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TO MACKIHAC Summer Tours Palace Steamcrs. Low Rate. Tour Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND P etoskey, ThO Soo, M&rquette, nd Lke Huron Port. Everjr Evening Betwaen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Luudj Tripa d uring June, July, August ad September Only. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Eítiti and Excursión Tickets will be furniBhed by your Ticket Agent, or Addreu A. A. 8CHANT2, A'T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich., TUE DETROIT i CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. ■ SPEND TOUR TACATION ON THE GBEAT LAKJSS. Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It Will only cost you about $13 from Detroit or $18 from Cleveland for the round trip, including meals and berths. Tlie attractionsof a trip to the Mackinac región are unBurpaased. The island itself is a grand, romantic spot; its climate is most invigorating. Save your money by traveling between Detroit and Cleveland, via the D. &C. Line. Fare, $2 25. This división is equipped with two new steamers, "City of Detroit" and "City of Cleveland," now famoua as the largest and most magnificent on fresh water. I.t-ave every night, irriving the following morning at desfiuation, making sure connection with all mornins trains. Palace steamers, four trips per week betweeñ Detroit, Macknao, Petoskey, the "Soo" and Marquette. Send for illustrated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, G. P. A . Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co., Detroit, Slieh. Sheriff Sale. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a writ of fieri iaeiaa issued out ol the circuit eourt, for the county of Washtenaw, in favor of Alice Waite. and asainst the goods anc chattles and real estáte of Frank Waite Phelps to me directed and delivered. I did on the twentv-third day of March. A. D. 1S92, levy up on and take all the right. title and interest of the said Frank Waite Phelps in and to the following described real estáte that is to say All those certain pieces or pareéis of land sit uate and being in the township of Scio, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to-wit : The undivided one-half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section nine, containing eighty acres of land, except one-half acre in the north-west corner and north of Dexter road, sold to Wilcox, and all that part of the east half of said south-west quaiter, which is situated on the north side of the public highway leading from Ann Arbor to Dexter, containing flfty-two and thir.ty-eight oue hundredths acres ; also a part of the south-east quarter of said section nine, commencing al tne centre of aaid section. thence east twentyfive chains and six links, theuce south sixteen ehains and fqur links, thence west twenty-four chains and eighty-two links, thence north sixteen chains and four links to the place of beginning, exeepting and reserVing from said last description so much thereof as ia situated on the south-east side of the highway leading from village of Scio to the place known as the Freeman homestead, containing about fourteen acres of land more or less and about one hundred and forty-flve acres of land in all more or less. All of which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county and state of Michigan, on the twenty-third day of June, A. D. 1892, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Diited this llth day of May. A. D. 1892. lii Charles Dwyek, Sheriff. Mee to Büilflers and Contractors. Notice is hereby given to Builders and Contractors that sealed bids will be received by the State Board of Education up to and includ"ing Wednesday, May 25, for constructing two brick two-story anuexes to the State Normal School, at Ypsilanti, said annexes to be constructed during July and August of the present year. Plans and specincations can be found at the State Normal School, on and af ter Wednesday, April 2, and also at the office of the architect, Arthur B. Cram, ÍS0 Griswold st., Detroit. For further iaformation as to the manner and form of proposals, etc, apply to the Principal of the State Normal School or address the nndersigned, to whom all bids must be sent. PEHRY F. POWEKS, Chairman of Building Committee. 12 Cadillac, Mich. Estáte op John W. Whitlark. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday. the thirtieth day of April, in the year one thousand, eight hundred aud ninety-Wo. Present, J. Williard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John W. Whitlark, deceased. Edward Treadwill, the administrator de bonis non of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render nis final account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the tweuty-seventh day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs-atlaw of said deceased, and all others persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court theu to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should "not be allowed. And it is further ordered, that said Administrator give notice to the persons iuterested in said estáte, of the pondency of said account and the hearing thereof. by causinga copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printedand circulating in said county, three suceess'ive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. j. WILLARD BABBITT, (A true copy.) Judge of Piiuisate. W. G. DOTY, Probate Register. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE- State of Michigan, Gonnty of Washtenaw, bs. In the matter of the estáte oí Flora A. Vandawarker, minor. Notice is hereby given that in pursuauce of an order granted to the undersigned guardián oí said minor, by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County ot Washtenaw, on the 12th day of April, A. D. 18S2, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, iu said State, on Tuesday, the thirty-first day of May, A. D. 1S92, at ten ó'clock in trie forenoon of that day isubject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale, all the right title and interest of said minor) the following described Real Estáte, to wit : Lots 15 and 10, block two (2) north of Huron Street range, six (6) east, according to the recorded plot of the village, now city, of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, Hekman Keapf, Dated, April 12, 1892. Guardian ' WOETHj&JHJINEA A BOX." # C07EBED WITH A TASTELESS AXD S SOLUBLE COATIXG. ! A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOK ! ? Indigestión, Wantof Appetite, fUInm'i S nfter Meaï, Vomitings, Sicknes of, 5 the Stomach, Jiiliotis or Lirer 5 piaintK, Slrk Headache.Cold Chll, ■ S Fhmhingsof Heat, Ixnuness of i its, and All Nervou Affeetions. S t To cure tbege complaiots we must remoTe i the cause. The principal cause íb generally é to be found in the itomach and II ver : put 1 t ' thetie two organs right and all icitl be ureil. From ' two to four Pilis twice a day for a short time V , will remove the evii, and restore the aufferer :[ ( i to sound and lasting healtb . Z 2 Of all drugglsts. Prloe ZB cents a box. S New York Depot, 365 Canal at. 'M. " & h: WRITING TABLETS. The Handsomest, Most Economical, and BEST method of putting up Writing Papers for home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manuf-acturers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polit Correspondence mailed for Twenty-Five Cents OEOL DIEFFENBACH'S PR0TAG0N CAPSULES, Sure Cure for Weak Men, u provea by reporta of leading phyBicians. State age in ordering. Price, 81. Catalosrue Free. fl O A ■ safe and speedy II w l cure for Gleet, VI # VI Strfcture and all nnnatural discharges. Price 88. fjREEKSPECIFICKd1 Wand Skin Dlieaiei, Scrofi nlom Sores andSyphilftlc Affectloaa without mercury. Price, 2. Order from THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL GO. A 18 WúoonjÚB Street, MILWAUK&E, WIB. HEADACHES for CURED RIGJMEOICINE 'GüM 'flli SALE BV EBERBACH AND SON. ANN ARBOR Estáte op Lyman S. Wood. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte naw, ss. ' - ; At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the thirtieth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and niuety-two. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Lyman S Wood, deceased. On reading and flling the petition duly veri fied of Pamela Wood, praying that Rdminis tration of said estáte may be granted to Mau rice G. Wood, or some other suitable person. Thereupon' it is ordered, that Tuesday, the thirty-flrst day of May next, at ten o'cloek in tlie forenoon, be assigned for the hear Ing of said petition, and that the heirs-at law, of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in the AimA.rbor Courier, anewspaperprinted apd circulatiug in said County, three successive weeks previous to said dav of hearing. [A true copy.] J. WILLARÏ) BABBITT, Judge of Probate. W. G. DOTY, Probate Register. Estáte op John M. Letts. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, S9. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-sixth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-t'wo. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John M. Letts. incompetent. George J. Crowell, the guardián of said ward, comes into court and represents that he is uow prepared to render nis annual account as such juardian. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the ;wenty-third day of May next, at ten o'clock .n the forenoon, be assigned ior exaiuiningand allowiug such account, and that the next of kin of said ward and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court. then to be holden at ;he Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: and it is further ordered that said guardián rive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of thependency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, a nevvspaper printed and circulating in said Couuty, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. W. G. Doty, Probate Register. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashteO naw, ss. At a gession of the Probate Court for the 'ounty ot WashteOaw, holden at Probate Ofice, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Monduy, the .Stli day of April, in the vuur one thoxsaml eight hundred and ninetv-twn. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matte1 of the estáte of Henry Dougas, deeeased, Levi D. Wiues, the adminlsrrator of said estáte, comes into court and epiesents that lie is uow prepared to render lis final account as such administrntor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the 20th day of May uext, at ten o'elock iu the orenoon, be assigued for examinins and alowiiiK such account, and that the heira at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a ession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, in aid County, and show cause, if any there be, vhy the said account should not be alyed : Vnd it is further ordered, that said Adminisirator give notice to the persons interested in aid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thercof, by causing a copy of rhis order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, anewspaper printed and circulated in aid County, three suceessive weeks previous o said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, A truc copy) Judge of Pkobate. V. (J. DOTY. Probate Register. Fargtfs Shoes ramfly Tï FARCO'S lllU "Box Tip" School Shoes ïS'&Vv ior Boys and Girls. m i&oV Heeled or Wedge Heel. m OvSS Staes-8tolOH ï.as Í 'OFtidFl utoiass 1.80 iffft' FARCO'S i Uk 52.50 Calf Shoe V3l'$K fr Gentlemen, fcWA iTtil w_ Cneqnaled by any shoe %hii " CuapT A11 Auttrica al UiO eanj Kf!ÑMUIltiíUíllprice. InConcrct,ButKfci ■ Hsjt ton . ■ r - 1 Lace. Men'd xuJ Boy 's sizes. Cl FARCO'S fl ($2.50 UDIES' BOOT ftó&Nu Congola or Goat, Button, Jk ffS Opera, or Common SsniaÍ CflS.0 v. acïIle8s anl Flexible. lfcÍrL4ÍSS_ Varraxited the most ïfcltslfofëof saofdd tr&$% OUR NAME IS OH THE BOTTON) OF EVERY SHOE, Askyour dealerfor Farco'a Sh je. If he dees nol keep fhem send to us and we will turuish yoa a nair oi receltit of pnce. Send portal f or ilescriptive list. C. H. PABÖO & CO., Chicago. HL DOTY & FEINER,' AGENTS, - ANN ABBOR, Hutzel's later Bad ' A very important invention whicb will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can affbrd to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plumbers and Steamfittfrs. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH gOO3ES CottO33L EOO f gPS$f COMPOUNID ■ W? iComDosed of Cotton Root, Tansy and 7 yJ Pennyroyal- a recent disoovery by aa told physician. Is successfullij used montldv- Safe. EffectuaL Price $1, by mail, Bealed. Ladies, ask your drusgist for Cook' Cotton Koot Compound and take no sabstitute, or inolose 2 stampa for sealed partioulars Addreat pond iity cosipany, No. 3 Fiher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T ATYTCTQ TRY dr. leducs "peJX.UXXLlC3 RIODICAL" PILLS f rom Paris, France. Established in Europe 18S9, Canada in 1H78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable montlily medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, $2. American Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson Si Co., Wholesale agents, and all otlier druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warrañted to briug on the " change." CET THE BEST FIEE IÏÏSURAIiDE $29,000,000. Security held for the protection ofthe poliey holders. Christian Mack. Represents the followingfhst-cïasscompanles, of which one, the tua, has alone paid. $05,000, 000 fire losses m sixty-five years : tna, of Hartford $9,192,044 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,118,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán, American, N. Y 4,065.968 London Assurance, London 1,416.788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 Xatlonal, Hartford 1.774.505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally ad j usted and promptly paid, Policies issued at the lowest rates of premium. 1191tf Lip MUsed hls Opportunity! DON'T MU il t Your, lCentlcr. Tüe majurity negloct their opportcnities, and frotn that canse live in íiovony auJ die in ibscnrity I Harrowing despair ia lbo lot of many, as tliey ook back on lost, foreverlost, opportunity.'elspussngl Reach oat. Be up and doing. Iuiproveyour opportnlity, and secure piospcrity, prociineuce, peace. It was said by a philosopbor, tbat ','tliö üoddest of Fortnoa offers iv ■rolden opportunity to each person atiome period of lifo; imbrace tbo chance, and sho pcmrs ont her riches ; fail to do eo nnd slie departs. never to return." llow sbalt yoa fiad be golden opportunityf Investígate every chauce tbat appenrs wortliy. nnd of fftir promise ; that is what all saccessful meu do. Here is in opportuuity. soch hs is not often witbin therencli(if luboring pcople. loiproved, it will give, at lenst, a gram! start in lifo. The QOLDRH npportunity for niaiiy is here. Money to be made rapiiily and bonorably y any industrimts person of e t hor ittx. AU ages. Yoa can io the workaml ütö at home, wherever yon are. E veo be'inners are easily earning from $.1 t.i S 1 1 per day. Yoa :rii do as weil If yoa v'll work, not too hun!, but indnstritisly ; and yon can in croase your incoineusyon go on. Yoa au give spare time o ii ly, or uil yonr time to tht work. Easy o learn. Capital not requJed. W start yn. All Ís cominratively new nnd ruallv wumlerfnl. ua irstruct and bow you how. frec. Knilure ntiluiown iimnng Our workrs, No room lo exphtin liere. Wiite ttJid leurn all free, Kretnrn ninil Utiwise to dolay. Addruas at once, IX. ullot i t u., JIux 88O, Purtlumlp Muloe.


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Ann Arbor Courier