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ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. Pears aud Grapes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by majl. Byrups, Medicinal Wiues, Rasp berry syrup, Boneeet, Dandellon and otker Domestio Grape v. Ines, prepared especially f 01 invalida. Pure Plymomh Koek Hggs. EMÏL BAUR, West Huron St.s Ann Arbor. Dnlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used, in the preparation of W.Bate&W Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, casting ess than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester, Mass. For trrenty-five years the espeñence of miUions of suffere re, oíd and yoiiiig, male and female, havO grátefully endorsed the miracnloua virtues oí This Phannacentical Parados of the Age A vitalizing stimulant without al cohol. A nerve sedativa without narcotica. A blood purifier without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutritior.. secretion, excretion and respiration. A life-givingtonic, pure and simple, vrithout tho disastrous reactions cf the deadly compounds of rum and alcohol usually Bold as bitters. Was Bever knswn before 5n the World. Its aiBcovery amorío the medicinal fruits, roote and herba oí California WAS A MIRACLE, anfl their conibination into a phenomenal lif. giviog touic A TRIUMl'H of the CHEMICAI, ART. The only chdnge marte in the formula d'aríne twfnty-five years ha6 boen to jjreBent it in two COtubiuacioDB. The oíd orlirinnl remain URchacged, but beiDB etronger, more laiativo ad botter. A nao jorm more agreeable to th3 tasto and better adaptad to delicrttr tcufirjl aitrl t hiïftren. but comprising tho hm touii: propertics, is uow mado an.l tíie tri fn ren f the tvorld is challenged to produce theequalof tliis TEULY & OKLT TE5IPEP.EXCE BITTEP.S KNOWN or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind. whofse action 13 at once ao saíe, so certain and comprehensiva as tho CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, or any componnd vrhich from its varied actioa uoii tho vital iunotious is cjual lo the CURE O? CO JIAXY DISEASE3. Thr-ir rarre ;s lerfon- RheiimaHsm, Neuralgia Catarrh, Jaun T}ce, Kiflncj Distase, gcrolula, Skiá iJisoasuá inri ji:9. Cousumption, Piles and all disorders arfeine from indi; esücn, impure blood norvtmq prostration, nd dil.ipidated conatitutioií m r.ny cn=e give vy Ir, it liks mist Lefore th sui. v.:iíe i 'fi f -acular pnwerov. r TH3 DEADLY HICROnE ASD OMXIPKESEXT BAU'J ERIA indicatcs itn Fnppriori'y ia a!l dlseaees of malarias origia, and renden; it tlia EEST TERMIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AKD NEW STYLE VINEGAR BITTES3 in the house, as eipresBed by thoueanda of tett. monials. Eend for beautiful book. Address, B. H. JSIcDONALD DRUG CO.,' W VaiW ■ SCHIFFMANN'S Asthma Cure I ■ Never faila to give instant relief in the worst ■ ■ oases, and cfftets cures whcrc othcrs f:tll. ■ I Trial Paekage FREE of Druggiabt or by Hal!.; I THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND NIY COMPLEXIÓN IS BETTER. My doctor says it acta gently on the stomach, liver andkldneys. and is a pleasant laxative. This drint is made f rom herbs, and ís prepared for use as easilr as tea. It is called LAME'S MEDICINE All drugglsts sell it at 50c. and $1.00 per paekage. Buy pne today. Lane'a Family Medicine moves the boweU each day. In order to be healthy, tala is necessary. Bueklen's Arniea Salve. The best salve in the world íor Cuta Brulses, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, CSiapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect eatlsfaction, or raoney refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbaeh & Son, and Geo. T. Hauhsler, of Manchester.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier