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The Luick Bros. are rapidly getting tiheir new midi into werking shape. Next Tuesday the city board of equaliozation will open their doors to all ciitiaens who desire to correct their assessment. At a meeting of the Board oí Fire OommiBsioners Monday, Albert West wad Frank Kapp were chosen anembers of thie fire department. Kev. Heonry Tatlock, of thie citj-, Jhas been chosên an altérnate delégate to the next natiional diocesan ■convent iwn of the Episcopal churcli. Pure Jersey miík is now delivered to' enstoaners in Chelsea lor only fovu cente per quart. It ils well for them tiiat the writer has no cousins resMizig in Qielsea. Thoe. Sweemey and James Dunn were achr semtenced to 05 days in the Detroit hCKuse of correctton by Justice Butts, tor breakiing imto a freight car and were taken there Monday. There wHl be a social party at the Olilxan Hiou8e, Whitmore Lake July 4. iSpiiegle, oí Detroit, will lead the music. Thiis popmlar house always trys to make iit pleaaa.nt. BUI $2.00. The seasooa at Whitmore Lake has opened tip, and the lake itself is said to be jnoi-e ttrative than, ever, be?.ause of the high water. Big pickerei storiea have already gtarted from there. ■ Prof. Ba ut writes us: "To the good citrzem wlio credits me with the rains on account of my förestry articles, please remember that there is no rule witJiout an excepti'-on. The ioj-estry tOieory is all right." City Attortraey Norrls will entertain tbe Cle-elamd club öf thie cirty, at tlheir regular meetings. They are gettiing ready to spring soime surprise up■om tlife community, probably a rati. iication meeting ïvhen Hill is nonii, nated. The Aiiüi Arbor bourd of Keview. niects on the 4th of June, at wmcü tittne tax payera are expected to cali around and commit theiir annual per' jury - Aidrian Press. Oh, no! You're off! Tliey only point out the aseessor's errors iai judgment, you taow. Cihüdiron's Day at tlie Presbyterwuï eburch was observed in fine style. A profuBioai of llowers, excellent mueic, together with a gaod ovchestra, vréïl delivered recitatlons by the childreti, etc, constrtuted tlie peogrammc Supt. Mills deserves great credit in getting up the 't "ry pleasant affair. The North side base ball nine wilj play a game at Salilne Frid&y witli the high school nine oí that place. Evemimg prayer at St. AndrewW church will hereafter be held at 5 o'clock p. m., Sundays instead of 7 1o'cLock. Hereafter the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet after evenimg prayei on each altérnate Sunday, at 5 1-o'clock p. m. The obeervation of ChiJdren's Day at seveiral of the enarenes ,of the city last Sunday ■was made a happy one lor the little folk. The Kmiighte of the Maccebees wili woTshiiip wtth the eongregation of the First M. E. chureh next Sunday moming. Dr. Oobem will preach on "Man' Place n Nature." Have you got your rout-e for aummer travel pfcked out yet ? Tlm roads are numerous leoding out to summer JoyB and pleaaures, and tha attractions published by variou guides a-nd hiandbooks are glowtog- on paper. Quite a few people make a virtue of necessiity, and believa ttoat Amin Arbor is one of the finestf slimmer resorte in the world. Monthly meeting of the Washtemaw Horticultural society, June 25, iat. 2 'o'clock p. m., at the court house. Stirawberry day. Topics: "Straw. berries;" "Fruit Proepects;" "What Trees to Plant;" "Insect Question.' Extoibiit of strawberries and othei? iruits, and oí vegetables. The florists, öousins & Hall, ■will have a flower exMbit. AH are cordially iinvited. There widl be an ordlmation at the Presbyterian cliurch Friday evening at 8 o'clock, conducted by the Detroit Presbytey. Mr. Wüliama, thö on oí J. D. Willilams, of this city, 8 the caoid'idate for the mimistry and i a late gradiiate oí Primceton Theologieal Seminary. His field of labor will be in Mexico as a missionary The pu.blic are cordially invited to attend tihese Hervices. W'hen ecu.riing the jury yesterday in the circuit court, to serve in the "Primee Michael" caee, one man eaid he wm a reuïdent of Ypsllanti, (and he wa quite a, good looking man at that), that he kmew nothLng oí the case, had not read anythiag about It, and dld not tak any paper at alL Th lawyei tumbled over themselrei in thelr hot to excuse h lm. A man Jn thi day and age of the world who doee not eitiuer read or take a paper wa mot comsidred 8afe for elther Bide om a jury. E. Baar waa summonedlaet week to th ü. S. court at Detroit, ia the Kate Ghial or Maison Island case. Mn Baur States that the original holder of the U. S. patesnt to the island had ito moral itor legal righit to convey a deed of sai disland as Mr. Baur himeelf paid tor eaid islaoul in 1866, as president oí the Ora Lahora Colony, and Henxy Lacully held the island aa a member of the coloay for the stockhoQdejs oí the colony of which Mr. Baur is the legal represeiitatiive. Thiks H the famous island over which Warmer, the patent medicine man, is hiaviug so much trouble. The meetiiiig of the Pioneer Society at Gbelsea last Wednesilay, was a great success. Papers were read by Mis. C. M. Bowem, at Liima; and by Judge Harriman and E. B. Pond, oi Ainn Arbor. The report of the necrologit showed that about 200 pio meers lMd died during the year. The hospitallty oí Chelsea people upon the occasion was a tliing to be proud rtf. Tlw1. following offieers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, S. R. Criittenden, Pittsfield; secretary, J. Q. A. Sessi'oms, Ann Arbor.; treasurer, Edward Treadwell, Ann Arbor. Saliaie was selected as the next place oj meeting. The mussic for the occasion was a pleasimg featuire, includlng au origtoal pioneer esong written by a lady írom Augusta. On the 21st inst., the Omega, the amnual biigh school pubUcation, wili be placed ora. sale. The publicattou is reeeïvtog the best efforts of a live and bright board of editors, and from odvance lieets we believe it will be popular with the public. It is up wi&b the times, ,both ia matter and illustratfons, and typographic art. There will be cute illustrating the Lab oratory, the Library, and the Com mercial room, a full page cut of the base ball team, and' another of the Arena Society. The Grinds, whicl are framerous and witty wiai also be illustrated. The publioation will coiii taim all the Clatss Day product tons, a list of the senior class menibers, and tihreo articles descriptive of the work done in other schools. One Is from the Bnglish Hiigh School of Boston, Maas, orne rom Peoría, 111., aiad the other from Detroit. An original Greek poem by Miss A'nna Miller, ia also a íeature. The buffalo bug, or perhaps morö íamilinrly tonown as the carpet bug, (has made lts appearance im severa! Anin Arbor homes. It ie an insect to be greatly feared, and prompt attention and extreme metïnods are neces: sary", wliere i once gets a foothold. Salt placed aroumd tflie edges and along the seams of carpets is said to be a good preremtive of theiir rayales, and gasolime is alxrat the only liquid knoTV-n that widl kill thein. By takimg a hot flatiron and running 6 orer the carpet or am,y other garmenc sniiested, is said to also kill tbem and tlieir eggs. Cracks iln, the iloors are tlieir farorite hauuts, and any red gaa-menrt appears to be preferable to theiir tastes, though they are noü at all aesthetic in tüat respect, as they win cliew up almost amythiog f rom a tramp 's stockiing to a bedpost. Tlie bug is black, amd coverpd Trtth ïuzz, and when i't runs, appears be goimg baekwards. For further partk'ulars try and find one. You may be surprieed to learn that tliere1 are Buch visito?s in. your liouse. The W. C. T. ü. will meet at three o'clock on Thursday afternoon June 23d at Harriw hall. The thermometor has been coquetting up amvong the 90's this week. Oom is smiling aboart it. Mayor Doty maule a presentaticra speech for