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In Memoriam

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At the faanlly resMieoice on División! st., táde city, June 15th, 1892, the brijïht, pure spirit of dear Jlr.s. Eliz; beth Witaies, beloved wlie oï the late WUUaxn Winee, gently paesed away, after a long, weary sáckness, whicü eemftoed lier to her bed and rooni many montihls, borne with the sweeiest i-esiignation and Oliiristian patiener. Our immediiate acquakitance witii Mrs. TOnes began wliien her loved husband, wtoo had been such a tried, triie ïriiend oí oairs. passed away and leid lier li'ke a tora away vine, fram tl.e ■strorng support of the one who guarde-d dier BO te.nderly, 90 that she insfcinctively clung to ttuose friends wbO had valued the ome whoee very lile was hers. It was patlietic to see the ratruggle for lile, cheerfulness and bravery, aft-er more than, filty yeaiiï of lovtog care and tnderness given lier by her husbaiwl, and how their lives were iinterwoven, as they to5 gether braved the hardshiips incidenS to tlie earlier years of their life here. So it was ouir privilege to know ani help this sweet wonuan piek np the tüireads of life, but the task was too great, she survived her husba.nd a.' ïittle over two years only. Hoping to recover, to still be the light comEort of her household, but. yet williiiiK to say, in the language oï tliat benut iful hyrnm: " My Jesus, as thou wilt ! All shall be well for me : Each chanpring future scène I gladly trust with thee : Straiprht'to my home above I travel calmly on, And üiug. in life pr death, My Lord, thy will be done ! "


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier