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Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Posltlvely Cured by administerlng: Dr. Haines' Golden Soecific. It is manufactured as a powder, whLch can be given ia a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowlegde of the patiënt. It is absolutely harniless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alooholic wreek. It haa been giveu in thousands of casos, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregna ted with the Speciïic, it beconies an utter impossibiüty for the liquor appetite to exist, C'-ures guaranteed . 4-5 page book of particulara iree. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 18r Race st., Clncinnati. O. Utttle r;'(l aats cannot travel over wool or ras carpet. Cover the shelf in ;i elcuset or pantry wiitln flannel, set whntrviv you wLsli to keep from the amis. on ir, and tïuey wül al omce disapiicar. TIk'.v may afeo be caught ia spoiQgee toto wliït-li sugair has been spa-mkled; bhlea the sponge should be droppi'd imto hot water. Guaranteed Cure. We authorizc our advertised lrug;ist to sell Dr. Ivings' New Discovery 'or Consumption, Couglis and Colds, upon tliis condition. li you are af'licted wltb a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throt or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giviiig t a fair trial, and experience no beneit, you may return the bottle and ïave your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not fanow that Dr. King's New Discovery could ie relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Eberbaoh & Son, and Geo. T. Haussler. of Mansheser. Ijarge size 50c. and $1.00. "M. & H. WRITING TABLE1S. The Hnndsomest, Most Economical. and BEST method of putting up Writing Papers for home and office use. Get them from yonr Stationer, or send direct to the Mauufacturers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR 536 & 538 PEARL ST., SFAV YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondenee mailed for Twencu-fave Cenhs. HEADACHES fok 2c. CURED { -SOLO BY.DRUGSSl I S'ST.E Bt EBERBACH AM) SON, ASX ARBOR. Tö MACKINAC Summer Tours Palace Steamcrs. Low Ratcs. Tour Trip per Wk Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and. Lake Hurón Porta. Every Evaning Betwaen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 6uad7 Tripi dnring Juna, Jnly, August ftud Septembr Only, OUR LLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Katcs and Exourslon Tickets wlll bo furmshed by your Ticket Agent, or Addresa A. A. 6CHANTZ, Ae'T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich., THE DETROIT i CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. í SPEND YOUR VACATION O'S THE GKEAT LAKÏS. Vielt pictureeque Mackinac Island. It Will only cost you about $13 from Detroit or $18 from Cleveland for the round trip, including meals and berths. The attractionsof a trip to the Mackinac región are unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand, romantic spot; its cliraate ia most invigorating. Save your money by traveling between Detroit and Cleveland, via the D. & C. Line. Fare, $2 25. Tliis división is equipped with two new eteamera. "City of Detroit" and ''City of Cleveland," now famous as the largest and most magnificent on freah water. T.eave every night. ■irriving the following morning at dearitiation, making sukk conuection -with ail morninc trüins. Palace stcamors, four trips psr week bptwcpn Detroit. Mackinac, Petoskey, the "Soo" and Márqm I e. Send for illustrated pamuhlet. Adiiress A. k. öchantz, G. P. A Detroit & ( . land StPam Nav. Co., ppfr..;r, Mieh. araforthe Tf FARGO's Uil "Box Tip" School Shoes J -Sêe Heeled or Wed8e HeelÜ ♦S'rö'isSw 8ize9-8tolOi 81.25 f OlrirtaTii Iltol3tf 1.50 mm&LX-l?M} ito3 ï.Ts ÈSS ïto 5fi 2.00 i ;HV $2-50 Calf sh00 lr5%v for Gentlemen, I) Aft-L-.-v Cnequaled by any hoe wfeji - f CS-jjg An America ac. the snma iíítóflUlUytfrprice. InCongrcMtBut'■"i-p Ki rtitf on n1! Iace. Mcn'sauif Cl FARGO'S m ($2.50 UDIES' BOOT O?„ V Dongola or Gsat, Button, : fiVvo Opera, or Common Senses19Sltl& Tackless and flexible. WEB íL%s f"1 '-'einLuJlesaudMUs.-í l. H. PAE.ÖO & CO., Chicago, TJ. DOTY & FEtNER, AGENTS, - AUN ARB0R HiiW's Water Back ' A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becorning dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced ta dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Ptumber nvd SUamfitttrs, ANN ARBOR, . . MICH B, ltri" of Belleville, Kan.: l W? JH CO t "When I bepan Tour xCCV v ■ treatment 3mns. npo 1 nasso f ATI eihaasied by aümetits that I could notl Befors. After. Lot, floanvwork. The coompaaving %. Weight !45 !bi 195 lb! 50 1b. nres show theresuit of 3morths' ireat-lust..... 4S in. 37 In. 11 In. ment. I now feel like anew fcpfne. IlbtWaist... 40 ín. ?9 ir.. 11 fa Bd painsare allgone. My friends sreJHtes.... 57 In. 4S in. 9 ín. BürprifeJ. Will cheerfnlly reply to r.c-jifies wlth Btaa-.p ncloied." PATIENTSTSEATED BY KAIL CONFIDENTIAl. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SEL1 BELOW PLLS. T A TYTTTRÍ TRY dr.leducs "peParis. France. Established in Europe 1S39 Canada in 187S. For Suppresaions, tica. íuiu -uuuimy ijorangemeuts. A reliable mbntbly medicine. ïhey ahvays relieve. Auv druggist, $2. Americnn Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer. Iowa. Roben Sjephensou & Co , Wholesale ageuts, aud all other druggists in Aun Arbor. These pills are warrauted to brmg oa the " change." CET THE BEST FIRE IHSURAHCI $29,000,000 Security held for the protection of the polioy holders. Christian Mack. Representa the following fiist-elass coinpauiea, of whlch one, the JEtua. has alone pald SG5.000, 000 lire losses in sixty-ihc years : jEtua, of Hartford .9,192,S44 Fianklin of Pliiladelphia .. s.lls.713 Germnnin, N. Y 2.700.729 Germán, American, N. Y 4,0('.5.96 London Assurance. London ... . l.tit'..7S8 Michigan F. & M„ Detroit N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2596,676 National, Hartford 1.774.5OS Phrenix. Brooklyn : Losses UberaJly adjas.ted nnd promptly paid. Poücies issued at the lowést ratus of premitmi. 1191 tf gljT MUscd hi OpportnnSty! lïOX'T Mím ■ ■ "Voiirs, lEeaücr. Tbemnjovity ueglect their I ____ __, _.___., _,_ _ „ - _ v v _ un ■ - ■ vi j ■ j ' j ■ v ■ ■ l ob-curity! Ilarrowing tlespair is the lm of matiy, as the,T louk bactcon lost, foreverlost, opportiiuüy. Imitéis pass luir; Reach out. Be np and doiug. Improveyotir oppoituii! ty. nnd secure piosperily, prominetice peace. It was said by a philo s oplu-r, tlmt "the üoddess of Fortuna offers h golden opportnnity to eiich porson nt lome poriod of life ; embrace thoclmnce, ud sheponr.i mitherrichea; failtodu so and rtlie depnrts, nerer to return." How shall yoa fiml the goldbn opportonifcrf Invost';at every chance tbat uppears wotUiy. nudof fair proiniso; tlmt i what all snecesful mando. Hereis an opportunii.v. Ktirbai isnotoften within thc rc:it'!i it tiibnringpeople. Iniprovetl, it will givs, nt lenst, a. grmnii stnrt i life, Tbe QOLlti ; itpportimitj for nmny is hero. .3iity to be made niplilly and bonorably by Hiiy intiusiiiou! perron of either f(x. .'. il Yoa cau do the workand live Ht home, wlierover i ■■i ;ire. Even bgioners are en-Uv wriilng frm $$i ih,h ?Oper day. Yoa can do as well if yon v-'ll vork. nut tno Imn!, but iodnitrionsly ; and yon c;m IncreMe ymir fiiromous yo'1 goon. Yoa candiré pure timo on Ir, nnUI yotir lin.c "th work. Easy to learn. CapitHl nut tfr:'i::ed. .Ve stiir: . ■ AU is comparatirely new nnd rw.Íly witmlcri il .') s instruct nr:d ehow yon how. fVtc. Kitllui-e ni ki i wu i img onr workers. No roont tu espljihi tioro U'iitu mí lauro all freo bywtornmsll Ünw ■■ I ■; ■ ■ Iivm atonce. II. ItalUt' d(- , Itox :, Fi-Unnd, Mulne.


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