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Fio More HeadacUes. XXI St. Helen-, Mioh., llarch 8, 1891. Before using Pastor Koenig's Ncrve Tonic my wífe suffered from norvous headaches and chest trouble. After using this reinedy both have c-eased. A. NEDGEBAÜER. N. Amherst, Ohio. Feb. 28, 1891. For over 2 years I had epüc-ptic flts eeveral times a month. Since I ued I'astor Koenig's Nerve Tonio I have not had an attack. The medicine i 8 -vferygood. AUGUSTA DBA VES. (Pek Kbv. J. Eomeií.) New Haten, Ind., March 2, 1891. My nerTous system waa coropletely run down, and I was bo nervous and weak that I waa oonflned to my bed for 1 years. I used PaBtor Koenig'e Nerve Tonic and am now eatirely well tud doing my own bousework. MES. J. D. BICKKIi. f1- A Valuable Kook on Nervous L %M L a I soase-, secit í'ree to any address, r n W and poor jiatientn can also obtain lllwLa tliis medicine í'ree of charle. This remedy bas been prepared by the Reverend PaBtor KoeniK, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1B7Ü. and íbeow prepared underhis direction by the KOEN1C MED. CO., Chicago, III. gold by Druggrísts at SI per BotHe. S for 85. tarseSize.Sl.T5. GBotlleslor 9. BE A IVIAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. fEBFECT IN FORM -MATCHLESS IN WARI jf? o ansiolii were the aneients fur etalwart men thal .'I A Pun7 boya at birtli were pul todeath. "- Ai ETeT KA" can te E1K0N3 tr&Y Y0ÜNB MEN OR OLS, }-■. ( i inffeHng from KERVOÜS DEfJ i--Vyyír BILITT, Lost or Failing ManT %sf'f 71 hood, Phyaícal Eicease, Mental WZ 'Allí) Worry, Stunted Development, or ÍPP- rCil'J any PEKSOHAL WEAKHESS, can h i Ï. IX r reetorod to PERíECT HEALTH and 111 I I the NOBLE VITALITT of STR0S8 1 ( MEK, th Prlde and Power of Nstions. v n 1 'e c'111 by years of practice by J Ï I our exclusive methods a uniform H J L_i U"Ki)IiOPOLY OF BÏÏOOESS" in treaty2 o, ing all DiBeaseiï, WeakneBsei and _„. - AmictlnTnnfMi.n Testimoníala 1 - ' ' f rom 50 States and Territories. fllID MCUf Dnnv wiWbe sent free,seneá, vost"I ntW BUUlV paid.fora limitpd time Sel ítwhile youcan. Full Erplanations forHOME TREATMEHT. You can be PÜLLT RESTORED a Thousandi bare been by ns. Read our teatíaionialB. Address at onca ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. CARJER'S! ■BK mu ' 'WpMHI I Sick Headache and relieve all thetroubles incídent to a biüoue state of the sysíem, sucli aa Dizzinesa, Nausea, Drowsinese, Distress after 6ating.Pait.iii the Side, &c. Whilo their moafc remarkatie success lias been ehowu in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter'3 Littlo Líver Pilla aro cquaïly valuablc iu Constipation, curing and prevonting tliisannoying coniplaint.while they also correct all disorders oí thee tomach,8tinmlate the liver and regúlate tiie bowels. Even if they only HEAD Ache they wonld bo almostpriceless to those who euffer fromthiedistrcesiiigcomplaint; blfortuEately theirgoodneas does notend here.aud thoso who once try them "will find theae littlo pilla vaiucblein eomany Tvaysthat they vill uot bo williDg to do without them. But after alleick heacj ACHE Ie the bare of po many livea that here ís ■where we make our great bonst. Our pilla cure it white oihers do not. Carter'e Litíle Livcr Pilis are Tery Bmall and very eay to take. Üne or two pill3 niakea dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vialsat 25 cents ; flvefor $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO-, New York. SMALL PtLL SMALL POSE! SMALL PRICE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, A N D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Vie keep constautly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retal] trade. We shall also keep asupplyoi SWIIT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BÜCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED. atc, at Wholesale and retail. Ageneral stock of 5R0CERÍES and PROVISIONS Coustantly on hand, which wlll be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash Daid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods deuvered to any part of the city without extra charge. RlNSEYs SEABOLT. Teachers' Examinations. Examinations oí teachers in Washtenaw county, for the ensuing school year. will be held as follows: The regular examination will be held each year om. the first Thursday ol March and August at the county seat. Applicants for all grades can only be examined at these dates. Special examinations will be held at: Ann Arbor, last Friday of Aug., '92. Ypsilanti, last Friday o Sept., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Mar., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANAÜGH, Cora. Lieensing Engineers. The questiom oí licénsing engineers is being tso agitated: in every ate in the Union that withln a short time, for the proteetion of human Uves, it will be impossible ior any one intrusted with steam to hold ?r secure a situation without pass':r'K a rigtd examination and obtainl!1-' a liceiijse. Steplvenson's IllustratM Practical Test has been publisheci o aid eaigineers preparing to pass such examination, and as it embraces JH the Quiestions asked on the Boiler, Uimp, Bngine, Dynamo. Corliss EnWne, etc., it has already met witli ?ucto a demaaiid that it ks now in its ourtli edition. This work, whlch on'y costs one dollar, can bo obtáined J' the publisher, Walter G. Kraft, 'v LíiSalIe st., Chicago.


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Ann Arbor Courier