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The lst Nattonal Bank has declará a se-mirammial dividend oí 3 per -en1:. The "W. C. T. ü. meetimg stands adjcaniieid 'until t h e last Thursday in TiiJyRev. E. Ij. Mocho, oí Stockbridge, wi'H ífill the pulpit oí the M. E. ehurcu next Buiinday a. m. The líloiriists of thits city reaped a' ricli! íharveet last week. The (iemand foT bouquets was unprecedented. J. C. Cliinition, of tlife city, has rente3 'a bmiiWIng at Dexter, and wili opeai up a tailorlng establishment tberein. The lyea.r book of Albion College lnas been receiived. The students nuin"beo- 600, an imcrease oí over 100 irom liast lyeair. The Iwxt teaclieir's irostitute for this cornity will be lucid in Ann Arbor, con mencimg Aug 8tli', and lastiog two weeks iprobably. Tlie iraiïi was qui'te acco-mmodatin,)? last week, iia coming in the niglit, so tïtat ithe days could be left free for the commencement exercises and foi tihe tetaiangiers wilthiin oair gates. Xext ISunday t3ie Epwwth Leagu meetraig nt tliie M. B, church wijl b led Tjy Mi'ss E. Finch; The subjec wtll be: "FriiCiDd-ihip. Daniel and Jonathan," liSt Samuel 1S: 1-4. Tlie iniew oement stone viilk being lakl Ito front oí tlne Arlington IIous propert,y on Pourtlh) ave., iis am iim provement itlnat wiJl te greatly ap pireciatl liy tttue walkiing public. Th'Ose wit.ness in tho Prince Miei: ael case, wüio were detaitned in Ja: vso lornig, awaitinig his trial, have bee a.ilowod Üeee ns tollows: Beraice Boel el $88: May Webster $88: Ben dry -SI 7: Bmma Butler $80; Ellen Ra-v liineon $81; Aliice Corarts $80: Amjexohaiure Rays: Fimely powdere tobáceo is an exceltemJt remedy for the eabbage 'lonse, amd aleo has the a vníritnjrpiof beiniK a good fertilizer. Ií also prevente the butterfly from laying the eggs whilch produce the cabbage ivonn. Tlue oabbnuro louse was iniusually gklenitifal last season, as wíia 'also tJic ily in the turnip plant. Tliee minute iiïsects tbrive in woi ■weattoer, las thry aro killed by the in.Tid dry -wontlupr. "Talk about buiJding befng overdoaie iin Ann Arbor," sakl a prominent real estáte man tlue other day, "Why, every mow hoiise is rented br-' ÍOTe tiw collar is dug. And tiierc are mot Inany old Jnonscs,;it: are in anyi ooiulMroii at all. -vvli icli are vacant, af least W tliiere are accuy I do Hot know wlwre tlvey are. I teil yon Ann AiTxw te ïaimoniB as a1 resMenoe city, aiicl luas only öoiramenced to grow." A iiiew stone walk graces tlie romt oí t'he Xit-kles property on S. tate t. Perhaps tthe farmers haven't been íaking ihay white the sim has been liinifoig ifoir a eouple o f days ! The isprimkltag cart, which gets pay vhether the sun shines or not, has been linppy iln kllenesö this season. The ifiírm of Miaymard & Foote, the State ut. sirooeps, has been d'.eaolved. Ir. Iftynard WÍU contihue the bus!nes. Aboit 150 Anm Arbarïites went to Dexter ÍMamday to help celébrate tlitf glorious 4t'h of July. They met witii great suceess . The iAnm Arbor stockholders of the Port Hurón Gas Co., can get their July dilvlöends ámd interest at the Oo-urier oiífx-e after the lOth nst. WliMe lattemd'linK whoo-1 at Monroe,Mies ■Nelliie Kimsey worked and paintedia beau-tdlul benediietion veil whiclí s3ie Jia presented Rev. Fr. Kelley. The i'epubltean caucuses to elect delegates to the co-unty oonvention, wEl hiekl oin Frklay evening next, ai thíe rarioiis places anuuounced in the cali. Died, on July lst, of dropsy, MiGS Lydia. Smit.h, aged 75 years. The reí ma i ns rwere taken to Medina, N. Y, Miss S'inith liad been a resident of Anu Ajrbor for 3Ü years. The Stoekbrtdge Sum evMently reads only tome Ann Arlor paper. The Suu would'do well to remember that there are 'tlhiose vrho opemtheir mouths too nracli' !far t.ïieir own good. Tli coairt house square has beea' consiöeirably liimproved by the cutting Vut of the oíd trees that -vere pai1tially d'ead, aind the trimraing up oí tliie low hamglmg limbs of the othei trees. Th'e mlUiiaery store of Miases Sterret & MiKdiaete at Xo. 47 S. Main st., is to be thoroughly overhauled and fitte u. A new plate glaiss front and new arramgemente in the interior wM make 'it a very desirable and attractjiv-e store. The cold damp days of the pasè week liave made the farmers look blue. lntea.d of rain-makers they ouRlit tw have rain stoppers in thw l'oaclity. lf there was some way ta cork up tiie rata. and save it until a dry day, it wou ld be a ble ss ing foj all co'ncenied. Oíi Saturday last, at 3 o'clock p. m., Mm. Harriet Sanborn was united fin ïnarriage with Wm. J. Carbaugh, who si-aduated with the law clasy of "J2. at tlie home of tlie brides paremts. Mr. and Mts. J. T. Swathtel, o S. State st. The couple left at oma ïor IMamistilque, their fiiture home. A som O'i Mrs. ilai-y Kearns, oi Blizaletli 'st., named Thomas, whiip walkimg tlrough the baek yard at Ironie Monday, had a bulle siliot dk-eetly thpoilgh the center e.' üiis rtgt-t hand. It was a careles ;i -t of goalie ome, but Bk could not teU ïroni 'wiirnrc the miase] carne o-r who Biped tihe hot. It Xvou'.d really scem as thouR'h tlie youTig toen and boys could have rcstralmetct their patriotiem sufficiently to lwive ki'pt their ïirecrackers anii bomba rattil tli 4th"of July tommeiiied, iiiBtead of desecratwig the SabbatJi w:(tlï their racket as they did last 8un day. Of eourse tluere are those whtf d'o not beliieve hl the sanctity of tha Sabbath, but the majoritty of peopla dö beliie-e in it, and tlieir feeling iu' this respect nhould le respected. If a.ny person desires two of the best papers publtehed in America, they can secure thein both for one year by payi'ng $1 at the Arm Arbor Couriei' office. The two papers are the Anu Arbor Oouriier and the New York AVeekly Tritrane The Tribune has eacli week artiHe-s 'tHiat are of great interest &t the present time, anti the OoiLi'tor 'giives all the home news in a ireadable mafnner. This offer wHJ mot last much longer Better secura them mow before it is too late. Wm. Greve, who has been with Schetrer & Milieu for the past eight yeai-s, died last week Tuesday, at the home oí his motlier-Jn-law, Mrs. DaniK"!'. :iii Xorthfield. He was ;i yoamg man wh'O, by his quiet and iiruassum' mannexs made many Iriesuds im tlve co'mmunity. He leaves a wiiíe aaad two children to mouru tlie toss of a kind bustoand and loving íatlier. Funeral services were heW Priday, from the residemce abo've men; tioined, and the remakis were interred iii Forest Hill cenietery. Tlie gentlemen who had mvested theiir imomty in the lots oï tlie Millei hioanestead Ion Packard Kt., met at1 the opera house last Friday evening airad drew lots. Thfre were 82 lote, Bml '82 spooJK were taken in whjcli v'rc placed üDumbePB from 1 to 82 Thein 62 more spools were taken and tlie manie ot' a ■ puirchaser placed iu eachöpool. Then a spool was drawu from eacih' paii at the same time, and the iX'O. Of the lot drawn went to the name Idrawn. Dr. J. Kapp was the lucky imain a.nd drew tilile lot on whk'li the .liomesteaid ie loeated. He took six chances. F. G. Ienz, the youmg man who left New York city a few weeks ago on a bicycle tour of thfe woirld, jiasscii through Ithe city lat week remainmg Wodnesday alg!h(t and leaving c-uiy rriwu-sday mormimg. He carrtesf aliout 30 pO'Uii'dis of baggage with liini, itakes sketches as hc goes aloaig, aaid writes up liiis impression of the country Die passes tlirough, for the Outinig taagazine. He wlll go through ,Tapan, China, India, Afghanistan, Asiatic !Kussia, Peofsla, Turkey, etc, on bfts journey, and expects to make the trip ■in two years. He has a long, inviting, but dangerous trip before luim. The oí towna" far exceed the "at homes" just now. People ivho eajoy readtag persom I items wfll be deliglrted 'ith the 8tU page of this paper. The Victory Hotel at Put-jii-Iïay, is th lar;?est anid mtxst complete sumiiu'i- areeoTt in Amertoa. You have au opportmttSby to soe iit on .Tuly 20tl;. The Aun Arbor Rifles annual excursión wii'.l give yon four lnour at Put-iTf I!ay Islnnwi. Romnd trip $1.50; chi dTein omejhlalf.


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Ann Arbor Courier