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Platform Adopted

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Mijíneapolis, June 11.- The following is the full text of the platform tts completed by the committee on resolntions: The representativas of the Republicana of the United States, assembied in general coaventlon on the shores oí the Mississippi rlver, the everlasting bond of an indestructible republic, whose iost glorious chapter of history is the recgjd of the Republican party, congratúlate their countrymen on the majestic march of their nation under the banners inscribed wlth the principies of our plaKorm of 1888. vindicated by victory at the polls and prosperity in our iields, workshops and mines, and niake the following declaration of principies. We reaffirm the American doctrine of protection. We cali attention to lts growth abroad. We maintaln thavthe prosperous condition of our country is largely due to the wise revenue lefrislation of the Republican Congress. We believe that all articles whlch cannot be produced in the United States, except luxurles, should be admitted free of duty, and that all imports coming into competition with the products of American labor there snould be levied duties equal to the difference between wages abroad and at home. We asiiert that the prices of manufactured articles of general consumptiou have been reduced under the operatlons of the tarifl act of 1S90. We denounce the efforts of the Democratie majority of the House of Representativas to destroy our tarifï laws by piece inval, as is manifested by their attacks on wool. lead. and lead ores, the chief products of a number of States, and we ask the people for their Judgment thereon. We point to the success of the Republican policy of reciproclty, under which our export trade has vast y lncreased and new and enlarge dmarkets have been opened for the products Li our farms and workshops. We remind the people of the bitter opposition of the Democratie party to thil practical business measure, and claim, that executeü by a Republican admlnlstratlon, our present law evldently give us control of the trade of the world. The American people from tradition and interest favor bimetallism, and the Republican party (Iemands the nse of gold and silver as Standard money, with such restrictions and under such provislons, to be determined by lcglslation. as will secure the maintainance of the parity of values of the two metáis, so that the purchasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold. or paper, shall beat all times eo.ual. The interests of the producers of the country, its farmers and ita workingmen, demand that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by the government shall be as good as any other. We commend the wise and patriotic steps already taken by -our government to secure an international conference, to adopt Buen meusures as will insure a parity of value between gold and silver for use as money throughout the world. We demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to castene free andunrestricted ballot in all public elections, and that such ballot shall be counted and returnecf as cast; that Ruch laws shall be enacted and enforced as win secure to every citizen, be he rich or poor, native or toreign born, white or Dlack, thTs sovereign right guaranteed by the constitution. . The free and honest popular ballot, the just and equal represeutation of all the people, as v.'e;l as their just and equal protection under the liws; are the foundation of bur"iiepuBlican institutions, ana the party win never ielent lts efforts until the integrity of.the ballot and the purity of elections shall be fally guuranteed and protected in every State. We denounce the cóhtinuëd inhuman outrages perpetrated upon American eitizens for. political reason in certain Southern States of the Union. We favor the extensión ef our foreiïn commerce, the restoration of our mercantile marine by home built ships. and the creation of a navy íor the protection of our National interests, and the honorof ourflag; themalntenance of the most frlemUy relations with all foreign powers. entangling alllances ivith none, and the protection of the rights of our fishermen. We reafflrm our approval of the Monroe Doctrine and believe in the achievemems of the manifest destiny of the Republlo in its broadest sense. We favor the enactment of more stringent laws and relations for the restriction of criminal, pauper and contract immigration. The Republican party has always been the Champion of the oppressed, and recognizes the dignity of manhood. irrespective of fait, color nationality; it sympathizes with the cause of home rule in Ireland, and protests against the persecution of the Jews in Hussia. The ultímate reliance of free popular government is the intelligence of the people, and the maintenance of freedom among lts men. We therefore declare anew our devotion to liberty of thought and consoience, of speech and press, and approve all agencies and instrumentalities which contribute to the education of the children of the land; but while insisting upon the fullest measure of reltglous liberty we are opposed to any union of church and State. We reafflrm our opposition, declared in the Republioan platform of 1888, to all combinations of capital organized in trusts or otherwise to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens. ff e heartily indorse the action already taken upon this subject and ask lor such further legislation as may be required to remedy any defects in existing laws and to render Iheir enforcement more complete and eScetive. We favor efficiënt legislation by Cougress to protect the life and limb of employee of trunsportatlon companies engasjed in carrying oa inter-state commerce. and recommend legislation by the respective States that will protect employés engaged in State commerce, and ia mlning and manufacturing. Approve the policy of extending the towns, villages, and rural communities the advantage 3f the free delivery service nov njoyed by the larger cities of the country, and reafflrm the declaration contained la the Republican pUtform of 1888, pledglng a reúuotion of letter postage to 1 cent, at the eaniest possible moment consistent with the maintenance of the Pos'tomce departiutjut uud the hlghest class of postal service. We commend the spirit and eridence of reform in the civil service, and the wise and consistent enforcement by the Republican party of the laws regulating the same. The construction of the Nicaragua canal is of the highest importance to the American people, as, a measure of nattonal defense and to build up and maintain American commerte, and should be controHuil by the United States government. We favor the admlssion of the remainlng Territorios at the earliest practicable date, haring due regard to the interests of the people of the Territorios and of the United States. All the Federal officers appointed for the Terrltories should b seleoted f rom bon ttde residents thereof, and the right of ment should be aoconled as far as practicable . We favor the oesion, subject to the homestead laws. of thearld publio lands to the States and Territories In whloh they lie, under such Congressiqnal restrlctlotis as to dlsposition. reclaimatlon. and ocoupancy by settlers as will secure the maximum benetita to the people. The World' Columbian Exposltion is a great National undertaking, and Cougress should promptly enact such reasonable leglslatlon in aid thereof as will insure n disoharging of tho expense and obligatlons incident thereto, and the attainment of resultfi commenaurate with the dignity and profress of the Nation. We sympathize with all wise 'and legitímate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils of intemperance and promote morality. Ever mlndful of the services and sacriflces of the men who saved the Ufe of the Natton, we pledge anew to the veterans soldlers of the Republic a watchful care and reoognition of their claims upon agratcful people. We commend the able, patrlotic and thoroughly American administration of President Harrison. Under it the oountry has enjoyed remarkable prosperlty, and the dinnlty and honor of the Nation, at home and abroad, have been falthfully malntalned, and we offer the record of pledge kept asa guarantee of faithlul performance in the future . A hand-me down garment- The coat of arms.


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