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Banquet Notes

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Governor McKlnley was aecompaied by his wife, Maj. and Mrs. Goodpeed, Mr. Boyd, nis private secreary, and several others. His devoion to his wife, who for seventeen ears has been an invalid, is one of he pleasant characteristics oí his genie, kindly personality. She said that urins all Of his heavy work in conress, whlle Bbe was under a physican's charge in Philadelphia, he never ïissed a day without writing her hree letters. To see liia immovable ace, almost etern, when facing an immense audience, one might imagine fon an austere man, but in convcrsation his face lights up with sniiles nd h-e has ever a witty and bright emark. Last night the Student's Kepublican Club presented the finest array f speakers ever collected together in his state. It is seldom that upon the ame stage, even in Chicago or New 'ork that men of such ability and inhience are to be seen as Gen. Algcr, laj. McKinley, Gen. Thurston, J. S. assett, A. B. Humphrey, Gen. Cutcheon, Ex-Coiiiïressman Mason, .1. T. jester, and Prcf. Iangston. The club s greatly lndebtd to Gen. Alger for is valuable aid in securing these eloquent speakers. The need of a large hotel in Aira Arbor was never more fully demontrated than it was last evening, vhen hundreds of people from a distance had to go to their homes before the speaking at the banquet was through with, and sorae before it had commenced, because thcy could not obtain ac.commodations or lodgings. The daywas a beautiful May day. If the weather could have been 01dered for the occasion no better could have been given. Even the elementa encouraging the republicans, it will be noted. Gov. and Mrs. McKinley, Gen. Alger, Maj. Goodspeed and wife, of Coïumbus, O., and John Patton, Jr., of Graad Rapids, were the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal. Hon. John M. Langston, of Virginia, and Eev. Washington Gardner, of Albion, were the guests of Col. H. S. Dean. Han. J. Sloat Fassett, and Mrs. Fassett, oí New York, and John T. Pach were the guests of Evart H. Scott. The 17th ol May may grow to be a.s great a day as the 17th of March! Who knows ? Dr. V. C. Yaugha.n had Ex-Congressman Mason, of Chicago, as his quest. Judge Thurston while in the city was entertained at Prof. J. C. The Fast Mail is coming back hen: agaln by special request, May 28. The street cars have been polished up wit-h a new coat of varnish, Aid. Hcrz doing the job. Next Su.nday, at the M. E. ehurch, probationers will be received into ïull connection with the church. The new tlrne-table tor the running of trains on the Ann Arbor & Ypsila.nti st. B. R. wlll be found in its proper place at the head of the local page. Tliere are none too inany laborers iü Ann Arbor, just at present, and if a man wants a job done real bad, be better do it himsell to make certain of it. A very pleasant party was given by the A. T. O. society of the high school at the Ladies' Library, Friday evening. Mrs. ICinna and Mrs. Spence were the chaperones. The Sunday excursión to Toledo, over the T. & A. A. E. K., on account of the base ball play at Toledo, was not a howling success. Over which but few tears will be shed. A corrected time table for the il. a H. Ii. will be íound in its proper place. The time changed Sunday last, but does not effect very materiallj any of the important trains. The Courier office is the recipiënt ol' a fime box of Agness Booth cigars frorn the Yictor Yallette Co., fur nislicd to the University Republiean Club through I. M. Clark, oL Grand Ilapids. "Hark from the Tombs," or "Some Skepticul Theories that have been Buried by the Kxeavator's Spade," i the tiitle tor Rev. Dr. Cobern's next lecture on Sunilay cvening in th course on "The Egyptian Monument and the Bible," at tiie 'M. E. ehurch. The Maeoaic Fraternity will pleas bear im inind that a school oí instruc tion will be held in thia city on Frl day next, by Grand Lecturer Arthm M. Clark. In the aïternoon work on the lst and 2d degrees. In the even ing the 8d degree will be eonferred by Fraterni'ty Lodge. The case of the Alumni Associatioi against Zina P. King was on tria several days last week In the Wayne circuit at Detroit, before Judge Brevoort, and lias been adjourned to th 24th. Prosecuting Attorney Lehmau 'assisted by Otto ICirchner, of Detroit are conducting the prosecution and John Atkinson the defense. Will Payne, writlng from Nash ville, Tenn., says: "I noticed in th Oourier of May llth, that G. H. Gil more, of Ypsilanti, thinks his brothe was the first white child born in Len awee county, and gives the date a April llth, 1831. Leander Com stock, who was my father's cousin was born tn what ia now Adrián, on Aug. 9th, 1827."


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