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"a Distinguished Convert."

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The Free Prese publwhed under flan ig headlines, a letter from one Prof. ndrew Ten IJrook, of Ann Arbor„ lio claims to have been converted to eadocracy by Gkw. McKtatey's reent speech at the l'niversity totvn. ust hiow much of an effort was neeesary in th.te particular case may lx: udged from the íollowing extract rom Prof. Ten Brook's letter: "I have, with considerable tniiormlty (?) durinii my life, voted the ëjtiibïicam ticket, althouirh when pfo■seor im our state univcrsity, tjiere eiinja; tiioii no proTpSfSor of politieal :ny, I -taus'lit t'.iat sci"inv Eór (vc!i ycai's takinjg thv s;i-c;i',lnl frée i'adi' view. ïofiin.. hmvrirr ó' s'.rinm' bjèctiioia 1" liH' in-fitcclive systi'üi as i! a il in tiio ininnlUL-! mi ui' crriain ia-nu;a'turcs intii a ivw i-.miury." Tliis viit i-.iuui. wlio hm spaslodically voted tlie repnblican tickei vhüe teaching free trad", is a vcry re? ïarkable exhibit as a cnuvcri !(iil"iiiCraCy, aawl rock vooteil as he nrast nave bei'n by bis own confession iu lK' republlcan faitli, it is indeed un(irtunate thvit he could not liave renaimed to forasse impartially between he .party times and expound the beauies of the Englrásh system. In a fine mrst oí honesty lie says: "Governoj icKinley attempted to show and ilW diid ghow in a genera lway, that our liww iin a general way, that our present Law does not increase the price of manufactured articles to American consumere; but ín doing thiis, he proved, and boasted of the fact, that the revenue whlch support our governnient is derived from roberies eommitted om other countries.' Phig is harrovv'ing to our free trade re)u;blican friend and lne annovinces thai ie then and the re " 'made tip my mind to be no longer either a republican ot a patriot.' " He is saddeuied and utterly cast down at the thought that Governor McKinley's doctrine Is causing great diesatisfaetion in foreigu countries, and unlcss sometliing Is done, and thai speedily, they will be compelled to )ay the expenses of our government. His heart -varms toward tlie opjressed foreigner on ""honi McKinley has levied tribute, and he refuses to play any longer. While ileKinley boldly and outra.geou.sly declares that he is for Ameriica against the' world, Professor Ten, Brook is clear:y for the rest of the world first and Amerita aiterward. The venerable professor has uncoi:sciously furnished the true reason wtiich anímate so many of the demo at party, (who would comduct goveriiiiiciits and pay debts by philanthropy), and he undoubtedly will weej? bitter tears at the frank oonfessiou of Ixrd Salisbury, that England's tráde is beiing ruined by the free trade policy, and that the system must be changed. Evidently Governor let is making sad havoc. Professor Ten Brook in concluüing his Interest ing letter makes the superfluous announcement that "this is tlie first latter I ever wrote to a newspaper on questions at issue betweem our vwo great political parties." - -


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier