the matter, and delegates are being chosen even from far away California. From figures of the foreign trade of the United States for the past 12 months the fact is ascertained that over 55 per cent. of our Importe come in absolutely h-ee of duty under the provisions of the McKinley act, and less than 45 per cent. are dutiable. In other words the free list is larger now than ever before. If it is true, as our free trade friends assert, that free trade is such a magnificent thing for a country, why is it that our Canadian neighbors, especially the farmers, are coming over to the states constantly ? Why is it that protected America is the Mecca for the people of all nations ? Why do they seek "tariff oppressed" United States ? If the republican state convention in Mihvaukee, Wis., the other day, is any criterion of the feeling of the party in that state, Wisconsin is good for its oldtime, and more than oldtime, republican majority. The scène as depicted in the papers, was an enthusiastic one, and bodes no good for the enemies of the great party of progress in this country. The workingman of America who votes for free trade, votes to put himself in the position that many of the laboring men of England are in to-day. On a banner in a parade of many thousand unemployed workmen in London, a few days since, was this inscription: "We demand the right to work." The red flag of anarchy was freely displaj-ed in another parffde. Are you ready to do this, my friend ? There is no uncertain sound in the resolutions of the Wisconsin republicans. Honest 100 cent dollars, protoction to American labor and industries, a free ballot and a fair eount of those ballots, a good navy, and the steady forging ahead of the American people in all branches of industry and trade, through the admirable principie of reciprocity, is the banner the lepubücans of that state wiS march to vietory under. Gen. John M. Palmer, of Illinois. What about him ? Only this: Before the war he was an antagonist of the democratie party. During the war he was an antagonist of the dem ocratic party. Since the war he has been an antagonist oí the democratie party, until witliiu a short time. Xow he wants lus oltl time enemy to nomínate and elect him as president ol the United States What wlll he run on ? His political record ? It has been exceptionally good until within a few years. But the democrats won't ri'iish It. Here ia a nut to crack for our political enemies who pronounce "reciprocity a humbug." Before the reciprocity arrangements were concluded between this country and Brazil the Brazilian Steamship Co., accommodated all the business they eoulc get in four trips a month betwee the ports oï the two countries. Now this company has been obliged to in crease, the number to fourteen pe month. All clear again, gentlemen The free traders, under the guise o "tariff reformers," would kill all tin prosperity, which is being brough about by protection and reciprocity


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