Fatal Friday
Last FirMay waa one of the fatal days that oceasio'iially comes to a community, so many accidents happened that it attracted the attentiou at cxace oí the beliievers in the balefui toiluence of tho stxth day of tlie week. It was a beautiíul day im. a weathr er semee. The sun shone brlght, tha atni'osphere was olear arad the temperature just about rlght to make it delightiul. The fittwt accident occurred on Detroit street, at the mtersection o Oatharime st., aavd Fourth ave. Mrg. Moses Seabolt was out driivsng anti had im the carrllag with her, Mre. Jacob Seabolt aind tbe latter's daughter. Tlrey were about goimg to the high scliool eommemcement exercises wliere Míks Sabolt was to receive a diploma a.s a gradúate. While drhing apon CathaThie tt., the horse beca me scared at soniethiaig, it ia tliought by some he was stuag by a bee, and start-ed to ron. At Detroit etireet oaw of the hind wheels rau into tlie etreet oar track and was torn off. The liarse the.n veered around pai tially anad ran hito soiue old wagons aud buggies sta.ndhig in the streen near AVurster & Kirn's shops. Tbe carriage colUdted with these vehiclw and the tlm-ee ladieS' were throwu out, witii terrilflo forcé. Mrs. Moses Seabolt's heal came i.u contact with the brokem spokes of one oï the wagou wheels and her sukll was crushed. Btüiidtw tlie -wouiiwl on the head, one arm was brokem twice ta two, and out) lknb brokem. Mis, Jacob Seabolt was injured uponi the right slide oii tlie head, not seriously, but the woiuiuds are oí a very painuul nature. Her daugliter who1 was wirth tliem, was U'iiiaijured. Those who saw the horse run, say. that they ne-er saw anything like itt, aind1 that no man could hav-e held hilm. The horse aind carriage were giiveu to Mrs. Seabolt by relatiives, and it was lier tender feeliaig3 that probably casued her death. It seeuis that the Ji'orse had usually been, driiven with a' cirrb bit, but t'lilat nioming as the animal's moutli was a little sore and bied saine, she had that bitf remoTed amd a eojnmoin one used. Aïter the accident, ilrs. Seabolt wa taken to lier home on X. Fifth ave., but never recoverod oomsciousness, anol diied at abuut 2 o'clock. The deoeaeecl waá a lady, who dur-í üg resideiice of a few years in tïV.a city, liad endeared heragli to inany peoplc. íáHne wa.s a devcvut meniber oí St. Aawlrew's Episcojial chureh, anti h-er gentil-, modest manner, and sweet aaid kind diBpoBitlöB made her beloveti by the coingregatiou. In lus great loss Mr. eabolc has t(he deep sympathy oi the entire commimiity. Funeral services were held Suaiday, at 3 1-2 o'clock p. m., at tlie family re.sJde.nce, Rev. Henry Tatlock officiiated, a.ad ttoie full burial service fo tlie Episcopal ehurch was used. ïhe rematas were interred in Foresc Hili Cmetery. THE SECOXD ACCIDENT. Toward evaing of the same fatal day, woi-d was brought to tto city that Richard Wumner Parmiee, a studejit of the liitorary depart, mcait, clasa of '93, ajwl a member oi the Beta ïheta Pi, ïraternity, had been drowmed at Whiunoi'e L.akt', whije iiii batliLiiK. He went tbere a öay or bo previou witJi i jxumber ü ïrieaids, and was enjoying a íew day's recreatiom. A party comwisting ol Mr. Parmlee, K1. M. iSmi.th and Moitimer J. Stevens took a boat and went across the lake to what is knuwï as ïodd's landing. Here tliey rau the bosit up ooi tiie siiind and went iii bathi.ug. i'a.rmlee could uut swiin, aaid the Uoat lecainí loóse eind Hoatel ijito doep water beiore they knew i.t. Parmlee ïiuiding lilmséli beyond USe deptüö, called jur help, anü Jir. ïimith yveat to h.a ail, but was grasped jn tmch a desperate manuur thai te was iieariy dronvned beiore hc touid d.tóe.ngage humseli. Had it a been lor the presence oí a yuuug lad wh o was ii.sli.ing in the viclnity, wliw at oince eaine do ti. ■ afld oi Öniith anii Stevens, ttoey wouid have becoiue e.v lKiusted balare rea-ehjag shore anil prcbably goaie down alo. Mr. Paranlee's waa not reruvcrtd until the next day. He wasi about 20 yeais oíd, a son oí S. P. ParmJ.ee, oí Chicago, and a young man who was greatly iovcd by hio clasemated, and the sad termkiatiou oí hiis liie causod a gtoom to pre vado Ulttivei-sity cireles. His body was sens to Chicago Sa-turdiay evening, a_coinpauiiied by a nunioer o the Beta Tliutc l'i mmbemi. SAD NEWS CONTINÚES. As iif these two sad accidente were not enaugh tof UI the community witi gloom, news was reteived oí the deatli oí Hou. J. W. Waterman, oí Detroit, tiie gentleman through whose generoïiity the Unlversity oí Michigan will sooui have a lime gymnasium buildáng. Mr. AVatfi-inan died at his home iu Detroit, on l'riday aiternoon, irom liver Iroubk'. He was b:jrn in 1824, graduated at Yale in 1844, eame tv Detroiit in 1S48, and lias resided there ever sinee. He accumulated quite ; fortune, and the $20,000 gave ta the U. oï .M. "vmuasram will Denni u ate his name m this uommuniiy, and in the state. WILD KUMORS. There were ;ill sorts oí rumora Eloattag about the city t he day foilowimg oí accidenta and dèatns. l!ut none riiuid be fcr&ced to fountain head except ih.-it a hack team started to mil away while nn 8. División st., and the drivcr was tlirown oíí hi.-, seat, but he was not injurod and the team was stopped before any damage was don.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier