MUsb Xellie Ames has returned froní Itaieapolis. Fred Daniels, oí Gregory, was iu h city Momday. Mm. Clias. Tripp luis returned from er vifeiit at Jackson. Rev. Dr. Cobem left Ann Arbor Monday for hiö trip to Europe. Dr. T. C. Plillips, af Milwaukee, Wis., s in the city for the week. Mrs. R. C. Barney is emtertaining liss Ella Tilomas, of Schoolcraft. Belmomt Waple, of Xlarquette, is viHiting his father, Hou. R. Waples. Mrs. Lee, of Detroilt, is the guest of Ire. D. F. Schairer, om. S. DiTision st. Josepli Harriington, of Detroit, was ii the city yesterday visiting friends Mrs. C. Mack is entertaining Miss Helen P. Smith, 'Of Chicago, this week. JolWi H. Grant, of Manistee, is iu ■he city epeuwüng commencement week Mrs. J. F. Parslwill, of Wayne, is 'isiting her mo'ther, Mrs. 8. G. Bennam. Mrs. Paris Ra.nfiekl has as her guest ïer Hitster, Mrs. Trorwbridge, oí De iroi't. Mrs. Burnham, of Oourtland, N. Y, is riisitüig Mrs. Johnson, on Packard tireet. Mrs. Comidon, of S. University ave s eintertaming Miss Ohiandler, oí Marquette. S. SondJieim, of Detroit, a former Ann Arbo-r merchant, Ka in the city io-day. Miss Zada Rüiodes has returned froM ïer school dutiie.s at Cadillac for the rommer. Mts. Fred S. Lavremce, of Lansinp; te a guest of Miss Amelia MaLareai :3iiis week. Mrs. Sophia Hutzel attended thfc school commencement exercises in Chel eea Friday. Miiss Anna Murphy, of Battle Creek. is tïie guest Of Miss Mary Riiisey, ofc N. Dh'iisian st. Mrs. Meder, of Owosso, is visiting hier pareiits, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dignan, om S. Inga.lls st. Louis P. Jocelyn and wife will spend the summer at Long Lake in Genesse county, near Flint. Prof. Arthur C. Tagge, of the Mon roe schools, has returned home to Ann Arbor for the summer. Ex-Regent Chas J. Willtts, of St, Ixniis, Mi., and wiíe are guests oi' Major Soaile tthis -veek. Miss Nettie Daniels, oí San José, Cal., is m the city, visiting relatives, aiul attending conimencement. Mr. D. D. Travis, who has been visiting relativee in the city, returned to Iiík borne i.n Cooper Saturday. Robert W. West, lit. 'S2, aecompaniie d'by Me. W-est, of Austin, Texas, iis speniding th week in the city. Miss Hattie Xichols is entertaining Miss May Webster, of Owosso, and .M„s .Jessk' Williams, of Cadillac. Proï. C. E. Greene and faraily will remain on the Atlantic coast ior the sumriier. Tliey left Moaday for Boston. Miss Abiik' A. Pond, accompanied by her niece Beeste I'ond, leít íSaturday morning for Plint, to remain duTHig vacation. Daniel Strickler and Family, oí Elizabethi st., are entertaining Mrs. O. C Sttrickler and Miss Clara Dochme, o New Ulm, Mi'nn. Mre. Ooi. H. S. Dean, daughter Lizzie Deain, niece Clara Dean and Mre. Stebbtas, leave to-morrow for Old Mi;-a'Xrn for the smumtT. Mrs. Lillie M. Potter, of Detroit, nee - Bour, formerly of Ann Arbor- and daughter Ernstine, are visiting Miss Amelia McLaTen, on N'orth st. Mrs. Rev. W. W. Wetmore, of W. Huirán st., is entertaining her sisters, Mre. W. H. Burleson, of Xew Jersey, and Mrs. M. J. Pomeory, of Kansas. The tin wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Prol Ievi D. Wiines, was pleasantly observed by theni last Saturday. I'riends presente che couple with a' zilver baking pan. Mr. and Mrs. C'. N. Jones, formerly oí tlite city, later of Milwaukee, Wis, and for the future to reside in New York City, are greetiaig old friond? in Ann Arbor thie week. Mis. E. S. Dunster, ateompanied by her daughters, leave this week foi Old Mission Beath. the northern rewirt so popular with Ami Arbor peopie, to be absent for the summer. Dr. H. R. Ste-ns. of Grand Rápida, accompajvied by Mts. Stevens, are the gueste of Capt. C. H. Manly and wife, of the Noarth side, durilng the week. Dr. Stevems had charge of the Soldier's Home at Gratad Rapfrde up to the time Capt. Manly retlred. Dr. Geo. M. Beakes, of Bloomsburfr, N. Y., oí S. W. Beakee, of the Argus, is visiting his son and famlly. He was cm his way home Erom the Chicago eonvention, and stopped over' for eoniineneement week. Prof. A. H. 'Pattengill and brotlier Prof. J. G. Patteugill, expeet to leavtí for tlie west early next month. They wil} go to Custer Station, in Montana, and there take horses and travel Olí horseback through the Crow Reserra1 tdon, up the Big Horn and Little Big Ilorn to the mountains of the same name. They will make their headquarters at a ranch in Wyoming, niiii will visit the Rosebiwl agency, and the places mad.' famous by Custer'S battle. They expeet to be absent ali siuiimer.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier