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Both the method and resulta wben Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleansea the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual oonstipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eñfecte, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK, N.Y. W THE BEST jBlood PurifierI IN THE WORLD. 1 3 WHY SUFFER with that chronic f J disease? Do you want to die ? m phur Bitters will cure you aa it lias g m thousands. ■j Why do yog suffer with that h _FOUj-I_OFFENSIVE BREATh"T"$I Tou need not if you use Sulphur I J Bitters. They never fail to cure. 4Ë Operatives who are closely confined W L in the milis and workshops ; clcrks fc. a who do not have sufficient exercise, P 1 and all who are confined indoors, L ■ should use Sulphur Bitters. They W jj will not then be J j WEAK AND SICKLY. % I Is your Breath impure. Tourt 3 Stomach is out of order. Sulphur E J Bitters is the best medicine to take. b "1 Sulphur Bitters will build you up f Jiand make you L 6TRONQ ANDHEALTHyT J At the dawn of woinanhood, P 3 phur Bitters should be used. L g Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass. , ior best medical work pubUshed ■% ■■ SB OÍS, " ANA KF.SIS " gives instant ■ ■relief and is nu nfallible U 9 h % Curefor Piles. Priee$l. By r mDruLKistsormail-SnirlP1e3 [_ fJfree.Address"AXAKK.SIS ,' ■ ■ Mi ■■ Bojc 2416, New York City, MAKINC A BEÁUTIFUL HOME lw,Oi;? 'Juest'Zn. -f, "lo,n?l; Taste, experience and UU have much to do with It. If you Intcnd to bulld? it wil] be a mlstake not to Bend for our hooks of Sknf" Low-oost Housks. now arranged in three volumee. In them you will flnd perspective yiews, floor TlJíff ?e8c"PV0I)s' ;utI estímales of costs för Iffi tasleful, newtlesicnjbr housen. They also eive our prices for completé Working Plans. Details, aSdliSc.fications, whfoh enableyoB to imiid without delavs . mtstakes or quarrels wltli your Imildcr, and w ich ?"V on can vnderstana. éood boilders reccomend these plans Testimoniáis f rom all parts of the oouny'. , 1 cont!In8 ï copyiighted designs of liousi's Wealsopublisli "COLONIAL HOUSES "a volume ahowlngPerspectlves and Floor Plans of hSuses Tr? t??n,rè thH 'S1"'1"""0 .vlo o' the Colonial Archïcomfor't pïiVfMX?8 a" mOdern mente for sTxmTfl HOOSES FOR FOBEST AND öHOKE:- This shows Perspecttves and Floor Plana of new designs for Smnmer Cottages " whi Í Ivï ro Add"e's'sC0I1Ven ' ani Prle U-m by NATIONAL ARCHITEOTS' UNION, 120 N". Seventh Philadelphla, St., Pa. SAW MILLS, EMGINES, Improved Tariabie Friction Feel. Send for catalogue and special Drices A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Yorn, P ÏTon PQt WnrV f f20 10 $10 a wee -vll-Pa V W UI K. made by earnest men and women We furnish the capital! If you mean business, drop us a card and Ket some f acts that will open your eyes I A legftíStínrtíí.0 0good?' and honest men wanted to ?, ufLthem ln town and country. Den'l a t O 6SS a' ouceiP Box BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Courier Office, 4! and 43 North Main St, (Successors to C. H. Millen.) The oldest agency in the city. Established ?vï 8,il"a.rter f f century ago. Representing the following first-class oompanies, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Gibard Ins. Co., of Philadelphia Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London Liverpool, London and Globe. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjnsted and promptly Pald. BEAL A POND.


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