Damascus Oommandery K. T., at Detroit, last Tlvursday evening. The beaurty of Aun Arbor is visible mow. If tihesre is a handsomer place in MMiigan, or in the west, where is it ? C. F. Stabler will hereafter carry om the business of Stabler Bros. alone, he haViing bought out hia brother's interest. The laduies of the Christian church. S. Uniiversity ave., gire aa Ice cream social next Fridiay evening. All are cordlally imvlted. On Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock the Woman'd Home Missionary Society of tïue M. E. church will hold their "mite box opening," in the parIon- of tlue church. Rinihard Garroll i isn jail for atealiing a valuable from A. L. Nowlta, of the Gook House. The watoh was foumd where tit is alleged Oarroll luad hid it. Mr. aind Mrs. Carman will be at 'htoone to the members of their congregatiom at the Baptist parsonage No. 29 E. Aïin st., Friday evenlng, .Tune 17, bet ween the Iioots oi 7 and 10. The Aiiin Arbor & Ypsilanti motof Line are noTV running their open oars. and the ride is made a beautiíul one thereby. Huindreds of people go down and back just for the breath of fresh pure air they get on tlie journey. Thiere ■svill be a social in the ötli ward cha pel Friday evening next. The social will be given by one of the classes. A fine prograinme has been prepared, after wMeh ice cream, cake and lemomade will be eerved. No admisBion fee. The new time-table 00 the M. C. K. B. which went imto effect Sunday, wUl be fouiivd in to-day's Issue. It la a great knppovemenit over the fors mer (jchedwle ftnd the people aloug thï end of the line will be pleased wit'h the change. On aecauint of tJie pexfumed laden breeiee Trom ttie ou'th. beorimg the aroma o tbe slaughter hóuses. the wiiwtowa im tbè 5th ward school haré been cloBed several diiferent ttanea thia waoci, and the illness oí aeveral childlren thereírom has beea reported. Had ift not been for tlhe almost unparalleled nerve of the drlver, Dean'a delivery team would have made an' otber Bemsation yesterdlay morning on N. Main. et. ThJs man ran and jumped'into the wagon when it seemetl as tiiough everythkng would go to mash. Isn't it strange thiat people who are otüilerwise good neiighbors will inBiBt in makimg their neighbors Ihouses álmost unimhabitable by burnSing ruibbisih in their yards evenings? It is not only against tbe municipal law, but tihte law 0 good health as well. Tlue cali for the republican county comventüon to elect eighteen delegates to tlhie state comvention to be held at Sa'ffitnaw, Wednesday July 20th', and the same mimber ai delegates to a eomgressiional convention yet to be calleé, will be fmind 'n another By requiest tHe pastor oí the Baptist chuTch, will deliver an address before the senior law class of the university at the church next Sunday eventag, June 19, on the subject "Incorpórea! Heredttaments." Seats wili be reserved for the class ia the body of the church. Oíd Saín Wooster, ttoe Rip Van Winkle of the Huran vallejr, was in town yesterday. Just as aaitiquated, just as ragged and jut as filthy looking, a.s whieai lve commenceid to haunt these soenes forty years algo, or so. The old man seems lost in the advaneemenï that time is making, and it is hard for Mm toTealize how ewiftly everyt.liing Ks growing away from him. The June number oí "The Literary Centwy" will contain an article on "The Industrial School of Ann Ar. bor," whiich will be enriched by an elegant half-tone portrait of Mi8 Brown, the superintendent. The publisher of "The Litterary Century" bas giren thie board of managers one thotf sand copies of the mag-azine to be sold for the benefit of this charitable work, the emtire profit to go into the tre&sury of the school. The Httle girls wol sell the, beginning June 18th. Omly ten cents a copy. Save: your pemmies and help this noble and and w-orthy work by buying copies for yourself and friemds.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier