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MASONIC DIRECTORY. AUN ARBOR COMMAHDBBY, No 13, meets first Tuesday of eacu mouth. B. F. Watts, E.C. ; John R. Miuer, Kecorder. Washtenaw Chapteb, No. 6, R. A.M;- Meeta firt Mouday each month. L. C. Goodrich, H. 1'.; N. D. Gates, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. Chas. "W. "Vogel, Dealer in all kinds of Freph and L?alt Meats. Poultry, Lanl, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Ann Aeeob. WANT COLUMN. Sbort advertisements not to exceed three lines or Lost or Found Houses íor Sale or Rent. Wants. etc. inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wanted, f ree. FOR SALE- Ten room Queen Ann cottage, S7 Y. Hurón street. AH modern lmprovements. Apply to C. B. Davison, 45 N. Mum atreet. or at the Courier Press Kooms. Iï THEKE IS ANV ATTORNEY, real estáte or Insurance ueent In thls toira who would the agene'y fór a tboronfrhly rellable loan isaoclationthat guaran tees prompt loanB.wrt te F H Chac, Supt, Geneva, N. Y. References furuislied írora Michigan borrowers. 14 WANTED- Competent girl tor general liouse-work. Inquire at 37 Madison St. FOR SALE CHEAP. or exchnnge for Ann Arl,or property- 120 acres of flat land, about sixteen miles fro'm Ann Arbor. in western part of Saline township. Can be made very valuable by drainage; excellent for stock or gardening. Much of it mifrht be adaptad to gram crops ns the gravelly loam lies uear the surface Enquire at 24 N. State St., Aun Arbor, ilich. MRS. DR. N. H. PIERCE has changed her office to the rooms on second fioor at No. 9 N. Maiu St., where slie may be found from 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 o'clock, daily. WANÏED- GENERAL STATE AGENT to open headquarters in some principal city. assume control of our business, and appoi'nt local and sub-ageuts in evcry city in this state; goods in universal demand, and paya net profit of 50 to JUO per cent. THE UNION COMPANY, 714 Broadway, New York. "X7"ANTED WA8HIÑG - Wlll EO to private TT houses or do it at niy resideuee. 23 Hiscott st. Mrs. Emile Buchholz. XTTAKTED- A House with Barn. House with VV about 6 or 7 rooms. Must be in rood rupair. In good location. Cali at Courier ollice or address X. WATER TANK FOK ALK.-Tnnk. i fect square by l Eeet deep, made oí i inch pine plank, lined with heavy galvaaized iron. Enquire at this office TO RENT.- An ollice suite over F. .t M. Bank cor. Maiu aud Huron sts. Apply atCouRiEit Office. FAR.U KOR SALE- The Bullock or Everett farm, S miles west of Salem Station, and n miles from Auu Arbor, contaiuing 10!) acres; house and barnes, stock, and wel] water, timben school and church within a mile. Land naturally the best and cultivation good ; also forty acre farm for sale, the S J4 of the E. J of the S. E. qr. of sec. &t of Alm Arbor town, being part of the Howe-Nortb place north of the County Farm : "3 miles from Slack & .Schniid's," 1JL miles from city limits. First-class land for peaches. I'rices and terms aeasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Ciibron, 32 Mavuard St., Ann Arbor


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Ann Arbor Courier