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Probat toners will be received inte tail at the M. E. ehureli uext Sunday forenoon. One or two Pitt.sfiiekl farmers have girven up all industries and gone to railstog froge this seasoii. So said. Lusciious home growa strawberries are wliat thte markiet is now benig Bupplied wiitli, at fronU 8 to 10 cents per quait. The towa clerk of Ann Arbor wiU be at tlie court house on Saturday Jnne 25, tor the purpose of takiaig im ■noodcliuck scalps. Bev. Dr. Adanis, whio formerly resided im Amn Arbor, and preached iu tihie M. E. clmrch at Dexter, wül be in tlie city during commencement time. He li.ves at Clifton Sprmgs, N. Y. EveaiJiig IVaj'er iis nwv held at St. A.ndrew'8 dhflirch on Sunday at 5 o'clock p. m. without a sermón. The sei'ice iis wliat is kno"vn as a ehoral sex"ice. Seats are free to everybody. Itev. Dr. Oobem wtll preach his last íermou at tlie M. E. church next Suntlay a. ni., befare sailing for Europe to remaSn for tlue eummer. His subject wiHl be "The Beauty oí the Commom-place." Weatlier prophete have settled it that we are to have a powerfully hot eummer. July and1 August are to be roasters. Some way it seems titoat Jume Has already stnrted in 011 tlhiat line of arguanent. Tlie lilst oí divines who will fill tlie pulpist of tlte M. E. church durimg Dr. Oobenn's absence, contains some oí the most noted mimlBters of Michigan. The vriil return in time for the conference Sunday, Sept. 25 The June erop report gtves the condition of crops in this county the follyrt!ng ayei-age: wheat 88, corn 74, oats 81 per cent. of axerage erop soivii, with oondiition at 74 per cent., barley 74 per cent. sown, condition 80 per cent. Om July 4th the eongregatton o St. Patrick's church, Nortlu'ield, are to give a regular old-fashioned picnic at Whütanore Lake, to which all the people of the county are invitoii "Wlicn l-. Groldrick tiikes hold of a tliinií he niíikcs a husliimjï success of Jt and thits wllj be no oxception. Frank C. AVagner, of thte city, as.-■stniit in tlio mechanical engineering deparíñient, was marricd last Tliursday evenimg to Jliss Mabel E. Pack, at the home of the grooms paréate Mr. and Mre. Win. AYaerner, on Paci ard et., Kev. J. W. Bradshaw pei iormtag the ceremony. The affair ivn a Tcry pleaeant olie, and the pre fcnts numerous and yaluable. The kinc licst wishes oï hosts of friends g ■wi'th tliis couple in their new life. The prospect for peaehes in this oimty is reported at 91 per cent., iu :he Jiwie report. Green peas of home manufacture, re now an appetizing dieli for the pecle of tüiis seethm. Dr. fèteere wiill delher a tenipernnce sermón at thie 5th ward chapei uext Sunday evening at 7.30 p. m. Fourteen. milis and elevators in t'his ounty reported 57,040 bushels o; s iieat marketed last ïuonth, and 508, 458 bushels simce Aug. lat last. Jolun Ya.nderhayden, at one time a resident oí tjMa city, died at Sault be. Marie last week, and hls remain ware brought to t lvits city for interment Saturday. Tlie ïnembers oí the Keystone Club liiave fiixed thlr dates for the different ïnembers encampment at Zukey L.ake Thiis Club is noted tor its hospltality amd ffood tilines. A small siaed flood was had on S. Main at., M'OTiday p. m., by the burstitng oí a water maim tliat was being tapped to make ooiunections for Kberbacli's druig store. The closiing of t5t. Thomas parochial school will be celebrated au Friday evening next by a grand social to be giiven to the old chui-ch building. You are imviteü to attend. Widl people ever learn that too much care can -not be taken witli gasallne? Accident after accident it would seem ought t o impresa the lessoai upon everji mimd, but it does not. The miscreants who go about th city ndightB breakmg lights of glas' i,n busiinees places will yet be caught, The last ome broken was in Ötein's meat niarket om E. Hu'ron st. All the trai.ns oi the famous Tammamy del-egatton to the Chicago convenrion, tx top in this city. It took three train oi nine coaches eacü to haul the New York bravee. Eev. Tatlock will hlave for hi subject next Hunday moirning, at St. A'iidrew's church, "The Choice of a l'roiessioai." TaJB follows the excellent semiom oif last Sunday a. m., ou 'The Object of Life." The Jlichigam District Conference oi the Kvaaigeliical Synod of North America has been m progresa during the week at Bethlehem church, the closiing session being held llonday. There were a large number of ministers in attemidance, about 00 in all, and the Beeeiioms were full ol interest to thos atteadbng. The current issue of the Literare Century has an excellent portrait oí Miss M. S. Brown, and an entertamimg airticle descriptive of her charP table work in tluas city as the head of The ImsUidtrial School. The children lvave been given a large number of copiies of th'is issue and they wlll sell them for the benefiit of the schooL A. D. Clifeholm, of Salem, has beea luireü as principal of the schools at Newberry at at salary oí $1,200 peí year. The m.ainy friends of Prof. Chi'Sholm iin this county, white regrettiing to have litan leave hei-e, will reioice at mot only his goodi fortune, but the g-oiod ï'artuitte of the people of Newberry as well. The Board on' Review Is now listenimg to thiase who think themselvea unJiistly aseessed. The Amn Arbor Saviings Bonk, representad by Ooi. Thompisoia a,nd Caishiiier Hteöock made their stowimg M;mday lorenoon, and altBough vunder the law the bank is noc liable for ainy tax, yet lm order noü to escape lts sluare oí public burdeos eoinee.nte'd to have ttie amount of the capirtal stock, $30,000 placed on the rodl. A letter from Mayor W. S. IAitonj of Sagimaw, to Olías. B. Davison oí thte city, speaka of the dedicatory ceremonies of Sagiinaw's new city hal), to be held on Friday next, as being one of the greatest affail-s ever knmvn to that sectioai. The exercises will be of un elabórate character, and noted people from all over the state will be present. It is expeoted that quite a large delegat ton from both Fraternr iity aaid Golden Rule Ijodges F. & A. M., wlil attend from this city. News was receiived aere Monday oí the dêath of Rev. Juliras Weraer, at New Orleans, where he was stationod. It is sa-M tfaat he was killed by the cars. Mr. Werner was formerly ome of the biindry force in the Courier offiee, amd as sueli' was a painstaking and todiistirtOTJS youth. He went from here .to a theologioal school in Min merota and after graduation was statiiom-d by hÜB churcli at Nev Orlean Hte deatli. at the threshold of liíe, i sad indeed. The inystery is out. It puzzled th people oí Aan Arbor "muchly" las Fri'day tf know wliy the court hous fias was flyioig at full heiglit. Som nttributed it to the presence of th extinguiished Pri-nce Miehael and hi spii'iiualistic spouse Eliza. But then. that couldn't be, it was argued, fo in that case the fias would have bee wrong siide to, bottom side up and a half mast. One enthusilastic support er of the president thought it was because Harrisan Tvas renominated. (1 cain be frankly said that that gentle man was not familiar with. the pol tics in the coawt house. ) Ptill au othe'r suggested that it was in honor of Hill's Tammany delegation, whic was to pass thro-ugh this place. (Tha fellow didn't know much about th politics of the couirt house, etther Saturday's Times explakied H thus "The couirt house f lag was flying yestcrilay in honor of Hou. "WHliam J r.ryan." Leet Bome of our reader shmild be Btill perplexed, iit might b explailned that Mr. r.ryan is a demo ocrattc M. C. from Nebraska. He wa indurcd to ctop off here by the Stt aemt's Democratie Clul) to auniliilat (figuratlvely, oi course) Mr. McKin ley, and spoke. in UniVersity hall tha ovening. The Volverme bicycle club is ha Dg its h'eadquartcrs on 8. First st. ut iia lime condition. The eoaidirtion of meadows and pas. hits in this county is placed af 101 pe.r cent., a.nd clover sown thte yeai t 101 percent, aleo. ('iieasy reste the head that wears a crown." Primee Michael wears lis crown no loner. Tliey clip tlieir .air amd Kliave theni up at .Tackaoo. The wages of farm hands in this ounty i.s reportetl at $19.93 (why nöt make Irt an even $20?) with board and $20.85 per rnontii without baard. Tliere will be no eveming service at any af t'lue protestant churches ol the iity next Sunday, because oí the Bacalaureate iaddress by Dr. Angelí in Jiniversiitj' hiall. Tlie Chelisea Herald says Ann Arbor's "50" te as great an attraction as New York's "400." Yes, but you anow, don 't you know, that Ann ArHjir's Ward McAllister is clear out of sight. "We have recerved from the Departmemt of Agriculture, a pamphlet eni'tled '■Notes on the Clknate and Me eorology of Death Valley, California,' by Mark W. Harrtagton, clrief of the Weat'ht'f Bureau. Elizabeth, wüdow of the late W. W. Wmes, dited on Thiuiraday, June 16, 1802, aged 74 yeajre, 3 moaiths of eneral debility tiue result of la grippe. "uneral services were held Friday p, n., ïrom the faniüy residente, Xo. 54 S. Divteiaii st. On Frïday eveniaig, at the High School hall, the Aluinau Association ot the Ann Arbor High School wiil hold te animal banquet. After the feast comes a goodly aupply oí toasts, crtep and brown, then dancing wiU tollow. The public iB invited to attend. On Saturday, June ISth, 1SJ2, thre High School boys, Daniel Marshall, of Imlay City, Cai-1 F. and Benny W. Braum, oí Ann Arbor town, ttehed oa O'Brien Iake uear G. Masts, in Northfield, and while trollinü caught a piekerel 3 1-2 ieet loiig, which weighed 11 1-2 lbs. The Jume erop report gives returns h-om 730 oorrespomdents represent ing 579 towinsliips ta the state. The condition of wheat in the southern counties is reported at 91 per cent., in the wntral countiea 88 per cent., and in tlie oounties 100 per cent., the average for the state being 92 per cent., conipared wltto an average year. The lemocrats announce that they will have a grand jubilee and ratilicatioin meeting Saturday evening, Bon fires, fire (water) works, sky rockets, Hill snaps, Cleveland candles, will boom! ïizz! bang. And after it is all all over t-he crowd will go home and ■rote for the sturdy yeoman at present holding the helm ai the ship of state and guiding it safely through alliance storms and democratie logs. C. W. Sanderson, of Boston, who has leen in the ciity Jfor a few days viisiting a niece Miss Leavitt, who is in the U. of M. liit. department, gave aa xliibi'tioin. of a number of nis water color paintmgs, at the residence oí Judge Waples, Mo'iiday and Tuesday. Mr. Sainderson i on hiiB way to Harbor Öprings to spend the summer„in sketcliimg. His pictures were very inuch admiired by those fortúnate enoaig hto see them. That splendid editice, the new M. E. huren in, one of the best arranged, and most complete dhurch buitldiaiffs in the state, wlll be dedieated next Sunday, June 20th, both the monnims and evening servieas bvinii devoted to that purpose. DiKtinguished speakers wlll be present, anl the gooú people of Ann Arbor, pegardles of sec, will be made weieome by the Ypsilantt1 Methodtets that day. Another 6-erious accident resultinj fram oarelessaess in the use ol Rasolijie oecui-red at a bout G 1-2 o'clodf üonday moming. Mrs. Sarah E. AVarrhier, Xo. (50 E. Unvversity ave., attempted to fill her gasolime stove without putting out the burners, and fhe result was that the jjasolime ali took íiu-e, as is usuaü in such cases, aoid the lady was horribly burned about tlie hands, arm and hips. She rushed to the water hydrant and tur ed m the water, thus putting ouü the flames herselï. Dr. Darlinir was called and dressed tlie burns, and did all possioble for the patiënt, but the buwns are of a very serious nature, amd it is doubtful i f slie can recover. Tlie body from the hips up, and on the airnis and hands is so badly burned that the skin peals ofl from the Uke a glove, and the Bnger naila have fallen off. The Class Day exercises of the Senior daee of the High School took place yeeterday afternoon in the chape! conimMicimg at 2 o'clock. The music lor the occasion was furnished by the Chequamcgoii oirchestra, and it is use less to say was excellent. The presi dent's ulilress, by H. Herbert Keitb was ])i-ief and excellent and well deliivered. Tïie Oratkm by Conrad Geor.L. was not ooily m&ritorious but full o good thoughts, and was well reeeiveil as was also the Poem by Gertrudc M Case, amd the Essay entitled "M! ras-es." by Johajma J. 'Xeumann. Ed son R. Sundi-rland had the nierit o brcvity iai the Class History, which was told in liible style, while the Prophecy of liss Mabel Halleck disposed oí eacli member Of the class eoine oí them in a vcry ludicrcms man ner. Tlie chapel was tastily trimmei for the occasion, and everything pas Bed o'ff merrily. People desiring to obtato these excellent papers will iim them all iui the Omega. They ar worth preserving, every one of them and it will be well to secure a copy bef ore the limited edition is all disposed of.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier