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v ■BRS'íí'r " s Babber Sboes tmless worn unoomfürtably tlght, generally slip off the feet. THE 'COLCHESTEK" BUBBEB CO. mAke all thelr Phoes wlth buide of heel Ilned with rubber. Th is cllngs to tbe sboo and prevent tha rubber trom llpplng off. CaU f br the M Colchester ■ "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOB SALE BY wm. allaby, l, gruner, john burg, w. reinhart&co. doty&:feiner, a.d.seyler&son AWW ARBOR. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE Barber Shop and BÉ ROOMS. il Hui NT IMS! Michigan (Tentrm, "The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect Xov. 19. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. STATIC 'fA =! í S -i gH a zj z sS -í- w ga A. M. P. M. P. SI. P. M. J. M. P. M. p M Chicago. Lv. 8 25 12 20 3 10 5 02 9 20 P.M. ia.m. A.M.i.'.... Kala'oo 1 571 357 7 00 843 153 545 Jaeks'u 425 5 35 847 1022 4 10 8 20 Chelsea. ,,. 514 6 04 903'.... Dexter 5 30 5 20 9 15 Aun A'r 551 6 27 9 45 1115 5 40 9 33 ' . Ypsü'ti 603 958 557 9 48' WeJc 622 1126 022 1011 De't ....Ar. 700 720 1045 12 15 7101058..." DETROIT TO CHICAGO. - _;„ p . SS P . o- fe X STATIONS. ? ." ■- J 2 i? 5 Z:B2 6 s Sg A.5Í. A.M P. M. P. M. P. M. A.M. Detroit. .Lv. 7 20 9 15 120 4 45 9 00 225... WayueJ'n.. 8 02 5 ]9 943 Ypsilanti... 8 25... . 2 05 5 37 10 10 3 05.!".!! AnnArbor. 8 40 9 59 2 19 -Sol 10 27 3 15 Dexter 857 IJ7 1050 Chelsea 910...' o 18 11 IB Jacksou.... 9 50U0-55 3U 6 55 1155 4 05... P.M.P.M. A.M. ... kalamazoo.. 12 00 12 33 5 02 9 35 2 18 5 45 . Chicago. Ar. 5M 4 30 9 00 7 55 10 00 . ... G. W. EUGGLES. H. W. HATES, U. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Aun Arbor NEW TIME TABLE. In effect May 22d, 1891. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan R'y. GOIXG ÑORTH. No. 1.- Frankfort Mail Express 7 20 a. m. 3.- Passenger Aun Arbor Accom 12 m. 5. - Clare Mail Passenger 4 25p.m. GOIKG SOUTH No. ?.- Mail Passenger 11 20 a. m. 4.- Mnil Express 8 47 p. m. 6.- Passenger Toledo Aceom c 53 a. m. All trains daily except Sunday. Trains 3 and 6 run betweei) Ann Arbor and Toldo onlv. Central Standard Time. W. H. Bennett, G, P. A. R. 8. Greeswood, Agt. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER : I f you coutemplate building, cali at FERDON'3 LUMBER YARD I Comer Poürtn and Depot Sts.. and get our iírures for all kinds of LUMBER! ■ We tnauufïu-un i.' our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES d.Givf as 11 eiill andwewlll makeitto your interest, as our isrjre :ind well graded stook fnllysustaina our assertion. Telephone C'oiiucji:r''i;s with office. T. J. K ■ t. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop


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Ann Arbor Courier