A Letter And A Hasty Departure
In his mad search for copy three weeks ago our editor clipped an itera from the Ann Arbor Courier which claimed to be a receipt ior freezing ice cream by a öew chemical procesa. Last Monday he received the following letter from ïopeka, Kan., and dropping it hastily upon his defsk, at once took a train for the east. líothing has been heard from hini since. Evidently he chose to be "quick" rather than " dead." Lb. Commercial :- We know your paper uever lies, (that is, hardly ever) and we understand that you have studied chemistry and ought to know what you are talking about, but all the same we are very wrathy. In faet tifteen of us feel that we have been trifled with and that an explanation and our money be , warueu to us at once. oi see we read that little item as to how to freeze wine or ice cream in ten minutes. Of course this being an out and out prohibition , state, we didn't want to run any risks of i being arrested while tryinf? to freeze a bottle of wine, so we triedarich cuatard and invited our hangry husbands and gentlemen cousins to partake of ice cream made by a " -Michigan method." In tlie lirst place, the druggist, a mild, truth loving man, sort of insinuated that sulphuric acid was usually " loaded " and very apt " to go off," so we hied ourselves to the back yard and respectfully stirred that acid iuto a pailof water with a fish pole ; then we mixed in Glauber salts and gleefully deposited our pail of yellow cream in the mixture. With bated breath we counted out ten minutes, too soon, 'nother ten, still luke warm; fifteen minutes, added another dose of acid and salts in a reckless manner; twenty minutes, (duriusr which time those horrid meu reviled us;) ugh ! just respectably cold. Fifteen minutes, and real cool custard was served to the hungry multitude and fifteen naad women stepped aside to medítate and declare war. Now if you have any excuses to oö'er serve them at once, 'ice eolet, or prepare for gore. Voui's respectfullv, Topeka, Kan., June 10, '92.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier