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w, A Leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, novr it is clearly in tlie load aniong pure medical tonics a.nil alier.atives- containing DOthing j ■vhich permita its use as a beverage or intoxioant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine lor all ailmwits oí Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It wlll cure Sick Headaclie, Indlgestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from the syste.m. Satisfaction guarantccd with eacli bottle or the momcy ivill be refunded. Trice only 50c per bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son, and George J. Haussler. Jlanchester. If yon need a eewing machine cali on J. F. Seluih. and try the $1.00 pei week ip ton at it. Saves you $15.00. E. IST. 33ILBIE, TEACHER OF VlOLlN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlin, Germany. Rooms in the A. A Organ Co. Building. WILLIAM HOLMAN. Umder tdue leadership of Hou Wip Ham S. Holman., ohairinan of the A propriattaa ('ommittee, the econoniists iai the House have been making a desperate bui lorLoi-n hope, to keep the national expenses down. Mr. Hoï man liimsoli huw leen named the "Watclhictog Q tüe ïi-easury," as he wanted to out the appropriatüoiw clown to snmeth'.iiiï l.fce $250,0W,W)U lm th'is he has &lgmally iailed, as this oongreee bas passed the most colossial River and Harbor bill. over pvoposed in any eongress. AVilliani S. Holman was at a pioneer luimestend in Indiana, Dearbom eo'unty. September Gth, 1822. and. receiived a fcood education. He held sereral publiie offices from 1S4& to 1850 amid has been a member o Congres for 28 years. Xeedless to say that he ie a staunch deraocrat. Lioe tlveiir temper- Razors. A slimmer blazer- Yesuvius. Cheer up - SaiQors im. the yards. 'The 'BiR Fout" - Independente DajA matter of conrse- Tlie formal dimmer. i Beecham's Tills sell well becauöij they cure. TWO HARVEST EXCURSIONS. Via the Chicajro, Millwaukee & St. Paul R'y, on Tuesday, August 30th, and September 27th, 1892. Where the grasses are kissed by the wand'ring breeze. And the field are rich witb the golden gram ; Where the sehooner ploughs through the prairie seas. To its destined port on the western plain : Where homes may never be sought in vain, And hope is the"thriftiest plant that grows ; Where man may ever nis rights maintaiu, And land is as tree as the wind that blows. For further párticulars apply to the meaieat Ticket Agent, or address Harry Mercer, Michigan Passengei, Agit, s' Grtewold st., Detroit, Mich. Mr. Joseph Hemmerich An olcl soldier, carne out of the War greatly cnfeebled by Typhoid Fever, and af ter being In various hospitals the doctors discharged him as incurable with Consuiiiption. Ho has been in poor liGalth since, until he began to taks Hood's Sarsaparilla Immediately his cougli grew looser, night sweats ceased, and he regained good general health. Ho cordially recommends Hood's Sarsaparilla, especially to comrades in the G. A. It . HOOD'S PlLLS cure Habitual Constipation by restoring icristaltlc action f the alimeatur y canal.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier