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High School Alumni Banquet

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The amnual meeting of the High school Alumni Associiation, lield at the high school chapel last Friday evenimg, vas one oí the most enjoyable affaiirs af thie kind ever held. Ttoere were fully 200 people present, aiwl eaoh oixe vied with the other to make the occasion a pleasant one. flie Oiequiameg-on orehestra furnlshoü the ïmijsK-. a.nd after partaklng oi the bounvtii's of a well loa.ded rabie, a seriies of toasts were responded to, J. E. I'.eal presiidtag as toast master. The toasts arad responses were as folio ws: " OurHigh School," by Prof. W. S. Perry. " Thirteeu Years Experience in Teaching," ty Prof. Levi D. Wincí. " Class of '92," by Miss Lydecker. " The Wooley West," by Prof. Fred C. Clark. The tables were thetn cleared away and the dancers enjoyed themsclves un til 1 o'cloek willen the company diipersed. Altor tlie toasts were completed- wíulch were a notable feature of the occasJon, an election of officers for the ousutag year took place, and resulted is fO'llows: President- Volney Spauldiug, '69; Viee-president- Frank Waguer, '80; Secretary- Miss Vlvia ('ornwell, '87; Treasure'r- John Dowdigan, '86; Eiecutive committee- H. G. Prettyn!an,'ii2; Miss Anna Dnnster, '91. Edsou R. Sucderland, 1J2- ♦ ■ Popular imdígnatlon has been deeply aroused by tlhe move of the saloon keepoire askitñg to be allowed to keep open umtiil 11.30 p. m. Tlveir promise to oley t.'hie laws, ii they are allowed to do t.h'js, ík a coiifession that tihey have mot been obeyáng them, and iit is ornly a queetion of time when the people of Aun Arbor will arise and deal itihe saloons a tellims blow. These moves of the salóoniRts wtll do moro to hasten the passage of a ttve-mWa law :tlim all the resolutions of the pro MbHiomists in ten years, for tliey set people to thüikins of wliat a blo-w iifc wooild be to our fair city should the napresshm get out that the saloon' run the towai. It would prevent pa rents send'ang thek' cliildren here and cut off a grea't anvonunt of revenue. Bvery Htuilcut kept away íroni Ani Árbol' mea ns hhe k'ss of twlcé thu aiiioiwH of the tax obtaiined yearly trom each eatoon. The more thé ea[i.uiis agftate mattere, thie more they break .isv laws, the more they ittcni])i to sliow their power, the qulcker wiill they all be wiped out by a iïve-m:;;e law. % The Alptma Ptoheer menttons tin, name oí Jota ;. Berry, of Otsego county, for the, republican nomiuatiloni tor Commissioner of the Stalt; Iuid oïfilee. Mr. Berry s eminent y qualilfiied foir this office, Uring as he does im a sectton of the state where thcre are larfie tracts of public land, beilng in a poeitton to lvave a prad tical k'iiowletlse of the laws sovernfiiti tlwse lamds and of their worklngs As vet Mr. i'.erry's aiame i.s the only 'oine we liiivi' seen mentioned in con' aiection with this oMlee.- Allegan' Jounnial. A tea set- Tino ('hiaese. Men of tihe flay - Labopers. Never miiss-ed - Marrk'd womea. Magazine guns - Oentury writers. A walk over- Th:e toot bridge.


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