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Cure Yourself. Don't pay large doctor' bilis. The best medical book published, 100 pages, elegant colored plates, will be se.nt to yon on receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay postage. Address A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston Mass. 'THE ROOKïToüNTilN LIMITED," AND "THE BIG 5." TWO GRAND TKAIN'S DAJLY BKTWKEX THE WOELD's PAIB CITY A.NDTHE FOOTHILLS. ONE NIGIIT OUÏ OR ONE DAY OUT. TAKE VOÜB CIIO1CE. BUSINESS DEMAXDS IT AND THE FEOPLE MUST HAVE IT. The popularity oí "The Ureat Ilock Isla ml Boute'1 a a Colorado line- it lia ving long time since taken iirst place as the peopíe's favoriete between the. ILakes and the Moimtains- has com)eUed tho management to increase its present eplendid service by the addition of a train that is oae night on the road from Chicago to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo. This train will be known as the "Rocky Mountain Limited," and will lw m,+ m service May first. Leaves CuicaSo laily at 10.45 a. m., arriving at the above cities in the afternoon of the next day, earüer than any oí its competitors. Especial equipinemt has been built íor this train, with the view W making it a limited in every sense of the word, and best of all, there will be no extra charge. The route of fchis exceeddngly fast train is by the Rock Island Bhort Line, and a few of the larger cities through which it passes, are Davenport, Des Moines, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Beatrlce, Fairbury, Belleville, Phillipeburg, Colby, Smith Oentre and Goodland. This makes it the most desirable route, and particularly interesting to the traveler. Another point: The popularity of our dining-car service is still on the, and no money spared to inake this service what our patrons alwavs say, "the best." Our "B% 5" will continue as usual leaying Caueago at 10 p. m., and arvivinK at Denver, Colorado Springg and Pueblo the second morning bein"1)ut one day out, and this fast and popular train goes through Omaha. Our No. 11 will leave as heretofore at 0 p. m., arrive at Kansas City at 'J a. m., and will roach Denver, Colovado Springs and Pueblo the second moniinii. Our Colorado service is made perfect Tby this ncw "Rocky Mountain Limited" and the "Big 5," and gives to the traveling public two flyers daily. Manitou passengere should consult the map and time tables of our line t fully appreciate the advantages iñ time eaved by taking this route, vvhen when 'On tlieir summer vacation. JOHN SEBASTIAN, 30 G. T. & p. A., Chicago.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier