Wo More lïeadachcs. XXI St. Helen, Mich., March 8, 1831. Beiore using rastor Koenig's Norvo Tonic my wife salïered frora nervous headaches and cbest trouble. Ailer using this remedy both have ceased. A. NEUGEBAUEB. N. Ajiheest, Ohio. Feb. 28, 1891. Por orer 2 yeara I had epileptio fits severa! tiuaea a month. Siuce I used Pastor Koenig'a Nervo Tonic I have not bad au attack. Tho medicina is very good. AUGUSTA DKAVES. (Peb Eev. J. Bojieb.) New Haven, Ind., March 3, 1891. My nervouB Bystem was completely run down, and I was eo nervous and weak that I was conflnedto my bed for 2 years. I used Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic and am now entirely well tnd doing my om housework. MES. J. D. BICKKIi. FRIr- A. Valnable Rook en Nervous LUb b Dj.seases se:it tree to any address, aud poor piitiouts can also obtain I BI lak tlus medicine free of charse. This remedy has been nreparecl by the Keverend Pastor Koenip, of Fort wayne, Iad., eince 1876, aud ienowpreyaredunderhis direcüon by tlio KOENEC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Soliï by Diug-grists at SI per Bottle. 5 for SS. Zavse Slze, 81.75. G Bottle for .9. för1ënoYly! rBJTlTrpjB'Bl'or LOST or FAIXING MANHOOD fc151í+wáiGenerai and k esvous debiiityI KÏ'Tl ! ti 1 1 WekneBs of Eody and Hind, Effects EliUSilüUUof ErrorsorExcosses in Oidor Young, llcbcst, .M, JIANHflO!) fully BMmé. Huw lo Enlaree n.Td LlrraglbcnnKAh,l'.NDIirKLUPKUOIUiA!iS&PAKT8orBUbr ibsolately cnfailini; HOME f KEAI J1KST- BpniHt In a day. Ken tentif J from 5U Sint and Poirign CounCrlei. Writc thcrn BcsCPlpüie Book, piplanillon and proofs malled (sealid ) Tree. Adltcss ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N. Y. !CARTER'8 CURE Bick Headache and relieve all tho troubles Incident to a bilious Btate of the system, suctt aa Dizzinese, líausea, Drowsiness, Dietresa after eaticg, Pain in tbe Side, &c. Whilo their most remarkable Euccees haa been ehown in curing Headacne, yet Carter's Iittle Liver Pilla ara cqually valnal-le in Constipa! i or., curing and presenting tliiaanuoyinficoraplaiut.wbilo they alao ccrrectElldisordersoftiieötomacli.etimulatethe i ver and regúlate Ihe Ikwg1s. Even if they only HEAO Ache tbey woclá be almoBtprice!eFs to those who euffer from this diatrcssing comijlaiiit; brft (ortuaately theirgoodnees does cotend hcra.and thosa who occe try them irill flsd these littlo pill3 valusble In po many wayB ihat they will not bo willlug to do without tLem. But after allsiok head ACHE Is the bace of f o many lives that here is whera wenste onr great boatt. Our pilla cure lt whila ethers docot. Carter's Little Liver P1II3 are very email and very easy to take. One or two rills mate a, dose. They are Etrictly vegeMble and do not grlpa or purge, butby their gentle action please all who nsethem. In vialsat 25 cents ; fivefor$l. Solí by draggiats everywhere, or 6ent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE RINSEY & SE ASOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERÏ, A K D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constan tly on hand BREAD; CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIFT & DELBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour ! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, COKN MEAL, FEED, atc, at wholesale and retail. A general stock of &R0CERIES aai PROYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other house in the üícicu iu uy pan oí tne city without extra charge. RXITSETMfc SEABOLT. Teachers' Examinations. Examinations oí teachers in Washtenaw county, for the ensuing school ye&r, will be held as follows: The regular examination will be held each year on the first Thursday af March and August at the county seat. Applicants for all grades can only be examined at these dates. Special examinations will be held at: Ann Arbor, last Friday of Aug., '92. Ypeilanti, last Friday oí Sept., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Mar., '93. MARTIN J. CAVAXAÜGH, Com. LITERARY NOTES. A new serial by tliat popular story v.riter, Arabella M. Hopkimson, opens 1lie July aumber of Cassell's Family Megaziiae. " AVhile the scène of tlút, stwy i.s la Id i:i Etaglaad, an Amoricau family appear.s to play an import a ni part im its development. "Tln-oii'j an Ea.stcrn Jle.sert on Foot" ia a desoriptiicm wi'th pen and pencil of a tramp fpom Port Sa id acroes the des rt and xip the coast t0' Jaffa. "Tiie Jlystery of the Aurora" is a populaj. wcieaitific paper which any one may nad a;nd umderBtand. '-What a Pret ty Complexión !" is one of the -'Fami' ly Doctor's" papers of practical advice. 'Rose-Giwvhng at Hollybush' ík a tiimely paper by a "Practica? '..-miener." The "Chilt-Chat on Dress' comtaining suggestive ilhistrated letler from the two centers of ïashioii - I arw aaid Dondon- are unusualW ma. TQien, still appealkig to the wónien readers, ie eaa article in "Swediaö fmbroMery," wSth lucid iiLstructiomá lor makimg. There are stories long waa stoort, muBic, poetry and a "Gatbt;rer" full of scientific information.I a-soll l'iiibli.sliiaig Compamy, 15 cents a nramber, 1.50 a yea'r in advance
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