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Thé Aun Arbor Uight ïnfantry holds tía animal meeting to-night. McTvkiley's speech at Universily hall will be iuund on fue 2d page ol this paper. The boys Will have tO' stop playing hall oh t'.i" sferéet, íor "ifs agin tlie law," you !cnov. ïlie pro'speets íor au apple erop in tliis eounty are ciuotetl at 87 per cent. and peach crqp at 80 per cent. ïlie reguiar meetiug of ithe W. H. M. S will be .'held iin the primary clasá room ol tlie M. E. ehurch cm Friday, at -i i. m. The eootal at the north side M. E. chapel last PrMay eveni'iig netted S18.53. Tlxe largest and best social yet lild. The per cent, oí Avheat in this county that will be plowed umder beoause oí beimg wwiter killed, is 7 per cent. Tlie comdition of the balance is rated ae so per cent. A raid was made npon all umbíelJas found out on stoops and porches last Wednesday night. At ónc or tivo places the fellow was scen, and it is thought he can be identified. Tliere will be a social at Daniel Seyler's in Lodi, on Frïday evening, Jiay 27, for the benefit of the mistión chapel oí the Episcopal churcU at Posters: A general invitation is ■xtended. This petty thieving that is going on aixnit town, will bring some one to grief yet. And that event will bc ïladly weleomed ïy mauy good citi3ens, who are tired of lniTing their ■pnoperty taken. Mrs. Dr. S. M. Heartlfy had a portion oí harncss stolen hom her barn, and a ■vhip from her buggy in front of hér house, a few day's since. She saya she is willing to dónate to the nredy, but objects to hoving her property taken in sau-h a way, The fare to Washington, D. C, to the G. A. K. national encampment nest September, will be $11.50 from Toledo, and one cent per mile (two cents for round trip) from all Michigan points to Toledo. There will be an enormous Michigan delegation. The political wires in this county are bcing nicely laid" for this fall by many of our aspirinii democratie J'riends. Thcre are at least two separate ülates made up for the fall campaign, and several candidates that are eot upon any slate at all, but' Who depend upon their own exertions to get there. Unless all signs fail there will be plenty of fun in the Political camp this fall. An exeliange has the following: The business man wlro does not advertise saves himsclï a great deal of vexation and expense. He saves clerk's salaries aaid needs but a small stock to supply his customers. This makes insurance and tases a, small expense. Ouly a small capital is required and a small building is sufficient. The money saved by not advertising will come liandy bearing funeral expenses of a dead business. Durlmg April there was marketed in this county, 46,504: bushels oí wheat and since lst, 451,412 bushels. Tliere were eight baptiema at the M. E. church lust Similar morning. Eleven probationers anitcd with the ehuivh and one Joined by letter. The condition of clover meadows in this eonnty ia given at 78 per cent. in the May erop report, and 19 per cent. of the acreage ivas winter killed so that it had to be plowed up. All ivlio have space for ads. in the "Washtenaw county premium list, aru request&d o semd tlie copy to this ofiiee at once, and tims save the ofïkials oí tl'.ai society much time and expense. A temperase society was orgafized at Sr. 'Idiomas' riiurcli last Sunday by Patlier Kelly, with about forty members. Ambrose Kearney w'as eli'cted president, Dr. Weissenger secretary, Phiiip Sehuniaciier treasurer. Om Suiulay evenlng, May 29th, Kev. Dr. Cober.n vill deliver tlie last lecture in he cotirse at the M. IJ. church; on "The Egyptian Monuments and the Bible," which wlll bo entitled, ■'The Monumental lïible loniinentary.' It will bc illustruted with stereoptica í VlpWS. On Sivnday evening. June 5th, Rev. E. A. Holland, I). ,D., rector of S;. Gteorge's elnuch, Sr. i.oui.s, Mo., one of the most eloquent idiwines n the PpiBcopal church, will .düliver au address before the young people of St. Aatdrew's CÜUiCh in tliis city. Th Ui address will ls -well worth llstening to. Saturday ast being the 25th anaiiversary oí 1110 marriage of Mr. and Mite. It. I!. Uodsley. a number oi their friends came in upon tliem iu the evenlng, 'and left sonie valuable souvenirs In the way of silverware. beiore taking vhelr depfïrtiure. It was made a ha]i;y occasion for th-e riilvcr 1 )i-il ■ and grooin. Tlio cltiizens ot' Ann Arbor would lie fl'Oimg a cíiiinacndable thimg to help allang the band that has been organized here, and v.'htch proposes to give open air conrerts on the court house balfcomy Saturday evenings. Ann Arbo-r ought to have au organization oí th:s kisid that it is not asliamed of and thLs is Mie only way to get it. Jacob Ganzhorn, of this city, says tn -the May erop report, that "The prospect for apples, peaches and all otlier kiindá of fruit could not 1 better. A few peach u-ees have lost tlieir ïruit luds during the "svinter - trees standing on the river bank, on both sides of th-e Hurom; but as the percentage of trees so affected i-; so gmall tile loss on the erop in the aggregate wül not be notieed." A famiily row bet ween David Taylov and JoJin Robinson occurred on the noi-ili siil' iaei PrMóy in whieh Taylor dodgei! two shots from a rep, but hc could not dodge a stone and it lul him on the e'ibow i;i s.ich : way as to iaijure ttlie 1 was taken to the UniVei pttál re the arm was saved. but ft wid always be öt'iif. Rpbiisóia, who fife'd the shots, fleff; amd bas hot bèeti r - capiured. A ramble over what is knoivn as Swift's mffll Monday, revealed tho facl that ey-erything had been placed in fine running order. Several new, machines have lieen put tn, and the ■new company belleve in doing weJU wliat they vlo. Tlie mili was started up Momday, and the grindiug cpmmenced. (ottlieb .Schneider will be' at the head of tlie concern, which is cvidence enough that i-t will be cond'ticted in a busioess-like marnier. The Dt'xter Leader has íliis item about one of our well-known eltizens: "D. F. Allmendinger, superin tendent ui the Ann Arbor Örgan workS eanie ui) to Dexter Monday night and sfa.'.ed over till Tuesday night, occupying lus time in geUing aequainted with the habits of the Cernían carp in the Dexter ponds. Mr. A. has a flowing well near his residence, on Washington st., Ann Arbor, which enables him to beautify his premises vith several neat fish ponds, which With ornamental and fruit trees, wil! üiake hifi home a lovely spot and attractivc place for his wife and bright family of twelve children." Ou wednesday nlgbt last the large plate glass windöw in the front of George "Wahr's State street store, was smashed to atoms by sorae rniscreants, bent on mischief or maliee. The window -Was evidenUy smashcil with stones. Some of the goods in the wimdow were taken and several oxpensive tennis racquets ruined by the falling glase. It was a dastardly deed, and the perpetrators ought to le pumiished. A qunntilty of blood' about the window the next morntag indien.ted that the Rlass did get in a little cutting work. The filass was nsured by the Lfoyd Plate Glass Oo., ia Beal & Pond's agency. This will mnke six plate glass lights replaced by this firm within a yeár. A very unfortunate year for plate glass in Ann Arbor, that's certain. There is great dissatisfaction locally oA-er the new arrangements of the trains on the M. C. R. R. The trains that formerly accommodated the people here in the day time hare been changed to run in the night, and now one must go to Detroit at about 9 o'clock a. m., or walit untiil O o'clock p. m, White this ineonveniences the people at this end of the line, it also -n-orks to Detroit's disadvantage. The trains run on the T. & A. A. R. R. Iso that it is easy to make the trip to that city and return, and people are already talking of changing trading places. It is for the interest of Detroit as -svell as the interest of the peoplo of the interior to have train service such as will best aceommodate all the people. Detroit is the natural metropolis of the state and it should be made easy of access. A coat of palmt te improving the looks oí the old Swlft'a mili. Some time in .Tuly the Ann Arbor Rifles wül give an excursión to Putin-Bay. For being disorderly Thos. Tuomey will work tor 65 days ia the Detroit House O'i Correctioii. The last Lyra concert netted $100 and the suin was handed over to l'rof. ICempf Jor his services in behalf of the society. WUlie Ogden, who was sent frora Ann Arbor to the Reform School at Laneimg some time since, die.d there last Saturday, of diphtheria. Will Ann Arbor celébrate this coming 4th oí July ? It doesu't look that iva.v. Onily a few weeks lelt before that great day will be here. The Michigan Table Co. has started up business, and employs six hands as a starter. It is to be lnoped the mumbers may soon be increased to 60. The Ann Arbor Landwehr will dedícate a flag July -tth, and eommittees have already heem appointed to maka the necessary arrangeinents for the event. The boys wbo shoot robins and other eomg birds ought to be made exasnples of. Ome arrest and prosec-ution iniiilil put a stop to the unlawlul practice. James Coleman died Sunday, of consumptiom, aged 2(5 years, a tthe resideoice of his unele John Pinnegan, ou E. Cathariine st. Funeral services 1 his a. m., from St. Thomas' chureh. The new toivn lm 11 of Ann Arbor town has been löcated just ontstde the city liimi'ts on the Dixboro road, near Mr. Treadwell's farm. The foundation is being laid now. This is conidered about the center of the'townKllijl . A líid nbo'iit 14 years old, fh-e feet lin heigiit, dressed in a blue jeans blouse, black paats, and having on boots but no stockings, with a chain ton feet or more in length fastened around him, carne to the Universïty ■hospital yesterday a. m. He was lïnable to converse understandingly or teil a.nythimg about himself. Dr. ('iai-k, mot believiing him a fit subject for treatme.nt, sent foi' an officer and Deputy McCabe carne up and removed him to the jail, where he iiow is. He is without doubt a demented cbild that has escaped from hls home. There were three runaways yesterday mormng. Tiie team of John Harrold, attached to a milk wagon, seattered thie lacteal fluid over a gooíí portion oL Broadway early in the morniing. Later in thv day, the team attachod to Dean's detóvery wagou g'ot scared at somethráig and went down N. Maiin st. at a rate that would discourage a bolt of electricity. They went so fast that'they scared the wide a wake team attached to Baumgardiner's bakery wagon, and there caine near being a sensation for resiidahits in that quarter. ín the case agalnst Ziua I'. King for alleged embezzlememt oï the funds of the Gmiversiity Alumni Associatiou, j:ow in progress at Detroit, Regent man, Dean Knowlton, Mayor Ddty, Troís. Tilomas anuí Reighard tlieir testimony yesterday, and the prowp cution announced that it liad liad no furthur evldenoe to produce. (J'ii Batiirday eventng lasi Jonothan Herbert Kelly died at the residence oi' li's unele Andrev," II. Peterson, on X. Main st. The deceased was 23 yeais old, ïormerly yard-master for M. C. K. I!. at this place, but was linquish the place because of iil-health, and went to Colorado some months ago, but ïailed to be beeefited by the change. Hls remaiinö weré sent to iiis old home at Amcaster, Ont., for burial. He was a member of Golden Rule Lodge F. & A. M., and Ann Arbor Cantón No. 30, and Enëampment Xo. 7, I. O. O. F. The Ca-nUrii sent an escort with Mie remaiHis, comsisting of Eli Mauly, Hermaai Crapf, Hemry Ricihards, Michael Staeble-r amd A. C. Richards. On Mo'Uday morning, at about 3 o'clotk, Mrs. Harah Welles Hunt died at her residence, corner of X. State, and E. Ann sts., a short Ui Mis. Hunt had been in ieeble health some time, a.nd ae she had reached nearly 88 years, this result was nol entirely unexpected. Sh-e had been a resident oï Ann Arbor ever since tlie city was a liitle hamlet, her hnsband Alirrd II. Humt, carrying on the hardware business Bn the store now occupied by Cii'o. L. Moore as a bookstore, but loaig before that building was envted. During hev lilfe she was an active member of the Presbyteriau cliurch, a:nd to her efforts, associated with others was largely due the success of the Ladies' LiBjirary Association. She leaves a famiily of two soos omly, E. W. Hunt, of Grand Rapids, and John W. Hunt of thiis city. Funeral services will bo held tuis afteraioon, at 4 o'clock, from the ïamily residente. Jacob Grif fin, tlie negro who was placed irá jail recently, charged with aai attempt to eommit rape, at Ypsilaiiti, d'ied of lieart disease Sunday morning last. Grüffin had been pursued by an Ypsiianti officer, and wheu ordered to stop did not do so, eonseeequently the officer shot at him, wfHwuWng li i ui in the leg. But deatlï did not result from that wound. He hiid comfeased to committiaig the crime, it i.s understood, and also to ome or t-o others of the same nature, that stirred up that city some months ago. Ain, únele named Isaac Hardy, testifiied at the inquest that Griffiu was about 27 years old; that his mother had died whetn he was abo'ut e. yeara oid, and that the boy was not always bright, which was attributed to the tact that he had been sevrely kicked by a horse when a lad and néver recovered fullr therefrom. Tli body was sent to the medical college ior scfentific purposes. The W. G. T. U. wiai meet on Thurs- day afternoon May 26th, at 3 o'elodi at Harris Hall. ïhcre. -will lie Vork on the iirst degree at. a special meeting of Fraternity Lodge F. & A. II. to-night. Last fsuurday moming at about 2 oVloek, tivo burglars attempted to enter tire reaïdenee of Wm. A. Clark, on X. Main si., but the barking of the famiiy dog arCmsed the immates and bbey were scarèct :ura;r. The Aun Arbor Commandery K. T. ■viil observe Ascensión Day, Sunday, May 29th. Sir Knighis will assemble in ïull uniform, at the asylum, at 3 o'clock p. m., and proceed to Forest HUI eemetery wiiere the solemn ritual oí the order will be observed. The eig-hteenth animal meeting oí the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society wlll be held in the senate (.Lamber of the Capiital, at Lansing, emninenoing AVednesday June 1, and coiitinuhig througii Tlxursday. A fine programme has been arranged ior tlie meeting. The members of WeJch Relief Corps Xo. 21S are requested to meet iü the parlors of the Presbyterian churca S.vnday, May l'Otli, at 10.15 a. in. A cordial iimtaiion is extended to visitiug members that may be in the city, to joiin us in this memorial service. Unrglars ramsacked tiue rooms oí G. H. Miller and H. V. Xnight, stndents, at A. A. Terry's residence, on F. Liberty si., last night, securing $25 i'n money and a gold -svatch and chain. Early iu the evening they vi-itcd 1). Cramer's residence on E. Hu ron st., and took two overcoats belonging to young gentlemen who wefB calling there. It wcwlcl be best fox householders and others to "'watcli a leedle oud." A singular fatality is reported from Vpsüanti.. Ou .Sunday last Joseph Dunnebacke. who lived near that city on a farm, died of glanders. He bought a horse some time ago suffering from t Ho disraso, whlch in time rniected every other horse, eow and pig on the place, even the barn yard fowls contract ing it. About a week ago lne developed sympt oms of the diseaee, and after much suffering succmnbed to it Sunday morning. Many people who would recol-1 witli horror froni cutting a human oreature's throat, which really does not hurt very much and omly lasts a few moments, wUl murder a woman's good name without remorse or sompunctiom; and that hurte worse than death for a lifetime. It is a meaner criine than murder, writes Robert J. Burdette in lii departmënt in the April Indics' Hcwne Journal We cry out, and rightly, too, against the sejisatlonal and depraving habit of making héroes oí robbers and cut' tiiroa-ts. It is a horrible thing to do. And yet I have loss hatred and loathling for the late ;Tesse James than I have for somo people who have never been convietcil of a capital crime, but 'whose tongues, we know, are worse than any knife that ever severcd a human jugular. A severe blow to the community - cyclone.


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Ann Arbor Courier