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The Tariff Issue

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Every deinocrat in Michigan who knoivs anything about the Adrián Press, knows it 'm one of the best edited papers in the state, and pro-' poumds t.lue most difficult questions for it enemtes to answer. In its last issuie the Press reviews the vic tories won by the democratie party and tlie reasons for w-inning them, which artiele may be oí interest to Home af ouir democratie readers. Tht Píreas says: "The only victary the demócrata ■have wan, aatiomal or state, uiiux tiie war, upon the tariff fesue was ia ■Ovc electtan of Tilden in 1876. no les. a virtory, becauöe tt wa not enjoyed. "The electiom of Cleveland was not ooi a tarW issue. His dïfeat was. "The electrón af Boies as governor of Iowa wae upoin the liquor question, and every one knows it. "The eleetiom of Peck im Wiscon' sin dd not result from tariff agitation . Tariff cut no figure. It was due solely to the school question. "The electiom of Campbell, of Ohio. wae nat brought about by a tarif aigitation at all, but by a surplus oí Foraker. "In Michigan Gov. Winans achieved a victory with 40,000 votes less tluoiii were given for Cleveland on a tariff issue. But the issue was aa muoh silver coinage as tariff, and victory came more from difcslike of Tuinner, tlian hatred of tariff. "Tlie election of Russell, of Massacliusetts, was the result of the supporf of rejrablieaa liquoir dealers. These repubUcaíis taok gooti care to not lef a-ny other state offic-er get a foot nold. "Tariff cut no figure in the choice of Grov. Pattison, of Penna. It was a revolt against Boss Quay, and only extended to governor. "In Nebraska, tariff had much to do, and eilver agitation had more, in securing victory. "The alliatnee idea swept republicana out of sight in Kansas, and a fight on tariff alone, will result in a republican auccess agafoi. There tutH beem no substantial ga in of a república etate, or donbtful state, eincè 1876, except thirongh agitatioa Of the floancial or labor queertion aod tihirough the action that united the demócrata with the dieaffected (republicana. "Tariff hae vroa orver some congresBional diatricts, but achieved no success as a aole issue, eH5hr natlonal or state, eiinoe 1876. It may be a1 "burning" iesue at present, but It don't make a very Jiot political fire.' This in a confession of one of the strongest free trade papers in Michigan, ttoat the democratie party can mot win, wlnen the issue is upon the ta-rilff.


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Ann Arbor Courier